Rockin’ to the Learning Beat Ms. Coppess
Reading/Language Arts – novels, book reports, connected writing, report writing, poetry writing, narrative and expository writing, A.R., WOD (Word of the Day), Word Roots, and more. Science – human body, simple machines, endangered species, Science Fair, Scientific process, and more. Social Studies – Election Process, colonies, Revolutionary War, forming a new government, and more. Math – division, multiplication, Algebra, Geometry, problem solving, measurement, Perplexors, and more. Projects, plays, presentations, leadership training, and more.
The GT program is expected to accelerate students. Students are expected to function above their assigned grade level. Students will embrace the challenge – the learning curve might be high at first, but they are fully capable of rising to meet the challenge. Students will find that intelligence does not equate to easy. Students will learn they have to work hard and not to fear hard work. Students will learn that hard work brings satisfaction.
Study Skills Student will: Take notes in notebooks and on note cards Study the notes for best learning Learn to organize desk and books Keep assignment book up-to-date and use it to keep on top of assignments Study vocabulary and use it in everyday conversation Develop research skills using the Internet, encyclopedias, nonfiction books, etc. Student will: Take responsibility for their own learning Ask for help when needed Turn in assigned work when due Use class time to work-not play Finish at home if needed Read for at least 30 minutes each night Be respectful and supportive of classmates and teacher Students should learn to keyboard Self - Discipline
I fully expect each student to put forth their best effort. Assignments should be neat and follow my expectations for quality. Work of lesser quality will be returned to be done again with quality. I expect students to redo any missed questions for purposes of learning – any grade below an 80% must be corrected and turned back in to me. Work should be completed with a graphite pencil, black or blue pen (unless otherwise indicated by me). Math is to be completed with a graphite pencil at all times.
Students earn auction money for many actions and activities in the classroom – papers, box tops, soup labels, participation, Jeopardy, Bingo, etc. Students bring a check home with the amount of money they have earned for the set period of time. Parents must sign the check and the student returns the check to me. Students have two days to return the check. It will not be accepted after that. The check must be filled out accurately – spelling, etc., or the treasurer will void it. (This is always at my approval). Students can be fined. (This is always at my approval). An auction is held once a month – usually the last Friday of the month. Students are responsible for keeping their money safe. It will not be replaced if it is lost or stolen.
Students can run for class office - president, v.p., secretary, treasurer. They can serve in each office only once – term limits. Speeches – must be given in front of the class for the Primary and Final Election. Party Committee is elected each semester. They can run for this more than once. ASB Representatives – two are elected for the year. Removal – from office is by me if necessary. Removal will be for not completing assignments, lack of role model behavior, or earning a Step Four.
My web site can be accessed through the Oakbrook web site. I am currently creating an extensive book list – check to make sure the book you choose is grade level appropriate and does not conflict with your moral and religious standards. Check your on a regular basis for s from me. They are usually titled Coppess Newsflash if it is for the entire class. Check for personal s about your child’s progress from me. Please contact me through with any questions or concerns. I will get back to you as promptly as I can.
Intelligence is not fixed as was originally believed, but dynamic. “Studies indicate that we continue to grow in intelligence or show a loss of intelligence as we develop depending on the environment with which we interact, the intellectual challenges in which we engage, and on our personality characteristics.” “…the concept of intelligence as an interaction between genetics and the environment has gained wide acceptance…” “Giftedness may be developed and expressed to a moderate, high, or profound level.” Clark, Barbara. Growing Up Gifted. (2008) 7 th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Failure is success if we learn from it. A mistake is a learning opportunity if it is honestly made. Failure caused by lack of effort is not acceptable.