Resumes That Work What, Where (to start), How, Why’s to Writing Winning Resumes
Getting Started PPP – Prior Proper Planning Brand yourself for Competitive Distinction Resume is your Marketing Tool Determine your Job Search Objective Purpose of a Resume – Land an Interview, Not a JOB!
How to…The Specific Resume Write a “Master” Resume, then Duplicate & Tailor it to the job you want. Study the Job Posting for Key Words Visit the company website for relevant keywords Strategically combine Action Words and Keywords
Organization: Function vs. Chronology Chronological Format Best highlights your Relevant work experience/Education Functional Resumes Group skills into categories and briefly list job titles at the bottom Usually reserved for Career Changers, New Graduates.
Organization: Your Best Stuff First Use a headline to summarize your value Stress accomplishments over mere duties Numbers: Always include #’s, %’s, and $’s to back up achievements Use Action Words often Lead with your strengths Keep it short, sweet and to the point
Action Words Achieved FacilitatedTrained Advised FormulatedTransformed AnalyzedIdentified Utilized BuiltImplemented Conducted Led Created Managed Delivered Prepared Deployed Provided Developed Planned Drove Recommended Established Spearheaded
Sample Resumes
Sample Resume
Sample Resumes
Appearance Plain fonts: easy to read and reasonable size; between 10 & 12 pts. i.e. Sans Serif, Arial, Verdana Use minimal and purposeful formatting, simple bullets Use bolding and italics sparingly Leave white space; Visually appealing Limit to 1-2 pages
Resume Pet Peeves 1.Grammar, spelling, punctuation 2.Inaccurate or Missing Contact information 3.Inaccurate Dates or None at All 4.Long Resumes and 5.Long Paragraphs 6.Unrelated Personal Information: TMI = DOA 7.Bland Job Details; Too Duty Oriented 8.Unqualified Candidates
Everyday Success Pointers 1.It’s never too late to think about your future, or to change the direction of your life. Without planning your future, you will not have any! 2.If it is to be, it is up to ME! 3.Each one of us is responsible for the person we become and for the things we do or do not have 4.The great calamity is not to have failed, but to have failed to try. 5.Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. It overcomes discouragement and gets things done. It is the magic quality, and the remarkable thing is, it’s contagious! 6.Take your job seriously and yourself lightly, you’ll never get out of it alive anyway. 7.What you think about, you bring about, so what are you thinking about? 8.Be cheerful! Of all the things you wear, your expression is most important.