Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/1 Criteria for a successful proposal Dr. Harald Hoffmann OSIconsult GmbH Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 24 A-1110.


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Presentation transcript:

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/1 Criteria for a successful proposal Dr. Harald Hoffmann OSIconsult GmbH Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 24 A-1110 WIEN November 2000

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/2 Of course you have understood all documentation available, in particular: "What makes a good TEN-Telecom project Proposal" Disclaimer: The following represents a personal view of the author and not necessarily the position of the EC.

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/3 Formalities and contents The project idea (its intellectual contents) is essential for submitting a "good proposal" Nevertheless, the formalities are more important initially as only those proposals will qualify which meet the defined evaluation criteria, e.g. clearly answer questions like: What precisely will the project deliver? How does the overall deliverable contribute to the goals of the EU? Does the result represent reasonable value for the money? (Would YOU invest your private money in THIS project?) What will happen after project termination? (Is there a commitment for exploitation?)

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/4 "The EC" imposes a well defined framework upon the project; this framework cannot be negotiated. My recommendations: Follow the formal requirements and priorities by 100%, as well as the "CONFORMITY, ELIGIBILITY and evaluation criteria"... acts as an enabler and catalyst according to the goals of the TEN-Telecom programme. "Community Aid" is no subsidy but support and incentive to "reduce financial risk" of a project which ideally would happen anyway, albeit e.g. not on a European scale or at a speed sufficient to reach European momentum. My recommendation: Don't submit a "dead end" proposal.

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/5 "The EC" has the proposals evaluated according to the criteria listed in the info-package by at least 3 expert evaluators per proposal. Time to individually evaluate one proposal: hours Aggregation in 3 phases (including 2 levels of reporting) Ranking of qualified proposals plus recommendations to the EC for the final contract negotiations, as well as... The resulting selection of projects will be presented to and discussed with the national representatives of the Committee set up in accordance with the procedure set out on article 17 of the TEN Financial Regulation. A final decision is taken by the Commission after completion of the internal procedures. The decision will be communicated to the co-ordinator of each proposal. The resulting selection of projects will be presented to and discussed with the national representatives of the Committee set up in accordance with the procedure set out on article 17 of the TEN Financial Regulation. A final decision is taken by the Commission after completion of the internal procedures. The decision will be communicated to the co-ordinator of each proposal.

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/6 Key success factor: the consortium Credibility for forming precisely THIS consortium? Generally speaking, does the consortium make sense? Who is the co-ordinating contractor? A consultant? Who will be responsible for the exploitation? Are all the other roles and responsibilities clearly defined?... and well understood by each consortium member? My recommendations: Rely on proven relationships or start to establish new ones quite some time before you submit your proposal. Include as few consortium members as possible, as many as necessary. Find a reasonable split of work and of responsibilities (e.g. complement skills and know-how, cover regional differences in Europe where the differences in language, law system, culture etc. matter).

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/7 Key success factor: the project organisation Is there a "professional" project management? Is there a well defined project plan which can be evaluated? (Tasks, timing, resources) Is project management oversized ("just creating paper"), undersized, just right? Does it seem to be appropriate for achieving the project's goals? Is there a contingency plan to cover risks, if any? (risk of TEN-Telecom projects should be lower than in other programs) Is there a quality management? Project organisation: Anarchy or hierarchy? Are the mechanisms for coordination adequate to achieve the goals? Does the the amount of necessary interaction lenghten the critical path?

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/8 Watch the budget! Are you aware of: "full costs" vs. "additional costs" (phase 2) vs. other forms of community aid (phase 3) Do you cover your costs under consideration of: Usual daily rates and overheads? The "resource killer": meetings (including travel costs)? Hidden costs (e.g. to prepare for and to attend the EC reviews, and to write alle these reports...) Are the costs you claim reasonable and value for the money? Does your project have a "reasonable size"?

Copyright OSIconsult TTCOM-4.PPT/hoffmann/nov00/9 Exploitation - a requirement What happens after the termination of the project? Who benefits from the results? Is there a clear commitment for exploitation? Will the goals of TEN-Telecom be met?... to facilitate the transition towards the information society; to improve the competitiveness of European enterprises and to strengthen the internal market; to strengthen economic and social cohesion; to stimulate new activities leading to job creation. Will there be benefits for your country as well?