National PBIS Leadership Forum October 10-11, 2013 Chicago, IL National PBIS Leadership Forum October 10-11, 2013 Chicago, IL Maryland Safe & Supportive Schools Initiative: C9 Effective Coaching for High Schools A Collaborative Effort of the MSDE, Sheppard Pratt Health System, and Johns Hopkins University Presenters: Patricia Hershfeldt, Rebecca Piermattei, and Rebecca Philbrick Presenters: Patricia Hershfeldt, Rebecca Piermattei, and Rebecca Philbrick
Session Objectives Review tools and strategies for implementation with fidelity at the high school level Understand how to collaborate with current high school systems when implementing new EBP Review data demonstrating progress being made Learn about successes, challenges, and barriers when implementing PBIS and/or EBPs in high schools
What is MDS3? Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools (MDS3) Goals: Assess school climate, student engagement, and the school environment Implement evidence-based programs (EBPs) to meet student needs, based on survey Improve conditions for learning Reduce school violence and substance use, and improve student engagement and the school environment to support student learning
Menu of Evidence-Based Programs Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports –(PBIS; Sugai & Horner, 2006) –3 tiered prevention model, focused on climate and behavior management Olweus Bullying Prevention Program –(Olweus, 2007) –Bullying and school climate Botvin LifeSkills program –(Botvin et al., 2006) –Substance abuse prevention Check-in/Check-Out –(Hawken & Horner, 2003) –Mentoring and behavior management Check & Connect –(Anderson et al., 2004) –Mentoring and truancy prevention Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools –(Kataoka et al., 2003) –Focused on mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, depression)
60 Maryland comprehensive high schools from systems that agree to goals and outcomes of the project 52 High Schools currently enrolled from: –Baltimore County (22 Schools) - Anne Arundel (9 Schools) –Wicomico (4 Schools)- Somerset (2 Schools) –Dorchester (2 Schools)- Washington (2 Schools) –Queen Anne’s (2 Schools)- Charles (6 Schools) –Caroline (2 Schools)- Frederick (3 Schools) –Calvert (2 Schools)- Worcester (2 Schools) Participation in MDS3
MDS3 Data Sources Data for Decision-making: Web-based school climate survey (students, school staff, parents) Site visits - Health and safety of school environment School-level records: suspensions, attendance, academics School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool (ISSET)
STUDENT CLIMATE SURVEY RESULTS: SAFETY -feel safe at school -reported being bullied during the school year -reported that other students try to stop bullying -often or very often feel sad -reported that substance abuse is a problem at their school % 83% 82% 25% 23% 23 % 32% 37% 41 % 20% 20% 21 % 65% 63% 60 % MSD3 Climate Survey Results
Student Climate Survey Results: ENGAGEMENT -feel they belong at school -feel their teachers encourage them to work hard –feel their parents are informed when they do well –feel students of all races are treated equally MSD3 Climate Survey Results % 67% 67 % 81% 80% 81 % 44% 42% 43 % 58% 59% 60 %
MSD3 Climate Survey Results Student Climate Survey Results: ENVIRONMENT –report that disruptions in the classroom get in the way of their learning –report the school building is clean and well-maintained –report that students who need help with their problems are able to get it at school % 72% 74 % 49% 50% 49 % 64% 68% 68 %
Evidence-Based Programs
Coaching High School Teams Coaching High School Teams with Fidelity Part A: Goals Part B: Identifying Students Part C: Operations Part D: Ongoing Sustainability and Fidelity
Part A: Goals 1.What do we hope to achieve by implementing this program? – To increase engagement with school and with learning. 2.Which students are we targeting with this initiative/intervention? – Students in danger of not completing high school. 3.What data can we access to tell us more about this group of students? – Grades, credits earned, attendance, behavior data.
Part B: Identify Students 1.How will students be identified for the program? 1.Who will process the referrals? 2.What variables will you use for referral criteria? 4.What is the minimum and maximum of any variable that you will accept in the program? 5.How many students will be in the program? 6.When does a student exit the program? What data is used to determine that the student will exit from the program?
