Dangerous Microbes in the 21st Century! Pandemics, Emerging Diseases, and the Threat of Bioterrorism: Implications for Teaching Morning Sessions (Large Room): 8:00-8:20Registration, Coffee & Conversation 8:20-8:30Welcome & Introductions 8:30-9:15( ) From Bioterrorism to PandemicsSanjib Bhattacharyya 9:15-10:00( ) Infectious Disease, Climate and Human Health: The Cholera ParadigmRita Colwell 10:00-10:30Break & Refreshments 10:30-11:15( ) Superbugs and Wonderdrugs: the Antibiotic ParadoxStuart Levy 11:15-12:00( ) Modern Applications of Biodetection and Training to Build a Safer WorldSeemaBharathan&NarayanaswamyBharathan
Afternoon Sessions (Smaller Rooms): 1:30-2: :30-3: Me :20-3:40Break & Refreshments 3:40-4: Me :30-4:50Wrap Up Session (Large Room)
Mark Gallo, Ph.D Associate Professor of Biology Niagara University, NY Microbiology in the K-16 Classroom: Where to find activities, images, podcasts, and other materials to create a satisfying microbiological experience.
NABT 2008 – Memphis, TN October 18, 2008 Session 1 8:30- 9:45 Plenary Talk: “Why NASA Cares about Microbes” Microbial mat demonstration Brad Bebout, NASA Ames Research Center Session 2 10:00-11:15 “WAY Down Deep: Looking for Life in the Deep Subsurface” Ruth Droppo, Indiana University Michele Bahr, Marine Biological Laboratory 11:30- 12:30 Explore NASA’s curricula, activities, and resources in astrobiology and quiz scientists at the Microbial Discovery Box. Taste a special “Microbial Lunch”, free to the first *50* people who complete our AstroMicroBiology Survey and sign up in the ballroom. Sign up available from 8:15 am.
Session 3 12:30- 1:00 pm "It's Alive: Testing Foreign Soil for Biological Activity" Steve Wagner, Stephen F. Austin State University Session 4 1:15 - 2:30 pm "Life in the Salty Extreme: the Halophiles" PriyaDasSarma, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute Session 5 2:45- 3:30 pm “Hot Science! from Yellowstone National Park” Susan Kelly, Montana State University 3:30- 4:00 pm Summary Activity: “Habitable Worlds” Michele Bahr, Marine Biological Laboratory