The Modell of Güssing an example for sustainable energy solutions.


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Presentation transcript:

The Modell of Güssing an example for sustainable energy solutions

Güssing16. Februar 2014 History 50 years boarder region to HU50 years boarder region to HU No IndustryNo Industry Less JobsLess Jobs 70% weekly commuters70% weekly commuters People left the regionsPeople left the regions Small structured agriculture landSmall structured agriculture land No traffic infrastructureNo traffic infrastructure

Güssing16. Februar 2014 Energy consumption Customer Oil/ GAS El. Power Fuels Money Customer Heat Power Fuels Money Energy Energy Ressources Ressources sun Agric.. Forest.

Güssing16. Februar 2014 sun Waste wood Saw dust ResourcesTechnologiesEnergy Gras, Maize, clover Raps oil, Used food oil Photovoltaik Solarthermie Gas Biomasse- verbrennung Biomasse- verbrennung Thermische Vergasung Fernwärme Netz Umesterung Rapskuchen Dampf Dampfturbine Gasmotor Brennstoffzelle Methanierung Fischer-Tropsch Biogas Gas Öffentliches Stromnetz El. Power Fuels Heat/ cool Wood chips Pyroforce Gasmotor Gas RME Glycerin RME Gas

Güssing16. Februar 2014 Town of Güssing Regional added Value (Town of Güssing) Money for external produced Energy (mostly fossile Energy ressources) © EEE 2005

Güssing16. Februar 2014 The town of Güssing More than 50 new companies More than new jobs Netto income 9 Mio. / Year Energy turn over : 13 Mio. / year Wood consumption of t/year The district of Güssing Added value because of 45% own energy production with renewables: 18 Mio. EURO potential for added value with 100% own production of energy 37 Mio. EURO Reginal added value

Güssing16. Februar 2014 Communal tax

Güssing16. Februar 2014 Heat Power Synth. gas Synth. fuels Methanol Hydrogen Thermic Gasifying Biologic Gasifying Strategy for the future