Session 8 Scoring Method Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)
Objectives and Content Objective of Session 8: Training participants understand the Scoring Method and learn how to use it in the formulation of the CPDP and CPIP. Content:1. Presentation: the Scoring Method 2. Q&A 1
2 Scoring Method The Scoring Method is recommended for use in the formulation of the CPDP and CPIP. CPDP To prepare: the table of prioritized C/P situational analysis, and the table of the C/P development framework CPIP To prepare the consolidated table of project proposals with priority
Scoring Method for the CPDP
4 Scoring Method for the CPDP The Scoring Method is recommended to discuss and prioritize the following. Problems in and causes for preparing the table of prioritized C/P situational analysis; and Goals, objectives, and solutions for preparing the table of the C/P development framework The Scoring Method is a useful tool to decide which problems are more important than others.
5 Process of the Scoring Method for the Situational Analysis (1) 1.Each group discusses problems under its responsible component in the consolidated table of situational analysis prepared by the PWG. 2. When the number of problems under respective components is too many, it is recommended to reduce the number to five because it is not realistic to solve all the problems in five years. The Scoring Method is recommended. 3.Before starting the Scoring Method, each group discusses and chooses the criteria. The number of criteria should be three or four. In addition, the range of scores is fixed, e.g., from the highest score of 5 to the lowest score of Discuss and give scores based on the criteria, and screen the problems.
6 Process of the Scoring Method for the Situational Analysis (2) Example Criteria Definition Urgency Does this problem show the urgency from the local needs? Needs Does this problem reflect the local needs? Policy Prioritization Does the problem meet the priority of policies such as a Policy Guidance, Sector Development Plan, or other National and C/P Policy? Beneficiaries Does this problem affect a large number of people?
7 Process of the Scoring Method for the Development Framework (1) 1. The table of C/P development framework is made using the table of prioritized situational analysis. 2.When the number of solutions under respective objectives in the table of C/P development framework is over three, it is not realistic to implement all the solutions in five years. It is recommended to screen the solutions by the Scoring Method. 3.Before starting the Scoring Method, the group members discuss and choose the criteria and reach a consensus on the definition of the chosen criteria. The number of criteria should be three or four. In addition, the range of scores is also fixed, e.g., from the highest score of 5 to the lowest score of 1. 4.Discuss and give scores based on the criteria, and screen the solutions.
8 Process of the Scoring Method for the Development Framework (2) Example Criteria Definition Logic Whether problems and causes are logically linked or not If it is not logical, the possibility of achievement becomes low. Time Whether identified problems can be solved within five years (the term of the CPDP) or not Feasibility The feasibility can be considered in terms of technical aspects (e.g., whether the C/P has enough technical capacity), financial aspects (expected necessary cost), and human resource aspect (necessary number of capable human resources). Impact The impact should be estimated in terms of the scale of positive benefit such as the number of beneficiaries and expected increase of income.
9 Sample Table of Scoring Method for Screening Solutions Each group screens solutions through discussion by referring to the result of scoring. Note. The scores should be fixed in vertical direction. After the scoring in each criteria, the result of scoring should be reviewed again. SolutionsLogicTimeFeasibilityImpactTotal Solution A Solution B Solution C The Score ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).
Scoring Method for the CPIP
11 Scoring Method for the Project Proposal The Scoring Method is recommended to give the order of priority to the projects in the consolidated table of project proposals. It is conducted at “Sub-step 1-3: Screening of Project Proposals” in the CPDP formulation.
12 Process of Scoring Method for the Project Proposal 1.The order of project priority is given per component. 2. Before starting the Scoring Method, the participants discuss and choose the criteria and reach a consensus on the definition of the criteria chosen. The number of criteria should be three or four. In addition, the range of scores is fixed, e.g., from the highest score of 5 to the lowest score of 1. 3.Discuss and give scores to each project based on the criteria, and fix the order of priority: high, medium, and low. Note: If one component includes over ten projects, it is recommended that the number of projects be reduced to ten or fewer through discussion before conducting the scoring.
13 Process of Scoring Method for Situational Analysis (2) Example CriteriaExample Definition Urgency Does this project respond to the urgency of the local needs? Technical Aspects Are technical skills available for the projects? Cost Does the project cost meet the budget? Policy Prioritization Does the project meet the prioritization of policy? Beneficiaries Does this project benefit a large number of people? Sustainability Does the project include the consideration of methods/outputs that can be sustained by the target group? Gender Does the project contribute to improving the situation for women? Environmental Aspects Is the project free from negative impact on the environment? Feasibility Does the project consider the adequate project implementation and supervision arrangements to complete within the project period?
14 Q&A Any questions in relation to Session 8?
15 Thank You