Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 1/20 Challenges and Opportunities in Using International Standards in Hydropower Development: The Case of Hydropower Plants in Kenya Presented By: Eng. Francis X. Makhanu BSc. Eng(UON), MBA(UK), R.Eng. MIEK, ISO Mgt. Systems Auditor
Outline Introduction Methodology Examples of Challenges and Opportunities Discussion Conclusions and Recommendations Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 2/20
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 3/20 1.0Introduction Electro-Technical Commission International Organization for Standardization IRENA, IEA, WEC, ICOLD,FIDIC, etc Hydropower value chain six phases Hydropower technology100 years old
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 4/20 Introduction (Cont’d) 16% of world’s electricity and 80% of world’s renewable electricity. 25 countries depend on hydropower for over 90% of electricity Technical Committee on hydropower (rivers) with 33/195 countries (17%) Desirable to increase to over 75%
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 5/20 Introduction (ends) Working Groups on Hydropower standards at IEC/ Maintenance Teams/ Joint Working Groups with ISO. JWG1 on vibrations in hydraulic machines. ISO lacks limits in axial (z-axis). The 6400MW Sayano Shushenskaya in Russia accident on17/08/2009.
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 6/ Methodology 24 years in electricity industry National Energy Policy,2004/Energy Act, 2006 National Technical Committee of the Task Force on Implementation of Constitution in Energy Sector ( ) KEBS/TC092 SC 03 - Hydropower Technical Sub-Committee Websites of IEC, ISO, ICOLD, IRENA, IEA, WEC,FIDIC Participation in Hydropower and Dams Conferences.
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 7/ Challenges and Opportunities Tables on next three slides - IEC/ISO Hydro standards Four case studies - slides 11 to 16
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 8/20 Tables of Selected IEC/ISO Hydro Standards (Slide 1/3) ITEMSTANDARDDESCRIPTION OPPORTUNITY 1/15IEC nd edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines- model acceptance tests Standards for other stages 2/15IEC nd edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines- Testing of Control systems Standards for other stages 3/15IEC st edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines – cavitation pitting evaluation Preventive standards 4/15IEC nd edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines- Governing systems specifications Standards for other stages 5/15IEC/TR st edition ( ) Nomenclature for Hydropower Plant machinery Incentives for use
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 9/20 6/15IEC/TR , 2,3,4,5,6,7 1 st edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines- tendering documents for different types of turbines and pumps Standards for other stages 7/15IEC st edition ( ) Hydraulic machines – acceptance tests of small HEPP Standards for other stages 8 /15 IEC st edition ( ) Hydraulic machines- radial/axial- performance conversion method from model to prototype N/A 9/15IEC st edition ( ) Hydraulic turbines- Rehabilitation and performance improvement Standards for other stages 10/15IEC st edition ( ) HEPP automation- guide for computer based control Standards for other stages
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 10/20 11/15ISO 9001:2008 QMS Quality Management Systems - requirements ISO to collaborate with IEC 12/15ISO 14001:2004 EMS Environmental Management Systems – requirements with guidance for use ISO to collaborate with IEC 13/15ISO 50001:2011E nMS Energy Management Systems- Requirements ISO to collaborate with IEC 14/15ISO 31000:2009 RM Risk Management – Principles and guidelines ISO to collaborate with IEC 15/15ISO Hydraulic Machines- Vibrations permissible limits Review standard
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 11/20 ITEMNAME OF PLANT RATINGYEARS OF OPERATION 1.Gitaru225MW (3 units) 34 2.Kiambere168MW (2 units) 24 3.Turkwel106MW (2 units) 21 4.Kamburu94MW (3 Units) 38 5.Kindaruma64MW (3 Units) 44 6.Sondu60MW (2 Units) 4 7.Masinga40MW (2 Units) 31 Case 1 of 4: Challenges in Old Hydropower Plants
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 12/20 8.Tana20MW (4 Units) 1 9.Wanjii7.4MW (2Units) Gogo2MW (2Units) Ndula2MW (2Units) Sagana1.5MW (3 Units) Mesco0.38MW (1Unit) Sosiani0.4MW (2Unit) Sang’oro21MW (2Units) new Case1 of 4: Challenges in Hydropower Plants
Case 1 of 4: Observations on Impact of Age Challenges of old age of plants Electrical and electronic systems Kenya has no key industries Competitive prices require standards for bidding. Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 13/20
Case 2 of 4: Challenges in Feasibility Studies of HEPP Feasibility study of 90MW Karura HEPP Key standards quoted in works mainly electrical Awareness and availability of Hydropower standards worldwide Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 14/20
Case 3 of 4: Opportunities from International Standards KenGen replaced obsolete SCADA International standards helped standardization. Cost effectiveness - installation time and O&M. Spares shared by seven plants O&M Staff share skills/experience Standardization pursued to roll-out benefits Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 15/20
Case 4 of 4: Study of Rehabilitation/Upgrading Scott Wilson Consultants, UK Challenges Opportunities International standards Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 16/20
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 17/ Discussion IEC - level of participation Hydropower and dams - standards availability Six phases of value chain Integrating hydropower generated electricity ISO on vibrations Hydropower industry - collaborate with IEC/ISO/IRENA Hydropower responds quickly to system power variations
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 18/ Conclusions Prefeasibility and feasibility stages of value chain Hydropower and Dams industry - collaborate with IEC/ISO Integration of different forms of renewable energy in national grids
Hydro2012 : October 2012, Bilbao, Spain 19/ Recommendations Hydropower and dams collaboration with IRENA Awareness promotion and accessibility Incentives for developing countries Indicate how much of each energy type ensures stability of grids
The End Thank you 20/20