SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Indicator pilot project Skåne-Blekinge, Sweden Kristina Sandberg, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Indicator pilot project Skåne-Blekinge, Sweden Kristina Sandberg, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth Christian Lindell, Region Skåne Evalutation Network Meeting, 21 October 2011

SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Lessons learned Hard to use measures such as new firms or new jobs. Most of our projects aims to change structures, not to directly create new firms/jobs. Indicators cant be the only way to evaluate programs/projects, case studies and ongoing evaluation is often better tools for learning. We cant use macro statistics to evaluate our program. Active ownership/engagement from the lead partners of the project is important.

SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Macro statistics are not usable for evaluation The size of the structural funds in Skåne-Blekinge is much to small to be measured by macro statistics

SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Work with strategies and evaluation : Self evaluation and peer review of our RIS (Oct/Nov): Innovation and cluster strategy. 2011: Pilot study for a cluster evaluation model based on both register data and surveys : OECD Territorial review. The processes above need to be linked together more clearly with a logical chain from strategy and action to the indicators.

5 What do you want to change? (result) Indicators Allocation Result indicatorOutput indicators Priority 1: Innovation and renewal Venture capital fund projects Lack of a regional supply of venture capital for business development in enterprises Lack of a permanent regional structure for co- investment Name: More investors within private venture capital in the region Definition: Number of active private investors in the funds Source: Survey Baseline: Name: Developed cooperation between venture capital actors in the region Definition: Number of co- investment between venture capitalists Source: Survey Baseline: Name: Supported enterprises Definition: Number of enterprises receiving financial support (including loans, venture capital) Source: Survey Target: X enterprises Name: New enterprises Definition: Number of new enterprises supported Source: Survey Target: X enterprises Name: Total investments Definition: Total investments from the funds including private co-financing Source: Survey Target: X EUR Name: Private co-financing Definition: Share of private co-financing in the funds´ investments Source: Survey Target: X % Name: Size of investments Definition: Median size of investments (EUR) Source: Survey Target: X EUR 10 million EUR New Logical Framework

6 What do you want to change? (result) Indicators Allocation Result indicatorOutput indicators Priority 1: Innovation and renewal Clusters initiatives/ innovation platforms Low degree of commercialization of R&D and low innovation capacity in the economy which creates a need for increased Triple Helix collaboration within clusters initiatives Name: Increased commercialization capacity Definition: Increased turnover of the SMEs that are members of clusters initiatives Source: Statistics Sweden/Business statistics Baseline: X % on average in the enterprises within the cluster initiatives Name: Increased collaboration between actors in the cluster initiatives Definition: X % of the member organisations involved in the cluster initiatives states that they cooperate to a high or very high degree Source: Survey Baseline: Name: Number of members Definition: Number of members in the cluster initiatives Source: Survey Baseline : Name: Number of projects Definition: Number of cooperation projects between enterprises within the cluster initiatives and research institutions Source: Survey Target: X projects Name: Cooperation with enterprises Definition: X % of the member organisations in the cluster initiatives states that there is a high or very high degree of cooperation with SMEs Source: Survey Target: X % of the organisations Name: Cooperation with research institutions Definition: X % of the member organisations in the cluster initiatives states that there is a high or very high degree of cooperation with research institutions Source: Survey Target: X % of the organisations Name: Innovation climate Definition: X % of the member organisations in the cluster initiatives states that it to a high or very high degree exists a strategic knowledge and innovation cooperation between member organisations Source: Survey Target: X % of the member organisations 30 million EUR New Logical Framework

SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Thank you for your attention! Contacts Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth: Region Skåne: