The Tudors 1485 - 1603 Fabio Pesaresi


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Presentation transcript:

The Tudors Fabio Pesaresi

The House of Tudor HENRY VII Arthur + Catherine of Aragon HENRY VIII Elizabeth IEdward VIMary I Margaret + James IV of Scotland James V Mary, Queen of Scots + Lord Henry Darnley James I Stuart (James VI of Scotland)

HENRY VII Home policy ► Confiscated lands of the nobles defeated or dead in the War ► Avoided war because too expensive ► Popular among middle classes

HENRY VII Foreign policy: ► Trade agreements with Flanders and Spain ► Strategic marriages:  Arthur + Catherine of Aragon  Margaret + James IV of Scotland ► Stregthens the fleet

Arthur dies in 1502 his brother Henry marries his wife Catherine of Aragon obtaining a special dispensation from the Pope

HENRY VIII ► Renaissance king with a magnificant court ► poet and athlete ► ruthless with enemies

The Reformation ► Origins:  anticlericalism (Lollardy in 12th century)  doctrines of Martin Luther  clash with the Pope

The path to the breach with Rome ► 1521: nominated Defensor Fidei ► 1526: Request of dispensation to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn ► Pope Clemente VII denies the dispensation: it is the second one, and he needs Spain against the Reformed princes in Germany

The breach 1534 Act of Supremacy Henry declares himself Supreme Head of the Church in England

Consequences of the Reformation ► 1535: Sir Thomas More is beheaded ► more importance given to Parliament ► secretary Thomas Cromwell (known as Malleus Monachorum) advises the  suppression of the monastic orders  acquisition of their wealth

The six wives 1. Catherine of Aragon (divorced) Mary 2. Anne Boleyn (executed) Elizabeth 3. Jane SeymourEdward VI 4. Anne de Cleves (divorced) 5. Catherine Howard (executed) 6. Catherine Parr

Protestantism ► Confiscation of the lands of the Church donated or sold to middle classes ► Translation of the Bible to strengthen the English Church

The last years of reign ► Progressive cruelty ► Widespread poverty ► inflation

EDWARD VI ► proceeds towards Protestantism ► Common Book of Prayers ► simpler worship and churches

Edward VI, his father and the Pope

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