1 External Relations Evaluation Unit Result and Impact Indicators for the Road Sector
2 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? To better understand the positive/negative results of EC aid. The main questions are: 1.What change is needed? 2.For whom? 3.How to measure this change?
3 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? 1. Assist EC country teams to develop a set of indicators for the programming level (e.g. to guide development and monitoring of a Country Strategy Paper) 2. To fill, as much as possible, the 'missing middle' between implementation indicators and global impact indicators
4 The Missing Middle Outputs Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Implementation Programming Roads Poverty Reduction
5 Common Indicator of Success
6 Examples - Real Indicators of Success Time Cost Education Environment Health Trade Jobs/Profits
7 Intervention Logic Institutional Reform Social Environment Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Economic Improved Institutional Management of Road System Lower Road Transport Time Lower Road Transport Costs Increased Employment Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Greater Accessibility to Social Services Greater Economic Accessibility Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Economic Growth Social Development Poverty Reduction Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Enhanced Human Capacity MDG 7 MDG 6 MDG 1
8 Result (Outcome) Indicators Institutional Reform Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Economic Improved Institutional Management of Road System Lower Road Transport Time Lower Road Transport Costs Increased Employment 3. Implementation and enforcement of laws related to roads 1. Travel Times 2. Transportation costs 4. Employment resulting from construction and maintenance of roads Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Indicators Environment Social
9 Specific Impact Indicators Improved Institutional Management of Road System Lower Road Transport Time Lower Road Transport Costs Social Environment Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Greater Accessibility to Social Services Greater Economic Accessibility Output Clusters Specific Impacts 10. Road deaths and injuries 11. Disease transmissions influenced by improved mobility 9. Environmental effects of road system 5. Access to roads 6. Use of public transportation 7. Business productivity 8. Access to social services Indicators Economic Institutional Reform Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Results (Outcomes)
10 Intermediate Impact Indicators Increased Employment Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Greater Accessibility to Social Services Greater Economic Accessibility Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Indicators Enhanced Human Capacity 14. Employment 15. Trade 16. School attendance 17. Health attendance Outputs Environment Social Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Institutional Reform Economic Lower Road Transport Time Lower Road Transport Costs Improved Institutional Management of Road System Results (Outcomes)
11 The Missing Middle Outputs Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Implementation Programming Roads Poverty Reduction
12 Attention 1. This is a simplified tool, not a template. Intervention logic must be developed for each country based on its context and existing government strategies 2. Indicators are not fixed but provide ideas on how to set, monitor and evaluate CSP objectives 3. Crosscutting issues should be mainstreamed into relevant indicators (e.g. disaggregation of data by gender) 4. Outcomes/Impact are not fully attributable to the EC Outputs are 100% attributable to the EC but attribution falls as you move up the chain of results
13 List of Key Indicators (with examples) Result (Outcome) Indicators 1.Travel times Public/Commercial transportation time 2. Transportation costs Cost of public transport fares; commercial operating costs 3. Implementation and enforcement of laws related to roads Number/type of prosecutions related to road offences; number/type of approved laws related to roads 4. Employment resulting from road construction and maintenance Number of people directly and indirectly employed in road construction and maintenance projects Specific Impact Indicators 5. Access to roads Population living within x kilometres of a road network 6. Use of public transportation Number of people using public transportation 7. Businesses productivity Market return for traded goods; transfer to higher-value goods 8. Access to social services Number of people who live within x time of a school, health centre, or local government office; number of visits by government officials to towns/villages 9. Environmental effects of road system Soil erosion directly related to roads; lead and carbon monoxide pollution; market share for unleaded petrol; number of vehicles meeting x environmental quality standard 10. Road deaths and injures Number of road deaths; number of road injuries 11. Disease transmissions influenced by improved mobility HIV/AIDS infection rate; TB infection rate Intermediate Impact Indicators 12. Employment Employment opportunities within x travel time; increase in employment within x area 13. Trade Volume of trade between y and z regions; value of trade between y and z regions 14. School attendance School enrolment rates; school completion rates 15. Health attendance Number of visits to health centres; number of supervised births; child immunisation rates
14 Intervention Logic Institutional Reform Social Environment Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Economic Improved Institutional Management of Road System Lower Road Transport Time Lower Road Transport Costs Increased Employment Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Greater Accessibility to Social Services Greater Economic Accessibility Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Economic Growth Social Development Poverty Reduction Output Clusters Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Enhanced Human Capacity Results (Outcomes)