Kirsty Hunter Tuesday 20th June Leading to Action
The Story 12 months ago… Datacom were seeking to improve performance, grow and improve shareholder’s value Company identification –Outsourcing personality disorder –Structural obstacles –Hidden values –Inconsistent language –Limited participation What I wanted – make life easier for myself and the people working with me - seek “happiness” in the work environment
The Neighbourhood Outsourcing, offshoring and globalisation Growth – Datacom rapidly grew in numbers, clients and locations Long sales process, highly geared on relationships and cost/value proposition Datacom had a niche market space, profits were above target and client retention was excellent “so why bother chasing “happiness”
The Household High change, challenging execution, multiple levels of relational interaction Minimal collaboration – knowledge transfer Structural impediments, team organisation and shared resources not aligned and identified Inter company communication rocky Change and more change
The Family Fractioned – sub optimal engagement Burnt out Discomfort with candour and genuine exchange Technically brilliant – struggling with the intangible Special people, collective identity missing and little trace evidence of “how” we do what we do
Religious experience Values and purpose Personal awareness – who am I? Genuine exchange – trust and team work Are we here to be happy? What does happy mean? How do I articulate what we will get out of this effort? Simplicity requires a great deal of thinking, exchange and trust
Personal leadership Energy field Engagement and participation Talent development and retention Fitness for change – tough game Balance Something’s different
New experiences Market analysts have identified Datacom as a significant contender Gallup program to frame engagement Corporate Games – 180+ people participated Engagement programs – mentor program initiated for 2006 Executive Coaching and leadership training Management team collaboration – all levels CEO has introduced a balanced scorecard!
More challenges to tackle Understanding how to gear organizational succession and the culture that sustains Building meaningful relationships with each other to improve collective performance Building demonstrable connection between performance and leadership Optimism – working the moment
Datacom will deliver Engagement Leadership Performance While improving shareholder value, long term talent retention and innovative solutions