A Step-by-Step Process to Robust Planning Annual Program Review
Who and When Question 1. Department: Add Department name (i.e. Institutional Effectiveness) Question 2. Reporting Year: (i.e ) Question 3. Names of the individuals participating in the review: (i.e. Aeron Zentner, Director of IE)
Progress Report Question 4. Progress Report: Review previous IPR or NIPR and/or annual update. Describe progress made on any recommendations and any changes made within the program. From the previous IPR/NIPR there were a list of recommendations created. Provide a status update. Has it been completed (when and what was the outcome?) Is it in progress (where is it?), Not started (why?) Terminated (why?)
Outcomes Question 5. Outcome Assessment (SLOs/PSLOs/AUOs): Specify any emerging needs based on assessment of outcomes (SLO, PSLO or AUO). Specify any planning or budget changes (ie. human, facilities, equipment, technology, financial, professional development) based on assessment of outcomes assessment. Include any examples of changes that resulted in improved SLO, PSLO and/or AUO findings. Please list your findings from the previous year in a written summary for instance talk about the percentage of courses that met the SLO, PSLO or AUO targets and emphasize the ones that didn’t not meet. Provide a summary on a plan of action for met and not met. (Evidence based decision making)
Curriculum Question 6. Curriculum: Review curriculum status of previous IPR. Indicate any curricular changes made within the instructional program since the last review. (If your department completed an NIPR, please list this section as “Not Applicable.”) Please specify changes in a bullet points.
What do you need? Question 7. Program Emerging Needs Assessment: Describe needs that have developed since the previous review. Consider emerging needs in staffing, equipment, training, facilities, or funding, Include data sources in the previous item that support emerging program needs. Identify budgetary items supported by data, reports, studies, trends, surveys and recommendations (e.g. Accreditation, Strategic Plans, Program Reviews). (Evidence based decision making)
Reprioritize Question 8. Progress and Reprioritization of Recommendations: Review the prioritized recommendations in the previous program review. Record outcomes of items in the planning agendas for each section. Specify any changes in priority as well as any additions or deletions. Provide updated planning agenda forms for each planning committee. A spreadsheet will be provided with the Annual Update Packet
More 411 Question 9. Additional Information: Describe or note additional information pertinent to the program, particularly information which supports new needs or growth or that documents program successes. Provide any additional information that would highlight on accomplishments, opportunities for growth and advancement with the department.