Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program
The holiday provides the opportunity for the carer and person with dementia to be together as their original relationship dictated, rather than being together in their changed roles of “carer and care recipient”
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program To provide the opportunity for carers to witness first hand different models of care based on the dementia knowledge and skills that trained staff can bring to the situation
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program To provide opportunities for formal education that is provided in a nurturing and therapeutic setting. By reducing all participant’s stress levels and feelings of anxiety, information is more readily received and accepted.
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program An opportunity to develop strategies and behaviour management ideas based around individual situations and challenges
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program An opportunity to discuss various respite options available within the participant’s local community and the ability to refer people to these organisations on completion of the holidays
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program An opportunity for carers and people with dementia to form supportive networks that can be maintained on completion of the holiday.
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program Living with Memory Loss Program An opportunity for carers and people with dementia to bond and build high levels of trust. Continuity of the program and close proximity with other participants assists with the bonding and trust building, especially for those people experiencing memory loss.
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program Early Onset Dementia The holiday is a non-threatening environment to involve the children of people with early onset dementia Provides an opportunity for exploring feelings and the changes being experienced in family relationships Opportunity for education and the development of support networks
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s Able to adapt and meet cultural needs Non-threatening environment Opportunity to build trust Continuity of service
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc Care 4 U Holiday Program Why does the holiday work? It is a captive audience It is educational – builds extra skills and resources Relaxing Fun! Laughter is the best medicine.