PeopleNetwork+: project objectives, consortium, activities Katia Insogna, APRE- Italy PeopleNetwork+ coordinator National Expert/NCP People & Regional Kyiv, 12 April 2013
Objectives ( ) strengthening closer cooperation among PEOPLE National Contact Points/FP7 Contact points focus on sharing good practices and promoting trans- national/international co-operation improvement of the overall quality of NCP/FP7 Contact Points services across and outside Europe in the area of mobility throughout a set of training opportunities promotion of PEOPLE Programme outside EU 2
Consortium APRE (IT) project coordinator 15 project partners: 9 Member States -MS (Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Malta, Netherlands, Poland) 3 Associated Country-AC (Israel, Switzerland, Turkey) 3 Third Country-TC (Argentina, Russian Federation, Egypt) Approx. 80 Associated Countries/Partners(AP) !!!! Approx. 80 Associated Countries/Partners (AP) !!!! (by default all formally nominated NCPs and FP7 Contact Points, including those from Third Country, are associated partners!!!!!) 3
4 List of newly nominated AP updated constantly (coordination with EC) Project activities (i.e. training sessions, NCP Forum, twinnings, other) to AP, including TC, are provided by default by project partners Participation to project activities to AP is possible through reimbursement!!!
What is the PeopleNetwork+ NCP FORUM?? It is the gathering of all PEOPLE NCPs and FP7 Contact Points, always organised in accordance with other project major events (trainings mostly) AP (including TC delegates) more than welcomed! 5
Communication within the Network The communication flow is assured by daily contacts via , telephone, project social media (Twitter, Facebook, blog), the newly developed E-learning platform, and other dedicated tools, such as Google mailing lists. GOOGLE MAILING LISTS 4 lists developed (updated regularly ) - Network of PEOPLE NCPs/FP7 Contact Points - Beneficiaries - SC members - Associated partners E-learning Platform under the project’s website is used for sharing common documents and information within the Network 6
WP2 Welcoming newcomers – Poland T2.1 Strategy for newcomers Israel T2.2 Practical guidePoland T2.3 Training Newcomers/less experienced NCPs Egypt T3.1 Training experienced NCPsNetherlands T3.2 TwinningsMalta T3.3 Training on COFUND and IRSESTurkey T3.3 e-learning and Best practices sharingBulgaria WP3 Capacity Building - Israel
WP4 Promotion - Bulgaria T4.1 Promotion materialGreece T4.2 Promotion of programme in 3rd countries Egypt WP5 Communication - Switzerland T5.1 Networking group with REAEstonia T5.2 Web 2.0 for Marie-Curie-ActionsSwitzerland
Project Meetings KoM in Rome, together with the first SC, NCP Forum meeting and the first project workshop on social media (Feb 2012). Training on COFUND, Legal & Financial, Consortium Agreement, SC and NCP Forum meeting (Cyprus, July 2012) Training, organised in collaboration with EC/REA, on ITN/EID (Brussels, October 2012) and meeting with Third Countries representatives Istanbul gathering (29-30 November 2012): training on IRSES + NCP Forum and SC meeting 9
10 Training sessions for newcomers/less experienced and experienced NCPs and FP7 Contact points for the year 2013 Two more sessions for each group in year 2013 : Newcomers/less experienced NCPs: May 2013 Warsaw Experienced NCPs: July 2013 Hague Experienced and newcomers: October 2013 Wien …not to forget Horizon 2020 event next year!!!! tbd dates and venue
11 Twinning schemes ON THE RUN!!!!!!! Based on results of the NCPs’ mapping questionnaire Most visits in year 2013 (a total of 10 groups/visits are ongoing/foreseen) Agenda and dates/venue decided by the participants of each group 3 days working visits, 10 groups of approx. 5 NCPs
12 Networking group with REA The common mailing is used on daily basis for assistance to NCPs but also for gathering comments/suggestions on GfAs and WPs to be forwarded to the REA
14 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Please contact : Katia Insogna Angelo D’Agostino Tel