Date: in 12 pts ALIGNMENT PACKAGE 21 November 2011 Commission adoption of an overarching Communication and NINE harmonisation directives to be aligned.


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Presentation transcript:

Date: in 12 pts ALIGNMENT PACKAGE 21 November 2011 Commission adoption of an overarching Communication and NINE harmonisation directives to be aligned to Decision 768/2008 of the July 2008 as follow up to the goods package Jacques McMillan

Date: in 12 pts 4 Objectives of goods package 2008: High level of protection High level of protection Consequent free movement of goods Consequent free movement of goods Simplification, coherence & clarity of legislation Simplification, coherence & clarity of legislation Complete legislative framework with market surveillance and accreditation. Complete legislative framework with market surveillance and accreditation.

Date: in 12 pts The New Legislative Framework: Regulation 765 on accreditation & market surveillance Regulation 765 on accreditation & market surveillance Decision 768 on common technical requirements: definitions, obligations for economic operators, notification, conformity assessment processes, & market surveillance. Decision 768 on common technical requirements: definitions, obligations for economic operators, notification, conformity assessment processes, & market surveillance.

Date: in 12 pts Implementation of the NLF Regulation 765: directly applicable behind existing & future legislation. Regulation 765: directly applicable behind existing & future legislation. Decision 768: sui generis: its provisions require integration into sectoral legislation Decision 768: sui generis: its provisions require integration into sectoral legislation Alignment of sectoral legislation Alignment of sectoral legislation

Date: in 12 pts Advantages of alignment: Regulatory coherence Regulatory coherence Reduction of unnecessary burdens Reduction of unnecessary burdens Simplification & clarity Simplification & clarity Reinforced effectiveness & enforcement. Reinforced effectiveness & enforcement. How to align?: Case by case or package

Date: in 12 pts Why the package?: Build on the momentum of the goods package Build on the momentum of the goods package Quick, wide application of NLF across many sectors Quick, wide application of NLF across many sectors Reinforce delivery of market surveillance & level playing field Reinforce delivery of market surveillance & level playing field

Date: in 12 pts Preparation of the package: Selection of sectors Selection of sectors Selection of horizontal provisions Selection of horizontal provisions Integration of 768 texts with sectoral language Integration of 768 texts with sectoral language Texts replaced one to one Texts replaced one to one

Date: in 12 pts The package: LVD, EMC & ATEX LVD, EMC & ATEX MID & NAWI MID & NAWI Pyrotechnics & civil explosives Pyrotechnics & civil explosives SPD & lifts SPD & lifts Not in the package: pressure equipment

Date: in 12 pts Preparation of the Package: Impact assessment process Impact assessment process Recast technique imposed by Lisbon Treaty Recast technique imposed by Lisbon Treaty Translations revised in the process Translations revised in the process Standardization articles to COM new proposal. Standardization articles to COM new proposal.

Date: in 12 pts Comitology issues: ATEX & Lifts loose Committees. ATEX & Lifts loose Committees. Pyrotechnics, Civil explosives & Measuring Instruments keep them, but… Pyrotechnics, Civil explosives & Measuring Instruments keep them, but… LVD, EMC, NAWI & SPD dont have. LVD, EMC, NAWI & SPD dont have. Delegated/implementation powers for Commission under Civil explosives, Pyros, MID & Lifts. Delegated/implementation powers for Commission under Civil explosives, Pyros, MID & Lifts.

Date: in 12 pts Negotiation process: In Council: single WG In Council: single WG Horizontal theme by theme Horizontal theme by theme Keep off sectoral temptations Keep off sectoral temptations Take them last should they arise Take them last should they arise Take modules separately Take modules separately Work off the EN version Work off the EN version