The English Renaissance 1485-1625
The Renaissance Period End of the War of the Roses (Medieval Pd) time of monarchs and religious transformation England was a refuge from war and the envy of other nations (prior to this time, the land was in near constant war and chaos) The Tudor Dynasty ended the War of the Roses and the Medieval Period Monarchs fought for sole power and changed religious practices / whatever religion the monarch was the became the governing religion of the people Shakespeare describes England as a Garden of Eden, a paradise and the envy of other nations The crusades of Greece and Rome inspired new learning and growth in the areas of literature, art, and intellect. New generations of scholars and artists explored and extended achievements.
Shakespeare’s poem – page 200 a Garden of Eden a paradise a refuge from war blessed the envy of other countries
What is a “renaissance”? Renaissance – “rebirth” time of artistic, literary, and intellectual developments began in Florence, Italy in the 14th century continued throughout Europe until 1660
Characteristics of the Renaissance Why are human beings on earth? What happens when we die? Humanities Curriculum Printing Press the vernacular (local language) The result of all this restructured England and people grew curious about man’s potential. Religion of the middle ages gave way to an interest in human beings’ place and purpose The new learning and achievements gave way to a “well-rounded” education at universities (included history, geography, poetry, and modern languages) The printing press made books more available – people were motivated to learn to read and write – people became educated – education equals more questions Writers began working in local dialects – more understandable (schools still taught in Latin and Greek) The exploration and developments of the Renaissance restructured England’s political system and economic standing. As more education was gained, curiosity about human potential (mind and culture) grew.
Exploration – the thirst for knowledge Crusades opened routes to Asia trade and further exploration Spain and Portugal sought all sea route Columbus discovered “new world” in 1492 (America) England John Cabot reached Newfoundland in 1497 basis for future claims in America Why explore? To fulfill the thirst for knowledge (first time people began to question and wonder)
Protestant Reformation People began to question the authority of the Roman Catholic Church Martin Luther divided the Roman Catholic Church into Protestants and Catholics Lutherans Presbyterians Calvans Religious prosecution What brought about the Prot.Ref? people began to question the authority of the Roman Catholic Church (sale of indulgences – paying for the remission of sins) and its teachings Martin Luther (a German Monk) nailed a list of dissenting beliefs to the door of a German Church. He only meant to question the RC Church, but he divided it into Prot and Cath. Other religious sects further subdivided Political officials prosecuted citizens who believed differently than they did therefore religion divided the people.
The Tudor Dynasty (1485-1603) Henry VII Catholic inherited England after the War of the Roses, when the country was depleted and exhausted rebuilt the nation’s treasury and established law and order The Tudor Dynasty was a time of stability and economic growth. People feared civil war because they saw economic change as a threat of the return the way things were during The War of the Roses.
The Tudor Dynasty (cont.) Henry VIII Catholic “Defender of the Faith” shunned by Catholic Church Act of Supremacy married 6 times total Catherine of Aragon Mary I Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Jane Seymour Edward VI Son of Henry VII Pope coined him “Defender of the Faith” because he wrote a book against Martin Luther Because his first marriage did not grant him a son, he asked for an annulment and was denied by the Pope, but he remarried anyway, which led to an open break with the Roman Catholic Church. Act of Supremacy (1534) – king assumed full control of the Church of England, severing all ties from Rome. Therefore, Henry became the Supreme Head of the Church of England and seized the property of the Catholic Church and dissolved the power of the monasteries. Catherine of Aragon had Mary I Mary I had Mary Stuart Mary Stuart had James VI
The Tudor Dynasty (cont.) Edward VI Protestant 9 year old king; died @ 15 Son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour - he takes throne over eldest child because he’s a boy Instituted parliamentary acts that changed England’s religious practices from Catholic to Protestant – Book of Common Prayer (Anglican Prayer book) and English replaced Latin
The Tudor Dynasty (cont.) Mary I Catholic King Phillip II “Bloody Mary” Daugther of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon Restored Roman Catholic practices and the Pope’s authority over the English church Married her Spanish cousin (Phillip II), making England an appendage of Spain (unpatriotic) Nicknamed “Bloody Mary” because she repressed Protestants by ordering over 200 executions
The Tudor Dynasty (cont.) Elizabeth I Protestant last of the Tudors Renaissance education religious moderation ensured peace in England not recognized by Catholics Spanish Armada Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Died unmarried and childless Received Renaissance Education (well rounded) so had great appreciation for the arts and humanities. Her reign secured the height of the Renaissance. Instituted a policy of religious moderation – reestablished the monarch’s supremacy in the Church of England and restored the Book of Common Prayer Played Spain and France (by dangling offers of marriage) against each other so they didn’t conquer England Catholics didn’t recognize Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth’s mother) since he was never granted an annulment and, instead, saw Mary Stuart (daughter of Mary, daughter of Catherine of Aragon) as the riteful queen. Mary was held prisoner in England for 19 years because of her plots against Elizabeth and was finally executed in 1587. Spain rejected England’s claim to territories in the Americas and resented English adventures’ attacks on Spanish ships. When England executed Mary Stuart, King Phillip saw it as the last straw and attacked England with 150 ships. After an 8 day battle in the English Channel, England won, finally marking itself as a great power.
The Stuart Dynasty James VI Protestant Jamestown, VA religious intolerance King of Scotland and son of Mary Stuart; Elizabeth named him her successor. Protestant, unlike his mother Sponsored first American Colony. Believed in the “Divine Right of Kings” – therefore argued with Parliament and overpowered them. He also prosecuted Puritans, who were strongly represented in the House of Commons, due to his religious intolerance. The Puritans fled – migration to Plymouth Rock (1621)
Renaissance Achievements Educational Institutions Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Architecture Anglican hymns English Madrigal English public schools (what we would call “private” school today) Universities were improved and expanded Architects designed and constructed beautiful mansions Hymns for the Anglican church service English Madrigal – love song w/o musical accompaniament Oxford University
Elizabethan Poets William Shakespeare Christopher Marlowe Edmund Spenser Phillip Sydney Sir Walter Raleigh
Elizabethan Drama Change of subjects from religion to: Included: Tragedies Comedies Included: Imagery Rich language Poets: William Shakespeare Christopher Marlowe
Elizabethan Prose King James Bible the printing was ordered by King James