Part B: Identify Students
1.How will students be identified for the program? – Data and referrals from teachers 2.Who will process the referrals? – Intervention Coordinator 3.What variables will you use for referral criteria? – Rising sophomores with GPA between – Absences: < 9 for the year – No participation in any other club/activity
Part B: Identify Students 4.What is the minimum and maximum of any variable that you will accept in the program? – Between 1.5 to 2.0 for GPA – How many absences each month or week? 5.How many students will be in the program? – 17 students total 6.When does a student exit the program? What data is used to determine that the student will exit from the program? – Each student will spend 2 years in the program
Part C: Operations 1.What resources or people are needed to implement this program? – Coordinator, mentor, time, funding, activities, training (initial and ongoing), and materials. 2.What staff will be involved in this program? – School-based staff, administration, school counselor 3.How will you inform or train the rest of the school staff? – Faculty meetings to introduce program, share data at subsequent faculty meetings. s to teachers for feedback on mentees
Part C: Operations 4.How will parents be included or informed? – Formal letter introducing program and mentor. – Kick off event. – Weekly phone call/ regarding mentee’s progress. 5.What duties will each staff member hold? – Coordinators – Mentors
Part C: Operations 6.How much time will students spend on the interventions? By staff? – Up to an hour a week for students, an average of an hour/week with students. 7.Describe what the staff members involved in the program do? – Coordinator- Support mentors, facilitates mentor and staff meetings, collects and enters data from monitoring sheets, shares data, ensures fidelity of program, collaborates with administration – Mentors- at least one formal and informal meetings per week with mentee, weekly contact with parent/guardian, weekly check in with teachers, complete monitoring sheet, attend monthly mentor meeting
Part C: Operations 7.Describe what students involved in the program do. – Meet with mentors, participate in structured activites with whole Check and Connect group. 8.When will this program start and end? – Fall 2012 to Spring 2014
Part D: Ongoing Sustainability and Fidelity 1.How will additional students be identified? – Referral, meet established criteria 2.What indicators/benchmarks will show student success in the intervention? And program success? – Individual student success as well as program success. – Meeting with mentors regularly. – Meeting criteria for basic intervention – GPA, credits earned
Part D: Ongoing and Fidelity 3.How will student and program progress be measured/monitored? Who is responsible for monitoring/assessing progress? – A) STUDENT PROGRESS: Mentor monitors on a weekly basis using monitoring sheet. – B) PROGRAM PROGRESS: Mentor and coordinator measure on monthly, quarterly and annual basis using Intervention Tracking Tool
Part D: Ongoing and Fidelity Intervention Tracking Tool – Illinois PBIS Network
Tier 2 coordinator meeting – 1 time a month or as needed – Should take no longer than 15 minutes – Should include intervention coordinator, administrator, possibly counselor or psychologist – What should this meeting look like. Part D: Ongoing and Fidelity
4.How much time is needed to determine if the student is meeting benchmarks? – Weekly basis 5.What steps will be taken for students NOT responding to the interventions? – Connect mentee with additional resources, personal contact with parent/guardian, formal meeting with mentee around problem solving.
Part D: Ongoing and Fidelity 6.What fidelity checklist will be used and how often will we do fidelity checks? – MDS3 Check and Connect Fidelity checklist in fall and spring.
Tools and Strategies Coaching Guide Monitoring Sheet Intervention Tracking Tool Fidelity Checks Have clear goals. Celebrate small successes. Frontload the planning Encouraging while coaching
Collaboration with High Schools Identify teams, committees, and resources. Don’t repeat what is already done Work collaboratively with other programs
Reviewing Data Know what data you need and how to access the data. Review data on a regular basis. Keep it simple and reasonable. Use your data to guide your decision making. Start with your data.
Successes, Challenges, and Barriers Successes Celebrate and publicize each success Coaches need to highlight successes Barriers Time and resources Central office must be on board
Acknowledgements MDS3 is funded by a grant from the USDOE. Federal Grant CFDA# Q184Y Sheppard Pratt Health System: – Patti Hershfeldt, Ed.D – Rebecca Piermattei, – Rebecca Philbrick, Ed.S, LGSW Maryland State Department of Education Johns Hopkins University
Share Your Thoughts… Any Comments? Questions? Patti Rebecca Rebecca Philbrick, “No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship." Dr. James Comer