King Henry VIII Henry and His Six Wives “Divorced, beheaded, died; divorced, beheaded, survived.”
Henry VIII What would King Henry’s Personal Advertisement read? Eligible Bachelor- 6’4” gentleman with 54” waist. Position of Power and prestige in England. Known as “Defender of the Catholic Faith”. May be infected with syphilis. Likes to sing love songs, and is known for a very famous one called: “Pastime with Good Company”. Looking for a single female who wants to pastime with good company and help produce a male heir to the British throne
Bachelorette #1: Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon Daughter of Spanish Monarchs- Ferdinand and Isabella Widow of British Monarch- King Arthur (Henry’s Oldest Brother) Was pregnant 6 times total –1 Resulted in son who died after birth –1 resulted in Princess Mary –None of the other pregnancies were fruitful Charming young women- red-gold hair
Bachelorette #2: Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn Not born of royal ancestry Worked as a maid for Catherine Vivacious personality Carefully concealed a deformity- 6 th Finger For six years she met with Henry VIII and hunted and danced together She wouldn’t sleep with Henry VIII unless he married her and made her queen. After six years she became pregnant and gave birth to Princess Elizabeth. 2 miscarriages
Bachelorette #3: Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour No royal blood Sweet natured, sensible, and docile 27 at time of marriage- old to be unmarried Modest and virtuous October 12, Prince Edward was born! Bonfires were lit and two thousand guns were fired to celebrate in England October days after giving birth- Jane died from common infection
Bachelorette #4: Anne of Cleaves
Anne of Cleaves From the state of Cleves in Germany, King Henry VIII was interested in having political alliances with the Protestant Country German speaking and had limited talent She did not play an instrument, read books, sing or sew She was not good looking The marriage was never consummated and King Henry VIII divorced Anne within 6 months
Bachelorette #5: Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard Daughter of Lord Howard High spirited Vivacious and fun loving King Henry VIII married this teenager 19 days after his divorce to Anne of Cleaves King Henry VIII was enraged when her learned that she was unchaste when they wed and that she was having another affair.
Bachelorette #6: Catherine Parr
Catherine Parr Widowed two times She married King Henry VIII out of duty She was childless and put cared for Elizabeth and Edward She outlived King Henry VIII
What if??? 6 Wives??? King Henry VIII – was he greedy and lustful? What if he had to choose just one? Which one should it be? Which one would he choose for love? Which one would he choose for offspring?