King Henry VIII broke England away from the Catholic Church and converted England to Protestant The Anglican Church (a.k.a. the Church of England) Henry VIII left the Catholic Church for political and personal reasons, not religious like Luther! I’m Henry the VIII I am! I WANT A SON!
Spanish Princess (Catholic) Aunt of Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) Papal Dispensation (allows Henry to marry his bro’s wife) 1 daughter (no sons survived infancy) Mary Tudor
Asked for Annulment from Pope (claims Papal Dispensation was corrupt) Declared Church of England to be separate from Rome & married Anne Boleyn The Supremacy Act (Declared King has supreme power over church) Took Church land (Monasteries) I will not wait any longer! I want a son! England will no longer be Catholic!
Catherine’s Maid of Honor Protestant Mother of Elizabeth Beheaded (Elizabeth is declared illegitimate) Beheaded
Catherine of AragonAnne Boleyn Jane Seymour Anne of Cleves Catherine Howard Catherine Parr Beheaded Divorce Beheaded Died giving birth Died after Henry
Catholic daughter of Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon, married Phillip II of Spain (cousin) Returned England to Catholic murdered hundreds of Protestant heretics during her reign Many protestants flee to Northern Ireland! I will kill all the Protestant heretics!
Protestant daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Returned England to Protestant Brought “peace” between the religions Glorious Reign! Well loved Queen! Renaissance Queen Never marries!