EngageNY.org Bringing the Common Core to Life Grade 5, Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1 SIMULATION
Learning Targets Tools in understanding your own learning Help you know what you are expected to learn and do during a lesson Part of every lesson, used at the beginning and at the end so you can share how you did moving toward the learning target “I can…” statements that you are striving to be able to do in any given lesson or series of lessons
Learning Targets I can follow our class norms when I participate in a conversation. I can determine words I know and words I don’t know. I can define human rights I can summarize Article 1 of the UDHR.
Work in Groups of 4 Group 2 Name Group 1 Name Group 6 Name Group 3 Name Group 4 Name Group 5 Name
Human Rights Talk in your group Write the words “Human” and “Rights” on the top of your chart paper Define in words or pictures
I can follow our class norms when I participate in a discussion. Learning Target 1 Rate your Group
Articles in the UDHR are claims about things that the authors of this document believe should be true for all human beings. Turn and Talk
Notes Catcher What do you notice?
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
dignity = the state of being valued and worthy of respect endowed = given conscience = an inner sense of right and wrong
Close Readers Do These Things 1.Read the text slowly at least twice. 2.Circle words you aren’t sure of and try to figure them out. 1.Reread, annotate, and underline key vocabulary. 1.Talk to each other about what you think it means. 1.Read to summarize or answer specific questions.
Thinking about Human Rights We learned about one thing that the authors of the UDHR claim should be true for all people, a ‘right.’ Why do you think they needed to write a document like this? Why should we pay attention to human rights? Write your ideas on your chart
I can follow our class norms when I participate in a discussion. I can determine words I know and words I don’t know. I can summarize Article 1 of the UDHR. Learning Target 1
Exit Ticket On a Sticky Note complete the sentence frame: The authors of the UDHR claim that all people are …
Homework Independent Reading (from list of Recommended Texts or other topic-related texts from classroom, school or local library) 19