Section 4 Reformation Ideas Spread
Thomas Muentzer, a founder of the Anabaptist movement ( )
George Fox, credited with founding Quaker church ( )
John Wycliffe, precursor to the Protestant Reformation (c )
King Henry VIII (r )
Catherine of Aragon ( )
Anne Boleyn (c )
Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves
Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr
Thomas More, beheaded 1535
King Edward VI, son of Jane Seymour (r )
Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, was a very important influence on Edward's Protestant views
Mary Tudor, daughter of Catherine of Aragon, became Queen Mary I (r ) Nicknamed “Bloody Mary” due to Protestant persecution
Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Anne Boleyn (r )
Pope Paul III (r )
Engraving of Council of Trent
Torture during the Inquisition
Ignatius of Loyola ( )
Teresa of Avila ( ) Painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Woodcut of 16 th Century Punishments for Witchcraft