Open Days Brussels 12 October 2011 Markku Markkula Chairman of the EPP/CoR Task Force "Europe 2020" OR DO WE HAVE ANOTHER OPTION? IS THIS OUR EUROPEAN FUTURE? Strengthening the Territorial Approach to Meet the Europe 2020 Goals
EU Needs Radical Transformation: Mindset & Pioneers & Scalability There is a huge gap between the latest research knowledge and real life practice. What do we need to do to fill it? 1.Europe needs pioneering regions to be forerunners in implmenting the EU2020 and through that to invent the desired future. 2.Lifelong learning and the full use of ICT are cornerstones for this change of mindset towards entrepreneurship and innovation. 3.We need the dynamic understanding of regional innovation ecosystems where public, private and third sector learn to operate together. Modernize Triple Helix. 4.We need methodologies to mobilize public private partnerships and encourage especially people participations: user-driven open innovation & living labs. 5.We need to speed up the change by scalability & implementation. Markku Markkula CoR & Aalto University
Europe 2020 Key building block of the new framework for the coordination of economic and social policies in Europe. It sets the STRATEGIC goals for Europe, to be achieved at European, national, regional and local level National level The actions : National Reform Programme (NRP) Key financial means : National budgets, which have to respect the new economic governance framework (i.e. Euro+ Pact, Stability and Growth Pact) European level The actions: Europe 2020 flagship initiatives Key financial means: Multiannual Financial Framework Annual EU budget Representation of the main interrelations between the different parts of the framework for the implementation of the EU and national budget after 2013 Regional and local authorities EU level: With EU funding, contribute achieving Europe 2020 goals: Proposed instruments: Common Strategic Framework, Partnership Contracts (EC) and Territorial Pacts (CoR) National level : With transfers from national budgets, contribute to the realisation of the structural reforms of the NRP
How do we operate with the European R&D policy funding? The original picture is based on A territorial perspective on the interrelation between the Europe 2020 strategy, the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2013 and new EU economic governance: this is a Committee of the Regions study by European Policy Centre (to be published in 2011)
Focus has been here Regions should integrate the EU funding in their own strategic focus! The original picture is based on A territorial perspective on the interrelation between the Europe 2020 strategy, the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2013 and new EU economic governance: this is a Committee of the Regions study by European Policy Centre (to be published in 2011) Focus should be on multi-financing concepts and scaling up. The role of EU funding should be to increase pioneering initiatives and European wide implementation through collaboration.
Committee of the Regions: Focus on Territorial Approach Based on the Committee of the Regions CoR opinion on The role of local and regional authorities in achieving the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy the future developments of universities should take the following guidelines into account (I have chosen 7 key conclusions from the 12 page opinion). 1.CoR acknowledges the huge gap between the latest research knowledge and real-life practice. Strong regional measures are needed to turn research results into innovation that is locally tailored and can be applied throughout Europe; 2.CoR calls for increased performance capabilities of regions and cities to use the 7th Framework Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and other similar initiatives. The focus should be in particular on making full use of digitalisation and new key enabling technologies to modernise regional innovation policy ; Markku Markkula CoR & Aalto University
Committee of the Regions: Focus on Territorial Approach 3.CoR recalls the cohesion policy measures to be used to build regional innovation systems and territorial cooperation instruments, the provision of risk capital and measures to accelerate the introduction of innovative products and encourage networking among stakeholders in business, academia and administration; 4.CoR stresses that the true challenge for the European Union, Member States and regions is to create the requisite synergies between different public and private sector funding instruments to allow the Europe 2020 strategy to be implemented, and urges stronger coordination between national, regional and local public budgets to enable regions and cities to make better use of the Structural Funds and other European Union programmes; Markku Markkula CoR & Aalto University
Committee of the Regions: Focus on Territorial Approach 5.CoR stresses the importance of building regional innovation capacity on the basis of smart specialisation and complementarities in neighbouring regions ; 6.CoR calls for pioneering regions to form European consortiums integrating different capabilities to create ground-breaking societal innovations for Europe-wide use. Through its various actors, each region can become a pioneer focusing on its own needs and strengths; 7.CoR believes that enterprises need to open up new mindsets and draw widely on the collective resources available within their region and that they are therefore reliant on social capital for their success. On the other hand, the CoR encourages the regions to move towards open innovation, within a human-centred vision of partnerships between public and private sector actors, with universities and other knowledge institutions playing a crucial role, i.e. to modernise the Triple Helix concept ; Markku Markkula CoR & Aalto University
Need for Societal Innovations: We Cannot Reach the Target by Incremental Small Steps We need to create Joint Regional Innovation Ecosystem Inventing the future: Working and learning together Fruits of global pioneering to the use of all Today: Separate projects and silos Gardening to enable uniqueness The picture is based on the results of the Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation 2011: Markku Markkula
According to the plans, by 2020, there will be new investments of 4-5 billion : metro, tunnel construction of ring road, other infra, housing, office and business buildings, public services, university buildings, sports and cultural facilities… Nokia Aalto University Rovio Tapiola Garden City EIT ICT Lab An Example: Innovation Ecosystem in Practice
Example: RYM-SHOK Energizing Society Regional Innovation Ecosystem RIE work package structure Managing climate change impacts Orchestration of RIE activities Access to global resources; exceptionally large collaboration; forerunner of Knowledge Triangle applications; integrating theory and practice Demonstrating societal innovations Knowledge Triangle development and implementation using real cases Social media platform and tools Scalable learning for regional acceleration Impact: Increasing national and international level competitiveness RIE/T3 Pioneering Innovation Ecosystem within EU2020 Strategy Icebreaking, path finding and prototyping; creating global value networks Physical and social interaction – sustainable everyday life 8. Processes for defining Espoo Attractiveness – new and growing foreign companies in T3 area 3. Pioneering EU2020 Strategy through innovation hub evaluation, benchmarking and global networking 4. Ecosystem approach to regional information modeling – integrating research and innovation of urban planning 6. Smart City model – Otaniemi campus & Aalto City as leading innovation platform 10. Societal innovations & monitoring regional development 7. BA and Flow – mindset, spaces, events, camps, demonstrations 1. Main research theme: T3 as an innovation ecosystem and test-bed Research projects All-permeating topics 5. New concept and instruments for visualized virtual reality 9. Ecosystem Leadership – applying Knowledge Triangle and modernizing Triple Helix Markkula & Miikki 2011
Aalto University hosting Energizing Society Hub (starting ): Pioneering the Regional Innovation Platform T Partnerships with different roles Prototyping innovations Social media Mobile work Demonstrations Impact assesment Flow of events Concepts Integration with EU2020 Knowledge Triangle Triple Helix Local Digital Agenda Knowledge Management Toolbox for Virtual Collaboration Joint working space (physical & mental & virtual) Markkula, Miikki & Pirttivaara 2011 Orchestration & collaborative working culture