EIDA Project ( Proposal ) Research and Technical Background Emergency Intelligent Decision Assistant: Emergency Intelligent Decision Assistant: Toolkit for Coordinated Emergency Management Toolkit for Coordinated Emergency Management by Claudio Balducelli Sandro Bologna, Adam Maria Gadomski ENEA, July 1995
EIDA - Project (proposal) Summary Project Goals Project Methodologies and Tools Project Realization amg
EIDA Project Toolkit : 1) Domain problem conceptualization tools 2) Modeling tools 3) Methodology, methods and techniques 4) Software design tools 5) Software modules Project Goals : Development of a domain-oriented toolkit and its validation for a class of Emergency Management active Decision Support Systems. amg
active Decision Support Systems Goal-driven decisional support which is based on: user role-model domain model M-M cooperation model EIDA Project
Project Methodology and Tools - TOGA Top-down Object-based Goal-oriented Approach Top-down Object-based Goal-oriented Approach Basic conceptual couple: Basic paradigmes: Environment Intelligent Agent interaction
Top-down and Object-based : EIDA Project Object-based Top-down Structural decomposition of concepts Representation of concepts in term of objects and relations
EIDA Project Goal-oriented (example): E-M goal (losses, risk, intervention,..), Domain( losses generation events, risk objects,..) search Maps (...) search Toxic substances risk model support of
EIDA Project Project main phases 1 - User Requirement specification 2 - Modeling 3 - Tools prototyping and verification 4- Demos (user oriented applications) validation
EIDA Project Generic Emergency Management Scenario N-th Decompositon level: Model 1Model 2Model 3Model n Sub-Model 1.. Sub-Model 2.. Sub-Model m Architecture of EIDA kernel Architecture of an ideal emergency manager Verification Validation... modification integration selection Prototype 1 Prototype m Prototype 2... l User oriented demos 4
Formalization of the Applicative Domain Wp1 Summary - Domain of EM Activity - EM Activities and Tasks - EM operators organizational structure
Formalization of the Applicative Domain Wp1 - Domain of EM Activity -> Reusing Muster Model - EM Activities and Tasks -> Use Task Analysis - Agents organizational structure -> ISEM Model Methods and Tools Muster and ISEM are EU projects.
Summary - Definition of a Common Terminology - Single Agent Model - Decisional Model Based on Agents Cooperation Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2
Methods and Tools Single Agent Model ( TOGA Th.): Physical Domain of Activity Actions Data acquisition New Information Decisions Goals AD P K P K Abstract - Domain; a representation of Physical Domain of Activity Agent Preference System Agent Knowledge System
Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2 Methods and Tools -> GEMS top-activities loop Detecting/ monitoring Diagnostics Previsions Decision- Making Domain modelsEmergency org. models What-if simul. Role-preferences Information acquisition: with/without request Cause searching Consequence searching Action / task choice Comunication Agent Diagnostic Agent Evaluator Agent Action Selector Agent
Methods and Tools Diagnostic agent structure: Domain representation -> focused on the Causal Trees of the Emergency Events and Risk Objects Preference System -> the agent goal is to send to the evaluator agent more and more precise informations about event causes and event characterization Knowledge System -> has the task to execute Cause Searching Process. It could be based on Case Based Reasoning approach Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2
Methods and Tools Evaluator agent structure: Domain representation -> focused on Causal Trees of the Emergency Events and Risk Objects Preference System -> the agent goal is to refine evaluations performing a Consequence Searching Process Knowledge System -> is supported by Numerical Simulators and/or executes a qualitative Case Based Reasoning Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2
Emergency propagation map primary event registrated event cause searching model consequence searching model Domain model Domain model - risk Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2 A.M.Gadomski, 1995
Methods and Tools Action selector agent structure: Domain representation -> focused on organizational emergency structure, management resources and physical layout; Preference System -> the agent goal is to choice the best recovery actions and procedures on the basis of evaluation results; Knowledge System -> is composed by an action selector and an action executor. The action selector could be supported by a a Rule Based processing. Definition of Models and System Requirements Wp2
Specification of EIDA ToolKit Kernel Wp3 Wp3 Methods and Tools - Choose of adeguate final software environment. - Software functional Specification and Testing (for the different agents) using a Case Tool - Design a Protocol for Data exchange between the agents - Design the Users Interface architecture
Implementation and Validation of EIDA ToolKit Kernel Wp4 -Wp5 Wp4 -Wp5 Methods and Tools - Incremental implementation of the EIDA software Agents - Verification and Validation of the produced Kernel modules respect at least two different Users oriented prototypes. - Generalization of the produced ToolKit to support its utilization in other application of the same class
EIDA proposal Toolkit for Coordinated Emergency Management Set of decision-support tools (agents) Intelligent interface (agent) EIDA System Emergency manager Coordinator