REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. T echnology S tudent A ssociation Meeting Presenter Justin Touchstone| State of TSA in Idaho July 21,
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Welcome Introductions State TSA Officer – Sydney Madsen, Reporter State TSA Coordinator – Scott Orr State Officer Coordinator - New Teachers 2 Welcome TSA Moto: Learning to Live in a Digital World
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Minutes from 2015 SLC Advisors Meeting Motion to approve Action Items Event Coordinators Event judges Friday night social ideas coming Vacant board positions Region I – Pat Behm & Vacant Region II – Zak Russell & Vacant Region III – Lisa Bird & Vacant Region IV – Damon Schoth & Vacant Region V – Vacant & Vacant Region VI – Miles Hurley & David Heath LV1 Rep – Will Alder Idaho TSA President Hayden Bryant Post-Secondary – David Campbell Idaho TSA State Advisor – Justin Touchstone 3 Meeting Agenda
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Sydney Madsen – Nationals Presentation Conference Stats 6500 attendees Idaho Stats 21 Students (One Chapter) 2 Advisors 4 th place in Architectural Renovation 4 TSA National Convention Meeting Agenda
2015 Idaho TSA National Delegates
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. 6 Idaho TSA by the Numbers Stats based off TSA Affiliation information from National TSA
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. 7 Stats based off TSA Affiliation information from National TSA 70 Affiliated schools 20 active 50 inactive Idaho TSA by the Numbers
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. 8 Based on 10 forms and previous Program managers information Idaho TSA by the Numbers
What do we Learn from all of this?
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Immediate Goals (1 to 5 years) Increase SLC attendance by 100 students 2016 Yearly growth of students. Increase National conference attendance by 20 students 2016 Yearly attendance growth at Nationals by 20 students yearly. Long Term (5 to 10 years) See all programs in ETE affiliated with a PTSO and active Increase SLC attendance to 600 – 800 by 2020 Increase National attendance to 100 by 2020 Create an Active Idaho TSA Alumni association 12 TSA Goals Great Opportunity for Growth
How do we achieve this?
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. What Role do you Play in all of this Solutions
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Contacting Inactive chapters Using the TSA Champion fund to start new chapters or to help struggling chapters Showing School administrations the connections to STEM and TSA as well as added cost funding Using PTE Scholarship money to help send students to nationals Work on Industry partnership to develop funding to help send students to Nationals Development of a TSA Foundation 15 Program Managers Role - Growth Solutions
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. To promote the TSA in Idaho and to provide strategic financial resources for Idaho TSA programs and activities that benefit Engineering and Technology education students and help them develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. 16 TSA Foundation - Mission Solutions
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Recognition of State winners in Competitive events (Industry Partners for events) Expenses for State winning Teams, National officer candidates to compete in National TSA competitions State Officer training, Industry tours, Expenses and Leadership Activities Post-Secondary Education Scholarships State TSA Leadership Conference support including facilities, workshops, events, awards and more Chapter awards Top Gun award Other Special Recognition and special Projects 17 Possible Foundation Activities TSA Foundation
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Provide leadership training to chapter officers Work on better communication with chapters Promote TSA with Industry partners Other roles developed at JSL 18 TSA State Officers Role – Student Leadership Solutions
REAL SKILLS. REAL CAREERS. REAL WORLD. Mentor new chapters Develop relationships with Industry Partners Continue to grow your local Chapter Mentor and develop students 19 TSA Chapter Advisers Role – Chapter Growth Solutions
Together we Can make TSA Great Questions? TSA Moto: Learning to Live in a Digital World
Len B. Jordan Building, Room W. State Street P.O. Box Boise, ID Phone: (208) Fax: (208) Contact Idaho Professional-Technical Education