PIHRA Leadership & Strategic Planning Conference, December, 2014 Presented By: Dorothy Cociu, V.P. Leadership (714) x 3 or 1
PIHRA Short and Long-Term Goals (Marilyn Monahan 3 Year Strategic Plan) Building the Member Experience Recognition: Volunteers & Members Succession Planning: Development of Future Leaders Growing Membership Legislative Advocacy 2
Leadership: The Key to An Association No district chapter and no association in general can grow or be successful without successful leaders This breakout is designed to help you focus on developing your leadership style and creating or continuing a successful district experience 3
Role and Responsibilities of District Chair and Vice Chairs LEAD …by example ORGANIZE …your district board MOTIVATE …your volunteers INSPIRE …your membership BE ACCOUNTABLE …to the PIHRA Board 4
There is no one answer… Consider the following: Motivation Analytical skills Thinking outside the box Desire to get things done/results oriented type Some job titles/types of people are more likely to be competitive by nature – love to be recognized – use that! Training and mentoring can make a number of people good leaders! What Makes a Good Leader
Recruitment Methods Succession Planning builds for tomorrow as you work on today! Attract board members who are people magnets! The rest will usually follow! Make the process competitive and fun! Motivation of volunteers Build a vision and a roadmap for the journey Planning=Accountability for execution More ownership and passion Follow your leadership Model the behavior of good leaders before you Delegate responsibilities Drive accountability Mentoring Rewards Challenge with rewards and public recognition Responsibility and ownership Development of leadership skills Collaboration with others Inexpensive awards, certificates, public recognition work wonders Sponsors love to sponsor awards if there is a crowd! Motivating Volunteers
Tell the story Share information at district meetings Recognize current volunteers Build excitement and a desire for others to volunteer! The Best Way to Get Great Leaders – Share Leadership Development with The Districts!
Common Challenges of Leadership/District Governance Common challenges include: Membership growth/retention Getting volunteers Succession Planning What are your Specific Challenges?? 8
Best Practices for Leadership/District Governance Some Ideas Developed by a Committee of District Chairs and PIHRA executive board members in 2014… 9
Best Practices Discussion Membership VIP Program PIHRA Home Office Campaign Individual/personal calls Inviting guests to meetings and encouraging membership HR Round Table HRCI Recognition Raffle Prizes with Complimentary next meeting admission certificate Other suggestions for consideration?
Best Practices Discussion Most Successful Types of Meetings Legal topics Leaves of absence, harassment, etc Strategic level HR Topics Well-Known speakers Employee relations Interactive Process HR Roundtable Other suggestions for consideration?
Best Practices Discussion Recruiting Members Beg, bribe and take hostages! Targeting those that attend district events Make personal invitations in person Other suggestions for consideration?
Use your talent pool to build teams Committees of volunteers on a single project Less tasks for each results in longer-term leaders! Don’t burn your board out with too much volunteer overload! Assign small tasks with the team, and help them to grow into a stronger team Team Approach to Leadership
PIHRA Tool Kits Tool Kits for most positions have been created and are posted on the PIHRA website Membership, Finance, others posted Education/Programs & Legislative Affairs being finalized 14
Strategic Planning & Leadership Training Fitting the District into the overall goals of the organization Annual Strategic Planning Meeting Goals and Objectives for the upcoming year Committee Assignments Awards & Recognition District Training Goals and Objectives for the upcoming year Marilyn will be introducing the concept of one training topic per board meeting, prior to the actual start of the board meeting, to provide ongoing PIHRA training to your board members 15
Awards & Recognition A formal Awards Program for PIHRA Districts is being designed for 2015 Goal is to kick off first round at PIHRA Convention 2015 Tentative Timeline…. First committee meeting January, 2015 Awards Program Completion April, 2015, Roll Out May 1 Applications submitted May 1 thru June 30 Selections for first round of awards prior to the Annual Convention (possible smaller round of awards year one, followed by additional rewards in year 2 and beyond) 16
Rewards & Recognition – Draft Program Overall PIHRA Awards Large District & Small District Awards District Level Awards Possible Awards Similar to SHRM Shape Awards Platinum, Gold & Silver Awards Criteria to reach each level Ideas for New Award Program; PIHRA Overall Awards HR Practitioner Of The Year Award/Award of Excellence in HR President’s Award District of The Year Award (large and small) Legislative Advocate Award Speaker/Trainer Awards 17
Rewards & Recognition Ideas for New Award Program; District Level HR Practitioner Of The Year Award District Chair Award District Website Award Volunteer of the Year Award Platinum, Gold & Silver Shape-Like Awards 18
Succession Planning: Developing Future Leaders How do you begin succession planning? 19
Members become committee members Committee members become district board members (picking the best of the committee members) District board members move up the chairs Board Succession Planning
A dynamic, ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing high potential volunteers to contribute to the achievement of your district’s future strategic goals Individuals identified by District Board members as capable of advancing to the next level However, don’t underestimate the value of people who step up without being asked! What is Succession Planning?
Identify volunteers to fill those spots Ensure the next generation of leaders are prepared to fill key roles Identify strengths and weaknesses What are their talents? What are their best skill sets? Use those talents and skill sets as an asset Assuring Leadership Continuity
Can you identify replacements for the future? Generally the same leaders year after year results in boredom, a lack of creativity and stunts the growth of the district New blood means new ideas, fresh ideas Strengthen and diversify the pool Ensure your District’s mission/vision will be carried forward by future leaders Future Vacancies – Plan Now!
Handle critical tasks Bring specialized expertise Make decisions Visionaries Don’t assume they are always at the top! Look for them and ASK! Key Positions - Performers
New blood is usually key to thinking outside the box Don’t let your district get stagnant; keep it fresh and exciting! Encourage creativity and new ideas! Thinking Outside the Box
Analyze member roster for higher positions Perform a “gap analysis” Provide key development plan for key volunteers Match board member mentor to each key person Create a succession plan readiness chart or other tool Evaluate the plan on a regular basis Communicate and stay on track Steps to Succession Planning
Get a commitment from your leaders! Know the mission Understand your membership Know the competencies of key district positions Lateral Succession? How Do You Begin?
It’s normal to have resignations due to volunteer relocations, job demands, etc, so it’s best to plan for it at all times! Job-sharing and committee members who can step up if necessary to fill those slots Create a talent pool Think strategically Manage the execution by influencing others and leading! Use your communication skills; orientation and analytical skills Build and sustain relationships; curiosity; know the business; team orientation; adaptation Resignations – Contingency Plans
New District Oversight Rules & Guidelines The PIHRA VP Leadership will take on the role of District Oversight in 2015 Rules and Guidelines to be put together in