Outlining the Work Proposal (part one): Describing the Project Background 工作提案計劃 ( 第一部份 ): 背景 柯泰德網路線上科技英文論文編修服務.


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Presentation transcript:

Outlining the Work Proposal (part one): Describing the Project Background 工作提案計劃 ( 第一部份 ): 背景 柯泰德網路線上科技英文論文編修服務

Outlining the project background for your work or research proposal 工作提案計劃 ( 第一部份 ): 背景 comprises the following parts: Setting of work proposal 工作提案建構 : 你工作提案的主題是什麼 ? 你的讀者可以 明瞭工作提案 的內容嗎 ? Work problem 工作問題 : 你的工作提案 裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解 的問題嗎 ?

Quantitative specification of problem 問題 的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者 明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制 ? Importance of problem 問題的中心 : 如果 問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提 案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊 ?

Setting of work proposal 工作提案 建構 : What is the topic of interest that your work proposal is concerned with? Can you point the reader of your work proposal to the general area which you are concerned with? 你工作提案的主題是什麼 ? 你的 讀者可以明瞭工作提案的內容嗎 ? Consider the following examples:

A decision-making environment is increasingly complex. Consumer demand on the water supply in southern Taiwan has significantly increased in recent years owing to population and industrial growth, as well as elevated living standards. Statistical approaches such as scored methods are extensively used to optimize the process parameters of ordered categorical responses. Process quality and delivery time have received increasing emphasis in industry.

Process capability index is a highly effective means of evaluating process performance. Enterprises trade with each other by carefully considering business ratings to reduce investment risks. An increasing number of wafer fabs use a control chart to detect assignable causes, making it extremely difficult for engineers to effectively control the wafer process.

Predicting the amount of residuals in ground water contaminants has been extensively studied. Owing to their lowest density among all metallic structural materials, magnesium alloys are highly promising for their diverse use in the automotive, railway, aerospace, computer, communications and consumer electronics industries.

Work problem 工作問題 : What is the problem that you are trying either to solve or more thoroughly understand in the work proposal? 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決 或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎 ?

Conventional evaluation models are concerned only with economic factors and neglect factors that can not be evaluated by money. Although the reservoir supply in southern Taiwan can satisfy the current water demand, increasing demands will soon surpass the reservoir’s capabilities.

These methods inaccurately estimate the dispersion effect, thereby confounding the location effect and dispersion effect. Conventional process capability indices(PCIs) are unable not only to objectively assess quality and delivery time, but also to identify how PCIs and yield rate are related.

Conventional process capability indices can not measure a non-normal distribution process accurately. Conventional mathematic models have difficulty in discriminating between multiple ranks. Conventional control charts are designed for manufacturing systems with only one source of variation, making it impossible to control several independent sources of variation. These alloys have a low formability near room temperature and are more expensive than plastics, aluminum, steel and cast iron.

Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 : How can you quantitatively define the problem so that the reader understands the quantitative limitations of previous efforts to solve this problem? 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者 明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化 限制 ?

Consider the following examples: A prediction accuracy of only 60% among departed models… The inability to measure a non-normal distribution process accurately… An error rate exceeding 20%…

A situation in which the formability near room temperature does not reach 20% elongation… Increasing the evaporation speed by 1% increases the resistance by 5%… The failure to understand precisely which microscopic features form a particular phase topology…

Importance of problem 問題的中 心 : If the problem remains unsolved or not thoroughly understood, how will this negatively impact the reader of your work proposal? 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的 負面衝擊 ?

Consider the following examples: Conventional models may cause decision makers to select an inappropriate scheme. The lack of an effective water distributed strategy for current reservoirs will lead to frequent water shortages in southern Taiwan.

Implementing those methods leads to an inaccurate optimal level combination of process parameters. The lack of an objective procedure leads to inefficiency and a high overhead cost.

This surging demand will lead to the increased drilling of new wells to locate groundwater resources, which is extremely expensive. Using such charts often leads to ineffective and futile searches for assignable causes, thus expending a considerable amount of manpower and capital.

