1 CAPTA Provision on Referrals to IDEA Part C National Early Childhood Conference December 12, 2005 Catherine M. Nolan
2 Children’s Bureau History Oldest Federal agency with primary responsibility for children’s issues Established1913 Agency of the Dept of Labor Child labor issues
3 Children’s Bureau Today: An agency within the Dept of Health and Human Services/Administration on Children and Families/Administration on Children,Youth and Families Sister bureau to Head Start, Child Care, Family and Youth Services bureaus Budget approximately $7.2 billion
4 Children’s Bureau Federal focal point for spectrum of child welfare, from child abuse prevention, to CPS response, foster care, adoption and independent living. Child and Family Service Reviews – current system to measure States’ conformity with national standards. Outcomes upon which all programs based: Safety, Permanency and Well Being
5 Children’s Bureau Legislation Title IV-B of the Social Security Act Title IV-E of the Social Security Act Chaffee Independent Living Act CAPTA Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003 Abandoned Infants Adoption Opportunites
6 Office on Child Abuse and Neglect Division within the Children’s Bureau Created under CAPTA 1996 language Focal point for HHS on child abuse and neglect, interagency collaboration and coordination, special initiatives, CJA and prevention activities. Federal Interagency Work Group April Child Abuse Prevention Month National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect User Manual Series - - Role of Educator
7 National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Jointly funded by SAMHSA and Children’s Bureau Contract with Child and Family Futures, Inc. Irvine CA Information, training, in-depth TA to selected States SEN work Meth Conference
8 Discretionary Grants September 30, 2005 CAPTA grant awards 4 grants to develop model policies/procedures to implement the SEN provisions 10 marriage education grants – underserved populations Recompete Tribal/migrant prevention grants
9 CAPTA Reauthorization In June 2003, Congress reauthorized CAPTA as the new Keeping Children and Families Safe Act 2003 Title I Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Subtitle A: General Program Subtitle B: Community Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Title II Adoption Opportunities Title III Abandoned Infants Assistance Title IV Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
10 Examples of programs funded under Title II - CBCAP Voluntary home visiting Parent education /skills Parent mutual support/ self-help Respite care/ crisis care Community outreach and referral Family resource centers/support services Early childhood programs
11 Title I General Program Basic State Grant Formula Grant to States Purpose – to maintain/improve system of child protection Must submit State plan every 5 years, must include description of activities State will carry out to meet purposes of Title I Must include certification by governor that assures certain provisions are in place, by statute or policy.
12 Basic State Grant, cont Reauthorization in June, 2003, included new assurances Must have policies to address needs of drug exposed infants and requires that health care providers notify CPS about the infant. States must develop a plan of safe care for the infant Notification does not mean automatic CPS report Notification does not require prosecution for legal action FAS and alcohol abuse are not included in the definition
13 Title I General Program Basic State Grant New State Assurances (contd.) Must have provisions and procedures for referring children under the of 3 who are involved in a substantiated case of child abuse and neglect to early intervention services funded under IDEA Part C. Sec. 106(b)(2)(A)(xxi) of CAPTA
14 Issues Confidentiality What information can be disclosed by CW in the process or referring to Part C. Working out mechanics of referral process
15 Issues, cont Who screens? No prohibitions in law to either allow or prohibit CW from screening Practice: screening needs to be done by someone well trained Burden on CW?
16 Contact information Catherine Nolan, Director of OCAN phone: