Evolution of FastTRAC Perkins CTE Conference November 10, 2011 Crowne Plaza Plymouth, MN Karen Hynick, Jen Vanek
2 Setting the Context
Skills Gap in Minnesota Minnesota FastTRAC target audience is 35% the 1,143,954 Minnesotans with either no high school diploma or only a high school diploma and no college experience… 3
4 Tipping Point Research Study Out of Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges in 2005 Showed significant wage increases for students who were able to complete one year worth of college credit bearing curriculum and attain a credential $7,000 for students who started in English as a Second Language (ESL) $8,500 for those who started in ABE or GED $2,700 and $1,700 for those entering with a GED or high school diploma, respectively I-BEST students are type 29 – 35% more likely to earn a postsecondary credential than students in traditional model
Sample Programs with Similar Target Audiences InitiativeInstructional Model Funding Cost Per Participant Outcomes FastTRAC Offers bridge and integrated programming in technical career pathways leading to college credit $2,500 - $5,000 (variable)88% success in course completion for integrated model 75% in related employment MN Adult Basic Education Offers basic skills, ESL, GED, transitions skills (to postsecondary/work) in small to large group settings by licensed K-12 instructors $1,100 - $1,500 65% of ABE students with post- secondary goal enroll in college 71% retained employment & 51% gained employment Twin Cities RISE Offer more than 30 courses in basic educational and vocational skills with a focus on personal empowerment $20,000Graduates of the program have 82% for a one-year job retention Job Corps Offers hands-on training in more than 100 career technical areas, training programs are aligned with industry certifications and adult basic skills training towards high school diploma and/or GED $ 16,500 66% entered employment, 55% attained hsd or ged or career training Developmental Education Offers coursework in basic skills reading, writing and math leading to college level credit bearing work $1,000-3,00025% of developmental enrollees earn a college credential or degree within 8 years of enrollment in higher education 5
POST- SECONDARY CREDENTIAL BRIDGE II BRIDGE PREP BRIDGE I INTEGRATED SUPPORT SYSTEMS INTEGRATED INSTRUCTION Bridge Prep Intentional focus on work skills into beginning basic adult education Bridge I Low intermediate reading, writing, speaking, and math skills taught in the context of a variety of occupational sectors Bridge II High intermediate basic skills and focused preparation for targeted postsecondary occupational courses in the context of a specific occupational sector Integrated Instruction Adult Basic Education skill building within a Career & Technical Education course Support services for success including barrier mitigation, career advising, system navigation provided by workforce development, community based organizations, and human services Industry recognized credential in regional high demand field ABE instruction ABE/MnSCU instruction
7 Wrap Around Services for FastTRAC students – sample partnership Fast TRAC Student CBO- Recruitment, referral, support services and counseling Adult Basic Education Provides bridge and integrated basic skills MnSCU Provides credit bearing instruction in technical area Employer -job shadow and assures instruction meet standards Workforce Center provides labor market information & counseling on careers & support services
FastTRAC Outcomes Since January 2010, preliminary results have demonstrated – 34 FastTRAC programs became operational on 20 of the 47 college campuses. 17 in our new 3.0 model 26 (making up approximately 90% of Minnesota’s ABE service delivery) of 51 ABE consortia have created bridge and integrated programming with FastTRAC funding. Of the 807 adults who have enrolled in FastTRAC ABE bridge courses, 540 have completed to date and moved into an integrated MnSCU/ABE course – a success rate of 67%. In the ABE/MnSCU integrated model, 415 adults were served as of August 2011, and 364 adults have completed an integrated instruction course – a success rate of 88%. 8
FastTRAC Goals By 2013, serve 3,000 adults and establish 50 FastTRAC adult career pathways offered at MnSCU campuses through integrated ABE and Career Technical Education courses and 50 FastTRAC bridge courses offered through ABE consortia. 75% (2,250) of participants will be placed in employment 50% (1,500) of enrolled FastTRAC participants will earn industry-recognized credentials 30% (900) of FastTRAC participants will continue the educational pathway or return to a pathway within 5 years 9
