Section 5 (Day 1) Dangerous Driving Behaviors
You have 10 minutes Section 5 (Day 1) Bell Ringer You are at a party and you noticed your designated driver had one alcoholic drink, how would you handle the situation? How about 2 or more drinks?
Take Responsibility Say “No” to drinking and driving. Drinking and driving at any age is Illegal Mixing alcohol and driving is the leading cause of older teenage drivers’ crashes. Write this slide
What does B.A.C stand for? Blood alcohol concentration: the percentage of alcohol related to the total amount of blood in the body. –For example: 1 drop of alcohol per 999 drops of blood equals.10 BAC per every 1,000 drops of fluid. Write this slide
Blood Alcohol Concentration FactorsLiquor Beer Weight (blood volume)Weight (blood volume) Time Spent DrinkingTime Spent Drinking GenderGender FoodFood Alcohol Content and Size of DrinkAlcohol Content and Size of Drink Wine Factors affecting BAC Don’t Write this slide
Weight Heavier people have more blood and other body fluids to dilute alcohol consumed lbs 110 lbs Time Spent Drinking 90% of the alcohol detoxified is oxidized (burned up) by the liver 10% is eliminated in breath, urine, and sweat On average, a person’s BAC is oxidized at a rate of per hour Blood Alcohol Concentration Factors Write this slide
Gender men have a higher percentage of body fluids which dilutes the alcohol. Women process alcohol at a slower rate than men. This is because they usually weigh less and men have a higher percentage of body fluids which dilutes the alcohol. Food The amount of food in your stomach does very little to reduce the effect alcohol has on the brain and liver. However, food does coat the lining of the stomach and slows absorption into the blood stream. Blood Alcohol Concentration Factors Write this slide
Proof of Alcohol Proof means twice the actual alcohol content –80 proof is 40% alcohol –90 proof is 45% alcohol –Etc etc Liquor Wine Beer Write this slide
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Drinking and Driving- Page 30 Liquor Wine Beer Driving under the influence (DUI) Legally, you are DUI if your BAC is.08 % or higher May face same penalties as DUI if using any other drug
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Admin. License Suspension (ALS) Page 30 Liquor Wine Beer If a driver refuses to submit to the breath test, the person’s license or the privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended immediately for 7 days if BAC is >.08% Second refusal is automatic suspension of 60 days.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Open Container- Page 30 Liquor Wine Beer You may charged with drinking while operating a motor vehicle if: you are stopped by law enforcement and you have an open container of alcohol in the passenger area, Contents of the drink have been removed, and You have signs that have been drinking.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Zero Tolerance- Liquor Wine Beer If you are under age 21 you cannot purchase, posses or consume alcohol. If you have a BAC of at least.02%, but less than.08%, you can be fined up to $500, have your license suspended for 6 months and face jail time.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Transporting Children while Under the influence- Pages Liquor Wine Beer Conviction of any DUI offense involving a juvenile passenger(<18) carries an additional mandatory 5 day jail term. You may also be given an additional fine of $ up to $1, A second DUI offense with a minor carries and additional 80 hour community service requirement in addition to all other fines and jail sentences.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Vehicle Impoundment- Page 31 Liquor Wine Beer Your vehicle will be impounded immediately for 30 days if you are caught driving after your license has been suspended foe an alcohol related offense. Your vehicle can be impounded for an additional 90 days if convicted.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Restitution- Page Liquor Wine Beer You may be liable (for up to $1,000.00) for the cost of law enforcement, emergency medical service, fire fighting and rescue personnel who respond to a crash or incident resulting from your DUI violation
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Penalties for persons under 21 possessing and consuming alcohol- Page Liquor Wine Beer If you are under 21 years old and you purchase, possess and or consume alcohol, you face fines ranging from $ $2, If you are 18 or older, you may face mandatory suspension of your license for at least 6 months.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Penalties for possessing alcoholic beverages at Public School- Page 31 Liquor Wine Beer Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages on public school grounds can result in a fine up to $1, and up to six months in Jail regardless of your age.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Penalties for providing alcoholic beverages- Page Liquor Wine Beer If you sell or provide alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 21 you are subject to a fine up to $2,500.00, 12 months in Jail and mandatory suspension of license for up to a year.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Misrepresentation of Age- Page Liquor Wine Beer If you are under 21 years old and use or attempt to use an altered, fictitious or simulated document or ID in attempt to buy or consume alcohol, you will: Be fined at least $ Perform 50 hours community service Face up to 12 months of jail Face mandatory suspension of your license for at least six months, but no more than one year.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual If the Police Stop you- Page 31 Liquor Wine Beer If the police stop you and suspect that you have been drinking or using drugs, they will ask you to take a breath test. The test analyzes the amount of alcohol in your body. Under the implied consent law, if you operate a motor vehicle on Virginia’s roads, you agree to take a chemical test upon request.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Alcohol and You- Page 31 Liquor Wine Beer Researchers estimate that between the hours of 10pm and 2am, three out of every 10 drivers is intoxicated. Nearly 1/3 of these drivers have been drinking at someone else’s house. In your lifetime, there is a chance that you will be in an alcohol related crash.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Just One- Page 31 Liquor Wine Beer Just one alcoholic drink can affect your driving ability particularly vision, judgment, and coordination.
