Carrie E. Markovitz, PhD Program Evaluation: Challenges and Recommendations July 23, 2015
Produce evidence that program is meeting intended outcomes Support and inform programmatic decisions: Program design and implementation Program investments Program improvement Implementing change Required by program’s funders to inform future funding opportunities Footer Information Here 2 Why is Evaluation Important?
Footer Information Here 3 Common Challenges in Program Evaluation Knowing where to begin Lack of evaluation capacity within programs Lack of knowledge among staff Lack of resources (staff support, staff time, and/or funding) Lack of infrastructure (data collection systems, tools/instruments, surveys/assessments, etc.) Managing an evaluation and/or external evaluator
Successful Approaches to Evaluation Define the program Ensure a consistent understanding of program Only evaluate program components that are ready for evaluation Define the evaluation’s purpose and scope Develop a culture of evaluation within your organization Prepare staff to participate in an evaluation Develop adequate data collection systems Communicate findings back to program staff, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders Use your evaluation results (When appropriate) Hire an external evaluator
Footer Information Here 5 One Action Step for AmeriCorps Grantees Don’t be afraid to start small Try to do something each year and build on your successes –Develop a logic model of your program –Survey of your members and/or service recipients –Invest in data systems for regular collection of information for performance measurement –Develop a relationship with an evaluator and/or university research department Evaluation is not a “one and done” type of activity Make evaluation a part of your organizational thinking –“We want to invest in this new approach/ How will we know if it’s working?”
Make evaluation part of your regular program activities Develop a long-term research agenda: –A series of intentional or planned program evaluations and/or research activities –Similar to a strategic plan, a research agenda spans over several years Set aside funds each year to continue to build evaluation capacity Use evaluation findings to improve program practices Look for supplemental funding options for evaluation Federal grants/ Foundation funding University support (financial and in-kind) Footer Information Here 6 Recommendations for Building Evaluation Capacity
For further information contact… Carrie Markovitz, Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist NORC at the University of Chicago (301)
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