Technology to enhance our important work with job seekers, employers and program participants
Why are new changing the model? Today After we implement We only serve 12% of our area’s job seekers Candidates seek referrals to jobs they may not be qualified to do We often don’t know if seekers actually apply after we refer them Job matching in SKIES is often slow and ineffective. Instead of referrals, seekers will actually apply for a position The software ranks seeker resumes according to how well a seeker’s skills and education match the position We will spend more time assisting customers with building their job finding skills and less screening seekers The software expands our reach, and allows us to grow our customer base (target 25%) and the need for our services.
Agenda Introductions and Overview Job Match (Seeker) Account Set Up Profile Details Dashboard Features Resumes Find and Apply for a Job Job Match (Employer) Create a Job Posting Search for and Review Candidates Impersonation Questions
How real-time data gets into the system Job Matching Employer (Self-Service) Job Seeker Create Account/Profile Build/Upload Resume Search/Apply Jobs Utilize Career Tools & Resources Customer Management (Job Seeker) Document Activities and Case Notes Complete Applications and Assessments Create Goal Action Plans Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Employer) Document Employer Activities Job Placement Records Employer Surveys User may use the single sign-on button in the Customer Management system to offer staff-assisted support by impersonating job seekers and employers. Create Account/Profile Post Jobs Search Resumes Manage Candidates One way flow Instructor Script: Most data originates in JM and flows, or integrates, into CM live-time. There’s no lag time between data entered in JM and accessing the information in CM. CM stores and reports integrated data, as well as data collected in the CM system. Data collected for employers and job seekers during registration, and all service activities performed in the JM are viewable in CM. JM integrated data is view-only data in the Customer Management system, users may access the records via TouchPoints and dashboards. Profile information and certain service activities (i.e., resumes and job searches) are always performed in JM, including updates to this data. For example, to update a job seeker’s profile, staff will access the job seeker’s record in CM, then click the single sign-on button to navigate to the job seeker’s profile in JM. Once the profile updates are complete in JM, the case managers will be able to view those updates in the CM.
Job Seeker Workflow Complete Profile Seeker Start Search and Apply for Jobs Complete Profile Welcome Page Login / Create Account Residential Information Build/Upload Resumes Upload Application Docs Profile Details: Demographics, Military Service, Disability, Farm Worker, Program Assistance Create Account: Verification and Account Details Seeker Dashboard Create Cover Letters Use Career Tools and Resources
Job Matching Seeker: Contents Account Creation Job Seeker Dashboard, Profile/Registration Resumes Cover Letters Documents Search Jobs Career Tools Resources Review the objectives and duration for the Seeker training.
Navigate to Job Matching – Job Seeker Prior to class, be sure to clean out all of the data in the trainer’s account. This way, the trainer will display the exact same screens and information the new user will be seeing, and you can highlight how the dashboard updates information as job seeker activities are taken.
Employer Workflow Employer Start Post Jobs Submit Account, User, and Company Information Account Log In Employer Dashboard Search Resumes Manage Candidates Central office Approves Employer Account
Job Matching Employer: Contents Account Creation & Registration Employer Dashboard Job Posting Resume Search Manage Candidates Hiring Library Review the objectives and duration for the Employer training.
Navigate to Job Matching – Employer