BAC Levels Affect the Brain Impairs Judgment Gives a False Sense of Confidence Slows Reaction Time Reduces Coordination and Balance Affects All Driving Skills Slurred Speech Blurred Vision Impaired Judgment, Memory and Self-Control
BAC Levels Affect the Brain Physical Abilities Become Severely Impaired Mental Confusion Unconsciousness, Blackouts are Common.35 - higher Little or No Reflexes Breathing May Stop DEATH
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Because alcohol affects your judgment and driving ability- Page 32 Liquor Wine Beer Because alcohol affects your Judgment and driving ability, your chances are seven times higher if your drive after drinking than if you dive sober.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual A 12 ounce glass- Page 32 Liquor Wine Beer A 12 ounce glass of beer, a five ounce glass of wine and a shot of liquor have similar amounts of alcohol. Fact A “DRINK” is ½ an ounce of alcohol. Write this
Drink Equivalents %OuncesDrinkAlcohol Beer.50 oz Beer.48 oz. 10 5Wine.50 oz Wine.49 oz Liquor*.50 oz Liquor.50 oz Liquor.50 oz. Drinks come in different sizes and they come with different alcohol contents Don’t Write this slide
How Much Alcohol Do They Contain? BeverageAlcohol % Beer3 – 11 % Wine8 – 25 % Liquor % Pure Grain Alcohol95 – 100 % Don’t Write this slide
How Much Light Beer? Based on light beer with 4.2% alcohol by volume consumed in 1 hour. NOTE: The alcohol content of light beer varies from 3.3 to 4.4 %. WeightOz. Light BACOz. Light BAC Oz. Light BAC Beer Beer Beer oz. 20 oz. 18 oz. 16 oz. 14 oz. 11 oz oz. 33 oz. 30 oz. 27 oz. 22 oz. 20 oz oz. 46 oz. 41 oz. 37 oz. 32 oz. 28 oz. MALE oz. 16 oz. 14 oz. 12 oz. 10 oz. 7 oz. 30 oz. 27 oz. 22 oz. 20 oz. 18 oz. 16 oz. 41 oz. 37 oz. 32 oz. 28 oz. 26 oz. 21 oz. FEMALEFEMALE Don’t Write this slide
Elimination RateMyth The average person can tolerate one drink per hour without substantial impairment. Facts Sobriety returns ONLY with time.Sobriety returns ONLY with time. Alcohol is eliminated at approximately.015 BAC per hour.Alcohol is eliminated at approximately.015 BAC per hour. Titanic Principle If you take in more than your system can pump out, sooner or later you’ll sink! Don’t Write this slide
Elimination RateExample Based on 1 drink per hour for 6 hours 150 lb male BAC in (6 hr. x.03) =.18 BAC out (6 hr. x.015) =.09 BAC after 6 hr. ( ) =.09 BAC remaining 150 lb female BAC in (6 hr. x.033) =.198 BAC out (6 hr. x.015) =.09 BAC after 6 hr. ( ) =.108 BAC remaining Don’t Write this slide
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Only time- Page 32 Liquor Wine Beer Only Time can decrease intoxication. Coffee, cold showers or exercise will not have a sobering effect.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Alcohol related crashes are not accidents. They can be prevented- Page 32 Liquor Wine Beer Before going out, decide before you start drinking that you are not going to drive. It is harder to make decisions after one or two drinks.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Drive to social events in groups- Page 32 Liquor Wine Beer Drive to social events in groups in two or more and have the driver agree not to drink.
See Virginia Driver’s Manual Alcohol and Drugs- Page 32 Combining alcohol and other drugs usually multiplies the effects of both and can have a disastrous effect on your ability to drive One drink with a simple cold remedy could have the same effect as consuming several alcoholic beverages.
You have 15 minutes Class work (1of 5) Read pages Do Lesson 1 Review questions(1-3) on page 57. Write out the questions. Save to be turned in with your test.
Show DVD (23 Minutes)- Drinking and Driving: A Crash Course
The End!!