MY TEACHING PHILOSOPHY All students have the right feel safe and happy in my classroom and at school! *Weekly Class Meetings *No Bullying Allowed! My goal is to provide every child with the tools necessary to succeed in our society. I strongly believe that as parents you are the child’s first teacher. Working as a team, we can create an environment that will promote a positive learning experience for all children.
TEAM TEACHING Mr. Rogers and I are sharing responsibility of teaching your children. We will be in constant communication with each other. Planning, grading, and report cards will be a collaborative effort. Teaming allows us to become experts in certain areas as we integrate the new common core standards. It will also help ease the transition to middle school.
GETTING TO KNOW THE NEW MATH CURRICULUM Engage New York/Eureka Math has been adopted by many districts in our county OJUSD resource to support families with any homework assigned in math Click above
MAIN AREAS OF FOCUS FOR 5 TH GRADE MATHEMATICS- ENGAGE NEW YORK 1) Developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals; developing understanding of the multiplication and division of fractions and decimals. 2) Being able to explain and prove answers and discuss alternative strategies for solving problems.
PARENT MATH NIGHT ONE NIGHT ONLY! ALL GRADES! September 17th Cloverland Elementary 6-8 pm Parents only
K-6 OJUSD REPORT CARD 1 st -5 th Report Card Letter Grades (A,B,C,D,F) will be assigned to all courses in the new report card system EXCEPT… PE, Homework and Listening & Speaking – which will receive marks of S, N, or O Citizenship Grade in each “Course” Absences & Tardies will show at the top of that column Work Habits Comments are limited to menu of options
GRADING Trimester Schedule Progress Reports sent out mid trimester Any assignment can be redone except for tests, but must be turned in one week prior to report cards. A – % B – 80-89% C – 70-79% D – % F – < 60% F papers will be stamped and sent home for a signature
SCHOOL WIDE PROGRAMS Accelerated Reader- All students are encouraged to participate in this reading program. AR quizzes should be taken each time your child completes a book. Progress towards goals will be included in ELA grade. MTSS Reading Lab- students identified early in the year will be attending this program for 45min, M-F. This is a pilot year for the program, which hopes to get kids back on track and working at grade level. Character Education- students will attend monthly assemblies provided by Mrs. Pinol.
“HOMEWORK” POLICY There will be daily homework assignments. Please check them for completion and accuracy. Daily assignments should be written down in their planners (please sign daily) Assignments should take 60 minutes to complete. If your child is working beyond this, simply write me a note and initial the assignment. Unfinished classwork may also be sent home if needed, and is not included in the 60 min. HOMEWORK HELP! Every 7:30 in room 26!
COMMUNICATION I have an “open communication” policy. Please understand that other responsibilities before and after school make it difficult to meet with parents on a “drop in” basis. or call with questions/ concerns you may have or to set up an appointment. I have voic ! Planners are a great way to communicate! Graded work sent home on a weekly basis.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT- OUR CLASSROOM ECONOMY Through My Classroom Economy, students learn valuable life skills in an experiential way. Specifically, they are able to: Take part in a simulation of real-world economic activity. Learn the value of earning a paycheck, as they bank salaries from their jobs. Learn how to budget their spending, balance checking accounts, and make scheduled payments. Discover the importance of saving money to obtain what they want. Find out that every decision has an opportunity cost.
CHROME BOOKS FOR EVERYONE! Every child in our class has a chrome book assigned to them They are responsible for using them correctly and treating them with care. Fewer papers will be coming home as we do assignments on Google Classroom!
DAILY SCHEDULE 8:00 – Class Meeting/Classroom Economy/ Announcements 8:30 - Period 1 (Math) Computers-Tue Library-Wed 9:45 - Recess 10:05 - Language Arts (Music-TH) 11: 00 - History 12:00 - Lunch 12:45 - Period 2 (Science) 2:00 - Homework/AR read/Pack up 2:16 - Dismissal
PTA – UPCOMING EVENTS Jog A Thon - 10/5 We need 2 punchers Picture Day – 8/19 (order yearbooks! - $25) Send in Box Tops- 10 cents each! March/April – Field Trip – Support PTA!! Other fundraisers: – Book Fairs – - Family Fun Night – – Art Corps – Volunteers needed sign up on the back table
VOLUNTEERS/ HELP We are still in need of auction prizes and tissue! Visit the school website and my website for important info and links Sign up to be a room parent, or become an Art Corps volunteer Listen to your child, but remember, they are in 5th grade! Make school a priority at home- your children should believe that you are always working with the teacher to do what is best for them! Come in, ask questions, and be part of our learning team! THANK YOU!