INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA The European financing environment. Functioning. Characteristics. European project Life Cycle. Application of PM to European projects (Example) Some patterns in the management of European projects Financial and administrative management
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA EUROPEAN FINANCING ENVIRONMENT Funding programmes in which institutions may Alfa, Tempus, etc
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA There are two types of basic participation forms: 1.Programmes in which institutions of companies can take the initative. 2.Programmes in which institutions must join a consortium.
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA How must institutions participate in the projects of the 6th Framework programme? 1. They must be invited by European partners 2. They must be shown to be active participants to be able to gain an invitation from European partners consortiums. The composition of the consortiums is not a matter for the European Union. It is a question for the consortium itself.
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA In the 6th Framework Programme, the area of “International Cooperation” is the area which offers the most possibilties for participation for institutions “International Cooperation The Workprogramme develops the activities which shall be financed over the coming four yearsWorkprogramme
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA Participation in the 6th Framework Programme of LDC’s is controlled by Reglamento (CE) Nº 2321/2002.Reglamento (CE) Nº 2321/2002. Most importantly: It should be born in mind that institutions in LDC’s are treated differently within the funding instrument (instruments, actions, indirect actions etc)
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA In general, the institution will receive funding when “their participation is strictly essential for the accomplishment of the indirect action” With regard to Intellectual Property Rights and their commercial explotation, those rules which affect LDC’s are to be the same as those which affect the Member States.
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA Functioning. Proposal Preparation Stage PMPriorities Call Text Areas Instruments Guide for ProposersCheck - PreinsWork Programme Proposal Consortium Idea
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA Evaluation Selection Eligibility Check Proposal Evaluation CriteriaHearing Formal Decision Consortium Evaluation by Experts Ethical Review Shortlistl INvitation to negotiate, refuse Reserve List of Projects
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA Negotiation Invitation to negotiate Modulation Proposal Contract Consortium Agreement Technical Content Draft Contract Check Budget Failure = Refusal Others Anexo I Anexo II AnexoIII Consortium Sign Commission Signs Start
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA CHARACTERISTICS OF EUROPEAN PROJECTS Multiplicity of stakeholders : EC, partners, subcontractors etc. Principal ‘client’. European Commission Project Distribution: organisations, objetives, cultures.. Fixed budget: need for detailed justification Very competitive calls: low success ratio. Too much importance placed on preliminary planning. Signing of bilateral agreements, but with Coordinator given more important role
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA CHARACTERISTICS OF EUROPEAN PROJECTS Mutiplicity of external rules and regulations (restrictive contract); absence of internal rules and regulations. Reporting and functional process can provoke possible temporary disfunction, especially in reviews Scarce margin for research and development exploration or with high risks. Elevated administrative overhead costs
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA PROJECT LIFE CYCLE OF EUROPEAN PROJECTS WP (Management) 1 36 Deliverables Reportss Reviews Payments Justification € € € €
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT The EC Contract states which administrative processes to follow There is also the possibility to complement these with our own practices Progress reports, technical documents Activities already carried out Effort implied (in person / months) Othet details of interest (problems, risks, IPR) Other reports: From Management (In between progress reports, for example) Review reports Negociation (CPFs) Contract modifications
INCOME PROJECT TEMPUS SCM MEDA European Union Coordinator Partner