ECE 544 Project3 Team member
Assumptions and Address Scheme Assumptions End hosts can only connect to routers Same content available at multiple end nodes etc… Naming scheme and eventual address scheme Router End hosts Content
Bootstrapping and Discovery Algorithm Routers and end hosts boot up (Hello packet?) Discovery Routers discover other routers Hosts discover their router Packet Format
Baseline Algorithm Content routing algorithm How are contents advertised? How to route a content-request packet? How to choose the ‘best’, among multiple hosts having the same content? How is the content actually delivered? Packet Format
Data Transfer and Reliability Message Forward Unicast, Multicast Packet Format of DATA, ACK ARQ Scheme Hop-by-hop or End-to-end Stop-and-wait, Selective-repeat, sliding windows or other schemes
Advantages and Disadvantages Scalability? Latency? etc…
Example Scenarios Use the example scenarios (from the Appendix) to highlight the key aspects of your proposal
Appendix: Network Architecture Refer to the following example scenarios for analysis purposes: H1 H2 H3 C1 C2 C3 R1R2R3R4 R5 Scenario get (content_C3)
Appendix: Network Architecture H1 H2 H3 C1 C2 C3 R1R2R3R4 R5 Scenario get (content_C2)
Appendix: Network Architecture H1 C3 Scenario get (content_C1) H2H3 H4 C1 C2 C1