Women Can Do It Program Montenegrin Women’s Lobby Women action Women Forum Montenegro
Current Situation in Montenegro Montenegro Parliament has 11,11% women MPs, and 6,25 % in Government. Two institutional Gender mechanisms: 1.Governmental Office for Gender Equality (more important activities and well cooperation with WNGOs) 2.Parliamentary Body for Gender Equality (without any activities, until now). Three of political parties have a women Forum (Social Democratic Party, People` s Party& Group for a change)
Violation of women’s human rights* Work on new Constitution of Montenegro- The Constitution creators have made it without defining women in it. Many women NGO’s have made and created initiative to get resignation from the head of Parliamentary board for gender equality, after she had made some improper comments about work of women’s NGO’s in Montenegro. Writing of the Shadow report for CEDAW *The author will give more detailed explanations
WCDI program in Montenegro 3 Partner’s group: 1.Montenegrin Women’s lobby ( Young women in politics) 2.Women’s Action ( Journalists Can Do It) 3.Women Forum Montenegro ( Politicians ) Direct beneficiers in Montenegro 345 women Direct activities: 16 seminars
Young Women Can Do It MWL Activities and results: -Advanced seminar in Budva with trainer exchange from the region – Bosnia, Macedonia and Serbia. -Six one-day seminars in six towns –Budva, Podgorica, Mojkovac, Bijelo Polje, Ulcinj and Podgorica -116 direct beneficiaries, about indirect and average mark of seminars was 4,88 -Local action in five towns under slogan “Women in Constitution – count on us!” -Distribution and sharing propaganda materials to political parties, universities… -Radio shows in towns where seminars have taken place. -Evaluation – common with Women’s forum.
Women action Capacity Building of Women Journalists Network Activities and results: 1.Preparation and printing of project related material - in October and November 2006 and T4T- in October 21 st and 22 nd, 2006,Tivat, hotel Palma 2.Implementation of 4 network seminars – in the period of 16 th December 2006 – 18 th February Implementation of Project Action: advertise of Women Journalists Network in daily newspaper ‘’Vijesti’’, March 17 th Realization of Evaluation Conference ‘’Lessons learnt’’, Podgorica, PR Centre, March 17 th 2007 Strengthened capacity of Women Journalists Network as well as personal and professional capacities of women journalists Strengthened women journalists skills with focus to empowering of level of gender sensibility in their whole work Empowerment of women media network and making visible of their work Increased number of media which use gender correct language continually and properly
Politicians can do it Women Forum Montenegro Activities: Preparation meetings with trainers and political parties, preparation of leaflets. Organizing six WCDI workshops, meetings with nine parliamentary political parties/coalitions, organizing and supervising actions of four political parties, evaluation and reporting to NPA. In total – 117 participants, average mark of the seminar – 4,95 Actions: Round table “Law on gender equality” organized by Liberal party, support organizing Women’s organization in Group for a change and signing of Declaration of gender equality by the president of the Group. Socialist people party, People’s party and Democrat Serbian party have organized round table on Law University ”Gender equality and European integrations”.