7 Basic Military English For Multinational Operations (Basic MEMO) A Computer Based Learning Program BILC Professional Seminar Copenhagen 05 October
7 Outline The setting The challenge The answer
7 The setting English language training is part of career training for Officer candidates – SLP 3332 Army NCOs („Feldwebel“) – SLP 2121 civil defense administration personnel – SLP 3332/2221
7 Computer based learning programs
7 The setting There is no English language training for senior (by age and rank) NCOs extended service volunteers reservists senior (by age and rank) civil defense administration personnel
7 The challenge Provide those without professional English language training with a self- study tool to improve their language skills
7 The answer
7 Target Group Soldiers of all ranks Noncommissioned officers, extended service volunteers, reservists Personnel from all armed services and organizational areas of the Bundeswehr
7 Language Background Heterogeneous target group Minimal knowledge of the language Some with beginner level skills Education: 9 –10 years of school Standardized Language Profile: 1010 to 1111
7 Objectives To enable learners to apply elementary language skills appropriately in typical mission-oriented situations To provide mission-oriented vocabulary and phrases To encourage communicative language competence in a military environment
7 Available via CD/DVD USB-memory stick PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), Cell phone (for selected elements such as glossaries or phrases) Bundeswehr learning management systems e.g., server-based instruction via the “Ausbildungsportal Bw“
7 Research conducted at the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Center Federal College of Public Administration, Defense Administration Department Infantry School
7 … and at the Psychological Operations Center Bundeswehr Joint Medical Services Center Joint Force Command (JFC), Brunssum/NL Federal Office of Languages
7 Basic Modules Based on typical everyday situations fundamental language structures basic vocabulary and a guided grammatical progression were developed for mission-oriented activities.
7 Advanced Modules For learners who have completed the Basic Modules, Advanced (“Specialized”) Modules provide: specific, authentic tasks and orders introducing specialized vocabulary for non-specialists.
7 Service Modules provide Information about the country of deployment, e.g. Afghanistan cultural awareness rules of engagement (ROE)
7 Service Modules provide Additional language information phrases military courtesy rank insignia (US, UK, GE) glossaries vocab trainer basic grammar
7 Basic MEMO includes 450 photos 12 video clips (each approx. 30 seconds) 3700 audio recordings by 19 speakers 357 exercises and skill checks
7 Path to successful learning Access via Pre-Testing Before working with Basic MEMO, learners: take a diagnostic test (24 skill-check exercises covering all Basic Modules) receive a recommendation for guided or selective access
7 Path to successful learning Guided Access starting with Basic Modules 1 – 7, proceeding to Advanced Specialized Modules 1 - 7
7 Path to successful learning Selective Access Learner decides where to start (modules, exercises).
7 Further Steps 2009 Begin field testingOct 2009 Complete master-versionNov 2009 PDA/cell phone/ USB memory stick