Project Coordinators: Eduardo Santana de Almeida Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira Federal University of Pernambuco Informatics Center Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems
The Goals To Reduce –Time-to-market To Increase –Productivity and Quality Efficient and Practical Solutions –Based on Real Problems Relationship between University (CIn/UFPE) and Industry (CESAR)
Repository System Component Certification Process Software Reuse Environment Reengineering Process Reuse Process Project Adaptation Process
Reengineering Process The Problems –Knowledge –Artifacts –Source Code The Proposal –An effective process Reverse Engineering –Analyze Documentation, Identify Features, Recovery Project..... Forward Engineering –Domain, Product Line X Y Z
Reuse Process [Almeida, 2003] The Problems –Domain Engineering, Product-Line (currently) Development “for” and “with” reuse –Did not consider Success and Failure factors –Lack of Metrics The Proposal –An effective process based on: The previous problems A Metrics Framework Development “for” and “with” reuse The Core –Adaptable Process for Software Factories
A Tool for Automatic Verification of Interface Contracts The Problem –A simple example To investigate –Pre x Pos conditions –Formal Contracts boolean AddCustomer (String Nome, String CPF) {} Impl. X {...} Impl. Y {...} // Impl. X Updated
An Method to Packaging Software Component supported by a CASE Tool The Problems –“Time is money” How to understand, adapt, and integrate software components without adequate documentation? –How to Document software components? Patterns, Hypermedia.... Delivery: Binary code, Service.... The Proposal –Method –Tool
A Cost Model for Software Reuse The Problems –A Software reuse program is expensive Training, Domain Engineering, Product-line, Component- Based Development, Tools... –How Can We avoid costs for the company? –The few cost models are not integrated with software reuse process The Proposal –A Cost Model Integrated with the Software Reuse Process –Tool
Adaptation Process [Almeida, 2003] The Problems –New Software reuse process x Company Process –Automatic adaptation based on company features The Proposal –Adaptation Process Pattern Language, Method.... –Company Maturity based on Software reuse Level 1, Level 2, Level 3....Level 5
Software Reuse Environment Tools and “Environments” – Operating Systems –Small collections of stand-alone tools –UNIX Editors, compilers, debuggers grep, find –Did not provide real means for integrating tools, coordinating their executions, or automating common tasks Programming Support Environment (PSE) –The first significant efforts in producing tightly integrated development environment –Collections of tools that support coding activities –Some support for task automation –Support only one software engineering activity and its artifacts
Software Reuse Environment Software Engineering Environments (SEE) –Identification of the need for integrated support for software engineering activities {motivation} –Integrated collections of tools that facilitate software engineering activities – across the software lifecycle –Traceability Process-centered Software Engineering Environment (PSEE) –Hypothesis – Software engineering process – piece of software –Need for semi-automated support for the software process –To investigate Requirements –To investigate and develop the PSEE supporting all the project –Component-based Architecture
Component Certification Process [Alvaro, 2004] The Problems –High demand of customer for trust components –Lack of reliable components (no standard to qualify them) –Lack of Standards for Component Certification (CC) –Lack of defined metrics to achieve CC The Proposal –Component Certification Process –Metrics Framework –Tool
Repository System The Problems –How to store the assets? XML {XMI}, Database, File.... –How to search and recover the assets? Introspection, Agents, Pattern Language.... Local x Distributed Passive x Active The Proposal –To investigate the repository systems –Automatic support
A Tool for Asset Management in Repository Systems The Problems –How to: Notify consumers of new components or problems Manage repository systems Manage users Manage the versioning of assets {components} Register interest in components Receive new component notification Review new components
A Tool for Asset Mining in Repository Systems The Problems –How often a component appears in a match of search criteria –How often it is examined for use in a new product –Which components can be removed from the repository –Which components should be modified to make them more suitable for reuse –To define a set of useful informations to analyze –......
Future Works Choose your works –Research, Implement, Test, Integrate, Experiment –Publish to consolidate the software reuse group –ConferencesConferences To obtain financial support –CAPES, CNPq, FINEP, FACEPE....
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