W HY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT WHAT IS ON MY F ACEBOOK ACCOUNT ? Annie Supalla Reilly Maloney John Dodd Fall 2012
P ROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES UTILIZE FACEBOOK TO THEIR ADVANTAGE : According to an April 2012 online article from The Huffington Post, 37 percent of hiring managers use social networking sites to research job applicants. The majority of those managers use Facebook as their primary resource. An additional 11% of current employers say they will start researching their applicants on Facebook in the future.
S O WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR ME ? Employers using Facebook to research a potential applicant is becoming more popular than ever before and this is the growing trend in the work force now. Sooner or later, using Facebook to hire people will become normal protocol.
D OES F ACEBOOK REALLY HAVE THAT BIG OF AN IMPACT ON MY LIFE ? Thirty-four percent of hiring managers said they have come across something that caused them to not hire a candidate. In nearly half of these cases, the person posted a provocative photo or made references to drinking or drug use.
O THER PROBLEMATIC BEHAVIOR POSTED ON F ACEBOOK : Speaking badly of a former employer Lying about their qualifications Simply not being able to write well, which is why schooling is so important!
R EAL WORLD EXAMPLES : Employees have been fired over what was posted on their Facebook accounts. A teacher in Massachusetts lost her job because of a Facebook posting. Talvitie-Siple, a supervisor of the high school math and science program in Cohasset, Mass., was forced to resign after parents spotted Facebook comments she wrote describing students as "germ bags" and parents as "snobby" and "arrogant.” Talvitie-Siple said that her comments grew out of frustration after a difficult semester filled with wide- spread sickness in the classroom and disagreements between the community and the teacher’s union. This excuse did not cut it with the superintendent who asked for the teacher’s resignation.
R EAL W ORLD E XAMPLES C ONTINUED : Then, there is the case of Ashley Payne, a former teacher in Winder, Georgia. Who lost her job because of this picture: /Teacher-sacked-posting-picture- holding-glass-wine-mug-beer- Facebook.html
W ORKS C ITED : Heussner, Ki Mae. " Teacher Loses Job After Commenting About Students, Parents on Facebook." ABC News. American Broadcasting Company, 19 Aug Web. 16 Nov Richard, Jocelyn. "37 Percent of Employers Use Facebook to Pre-Screen Applicants, New Study Says. Huff Post Business. Huffington Post, 20 Apr Web.16 Nov " Teacher Sacked for Posting Picture of Herself Holding Glass of Wine and Mug of Beer on Facebook." Mail Online. Daily Mail, 7 Feb Web. 16 Nov