10 System Outcomes to Date SystemTransitionCompletionEmployment Adult Basic Education 74,847 enrollees in : - 41% ESL - 15% GED/HS Diploma - 44% Basic Skills Brush-up - 8,490 GED & HS diplomas 23,893 students (32%) in highest 2 (of 6) educational levels of ABE and ESL – (FastTRAC potential) 65% of ABE students with post-secondary goal enroll in college 71% retained employment and 51% gained employment Developmental Education 50, 688 enrollees for FY’10 MnSCU 71% pass developmental writing sequence 68% pass developmental reading sequence 30% pass developmental math sequence 25% of developmental enrollees earned a college credential within eight years of enrollment nationally 42% of developmental education students complete a certificate FastTRAC 67% completed Bridge and moved to Integrated 88% completed integrated course and 100% earned college credit 75% in related employment I-Best 78% of IBEST learners persisted to the second year 90% earned college credit 54% of IBEST learners earned a college credential
Future Measures and Timeline of Outcomes by 2012 – 2013 As implementation moves forward, through integrated data sources from ABE, MnSCU, Workforce Development, and Department of Human Services we can measure- FastTRAC student bridge and integrated course completion Attachment to funding streams like Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) Persistence in higher education Certificate, diploma, degree attainment Industry certifications Job placement and wage progression 11
FastTRAC Data Framework State Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) - pre- kindergarten to postsecondary education into the workforce, identify predictors of long-term student success and drive policy decisions Action Analytics – MnSCU tool to monitor and improve performance, predictive models that would permit targeted interventions to improve student success Workforce Data Quality Initiative - DEED to link information on wages to postsecondary student information from OHE, MnSCU, and ABE FastTRAC Data Management Plan seeks to pilot components of the SLEDS to assess and improve FastTRAC programming, tracking ABE students through MnSCU and into the workforce. Cross- agency partnership with agreements to share & analyze data 12
13 ISIS Opportunity Opportunity to participate in a national longitudinal study on adult career pathways Suggested by DHS, Mark Toogood 10 years, 20 million dollars Opportunity to secure dollars for staffing for research purposes 9 other partners, 7 other states represented Random sample versus programmatic focus Need1,000 clients to participate
FastTRAC Professional Development Plan PD Components – Funded by Joyce Foundation Integrated instruction Best Practice Presentation Discussion Prompt Follow-up Activity Navigator PD CBO or Workforce Development employee coordinates support service that the ABE/MNSCU learner needs to achieve success Administrator PD ABE, CBO, Workforce, MNSCU leadership training to support career pathway program/partnership development and implementation 14
PD Project Goals Build communities of practice Provide online training tools to support ongoing FastTRAC partnerships Learning modules accessed online Training meetings for state’s partnerships Building regional expertise for more local training in the future Development of training Building online tools this year Local partnerships’ feedback used to refine Enhanced communication and interaction as community grows! 15
Integrated Instruction PD Modules 1.Understanding your role in your local program 2. Integrated Outcomes – ABE Skill Building within CTE Course Outcomes 3.Understanding Assessment – Definitions, Purpose, and Screening Process 4.Sharing the Stage I –High-barrier population & how partnership can support 5.Sharing the Stage II – Successful models of co-teaching 6.Adult Learning Theory and Instructional strategies 7.Using Data to Describe Student Outcomes 8.Building Champions – Reflecting on the Integrated Instruction experience 16
New website: mnfasttrac.org 17
A free web-based platform Goal-directed Learning Plans offering structured access to customized resources Roles for teachers, tutors, counselors and others to coordinate support of Learners as they move from one program or setting to another, giving assistance, feedback, referrals An e-portfolio for students to make their work and progress through a Learning Plan visible 18
Stackable & Customizable Bridge II FastTRAC CourseIntegrated CTE FastTRAC 19
Feedback From the Field and Next Steps Needs from the fieldPrioritizing next steps 20
Contact information Learner Web Jen Vanek Karen Hynick 21