Being a good digital citizen
What Is Being A Digital Citizen All About? Digital Citizenship is using the internet to communicate, connect, comment, and a lot more. But how can you be safe digital citizen? For starters, you should never give away information that could be used to track you, for example your address, your last name, even places where you go often! Also, never agree to meet up with anyone you do not know. Just because they say they are someone, it doesn’t mean that they are that person. It’s all about participating, communicating, making music, images, and videos, and posting things. And the content that’s there? Kids must be able to know whether it’s good or not. If you post an inappropriate or mean comment or picture it will be under your name forever! Once something is online, and it stays there forever (A really long time!). Everything leaves a digital footprint. Information cannot be controlled. Anything can be copied, changed, and shared instantly.
Copyright Now if you want a picture to post on your blog or to use on a social website don’t just take any picture of Google images, because most of them are subject to copyright. I suggest that you go to Wikimedia commons because there you can actually check if the video or image is subject to copyright.
Digital Footprint CENSORED! Well, you may not realize it but every time you go on the internet you leave a what we call digital footprints. Have a look in the history section of your website browser and you can see the websites you have visited in the past. This is very important to know about, because this can really on whether you get a job or not; say if you did a silly thing on YouTube of any other website, your soon-to-be boss may be doing a little research on you to see if he want you working for him. CENSORED!
How to Find your Digital Footprint
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