The inability to understand its impact on ionic conductivity makes it impossible not only to estimate the radiation defect rebuilding in cesium halides doped with OH-impuritiy, but also to measure the ionic conductivity of irradiated crystals.

The inability to fully understand its physical nature further delays experimental investigation and possible industrial applications of these crystals. The inability to fully understand the exoemission mechanism makes it impossible to detect and investigate defects in the surface layouts of the crystals.

( example 1 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Owing to their lowest density among all metallic structural materials, magnesium alloys are highly promising for their diverse use in the automotive, railway, aerospace, computer, communications and consumer electronics industries. Putting it all together: describing the project background 背景 Consider the following examples:

Work problem 工作問題 However, these alloys have a low formability near room temperature and are more expensive than plastics, aluminum, steel and cast iron. Quantitative specification of problem 問題 的量化 A situation in which the formability near room temperature does not reach 20% elongation Importance of problem 問題的中 心 limits commercial applications of magnesium and its alloys.

(example 2 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Enterprises trade with each other by carefully considering business ratings to reduce investment risks. Work problem 工作 問題 However, conventional mathematic models have difficulty in discriminating between multiple ranks. Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 A prediction accuracy of only 60% among departed models Importance of problem 問 題的中心 exposes traders to unnecessarily high risks.

(example 3 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Predicting the amount of residuals in ground water contaminants has been extensively studied. Work problem 工作問 題 However, uncertain and insufficient hydrology data make it impossible to accurately predict their amount. Quantitative specification of problem 問題 的量化 An error rate exceeding 20% Importance of problem 問題的中心 falls below R.O.C. environmental protection standards.

(example 4 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 A decision-making environment is increasingly complex. Work problem 工 作問題 However, conventional evaluation models are concerned only with economic factors and neglect factors that can not be evaluated by money. Importance of problem 問題的中心 Therefore, conventional models may cause decision makers to select an inappropriate scheme.

(example 5) Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Consumer demand on the water supply in southern Taiwan has significantly increased in recent years owing to population and industrial growth, as well as elevated living standards. Work problem 工 作問題 Although the reservoir supply in southern Taiwan can satisfy the current water demand, increasing demands will soon surpass the reservoir ’ s capabilities.

Importance of problem 問題的中心 Therefore, the lack of an effective water distributed strategy for current reservoirs will lead to frequent water shortages in southern Taiwan.

(example 6 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Statistical approaches such as scored methods are extensively used to optimize the process parameters of ordered categorical responses. Work problem 工作 問題 However, these methods inaccurately estimate the dispersion effect, thereby confounding the location effect and dispersion effect. Importance of problem 問 題的中心 Therefore, their implementation leads to an inaccurate optimal level combination of process parameters.

(example 7 )Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Process quality and delivery time have received increasing emphasis in industry. Work problem 工作問題 However, conventional process capability indices(PCIs) are unable not only to objectively assess quality and delivery time but also to identify how PCIs and yield rate are related. Importance of problem 問題的 中心 Therefore, the lack of an objective procedure leads to inefficiency and a high overhead cost.

(example 8 ) Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 Process capability index is a highly effective means of evaluating process performance. Work problem 工作 問題 However, conventional process capability indices can not measure a non- normal distribution process accurately. Quantitative specification of problem 問題 的量化 The inability to measure a non- normal distribution process accurately Importance of problem 問題的中心 leads to error when comparing processes or selecting an alternative supplier.

(example 9 ) Setting of work proposal 工作 提案建構 An increasing number of wafer fabs use a control chart to detect assignable causes, making it extremely difficult for engineers to effectively control the wafer process. Work problem 工作問題 However, conventional control charts are designed for manufacturing systems with only one source of variation, making it impossible to control several independent sources of variation.

Importance of problem 問題的中心 Using such charts often leads to ineffective and futile searches for assignable causes, thus expending a considerable amount of manpower and capital.

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