From strategies to services – eHealth as the enabler for cross-border health care
Objectives of the ISA eHealth EIF StudyISA Make a recommendation of a first set of ten use cases and their associated profiles (by IHE and Continua) 2 2 Define the eHealth European Interoperability Framework (EIF) 1 1 Provide recommendations on profiles (or their development process) 3 3 JanMaySept eHealth EIF Phase I Workshop (16 th of April) Workshop eHealth EIF Phase II Full EIF Webinar
04/10/2015 Policy Context for epSOS and EU eHealth Interoperability Recommendation on cross- border interoperability of electronic health record systems Communication on a strategic vision for European standards Communication on Quality Criteria for Health related Websites Communication on e-Health - making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area eHealth Standardisation Mandate 403 Communication on telemedicine for the benefit of patients, healthcare systems and society Council Conclusions on Safe and efficient healthcare through eHealth Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare Communication on interoperability for European public services Communication on a Digital Agenda for Europe Communication on European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing eHealth Action Plan (eHAP) Article 29 Working Party
04/10/2015 eHealth Governance Initiative (eHGI) and eHealth Network play an important role eHealth Network of MS Art. 14 Directive on Patients Rights (2011) eHealth Network of MS Art. 14 Directive on Patients Rights (2011) Joint Action + Thematic Network eHealth Governance Initiative Joint Action + Thematic Network eHealth Governance Initiative epSOS project (Patient summary / ePrescription) epSOS project (Patient summary / ePrescription) Semantic Network Project STORK project (eIdentification within eHealth domain) STORK project (eIdentification within eHealth domain) eHealth EIF project CALLIOPE Network Interoperability Roadmap CALLIOPE Network Interoperability Roadmap
04/10/2015 eHealth EIF positioning on HITCH roadmapEIF Get Ready: Operationalize: Deploy: XX Can be used as input for
04/10/2015 Introducing the terminology eHealth Interoperability project An eHealth interoperability project, taking place in a EU cross border, national, regional, or local context. Interoperability specification Project-specific deliverable, dealing with a set of “profiles” to address a “business use case” Profile Combines and refines the use of a set of “base standards” to address a specific “technical use case“ Base standards Artefacts that are foundational to delivering open interoperability, often endorsed by standards development organisations Business Use Case Description of sequences of business events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful Technical Use Case Description of sequences of technical events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful addresses consists of combines and refines delivers e.g. epSOS e.g. ePrescription / eDispensation e.g. Patient identification e.g. D3.4.2 epSOS Common Components Specification.pdf e.g. IHE-XCPD e.g. HL7 V3
04/10/2015 Illustrating vision with epSOS project epSOS EU Cross-Border eHealth Interoperability Project International base standards and profile development LOINC SNOMED/CT HL7 v2 HL7v3 CDA L1 L3 eHealth European Interoperability Framework: EU Recognised profiles Business Use Case “Patient Summary” Business Use Case “ePrescription / eDispensaton” Pdf/A HTPP1.1 UTF8 OASIS ebRIM 3.0 OASIS ebRS 3.0 W3C MTOM W3C XOP W3C SOAP 1.2 WSI BP 1.1 WSI SBP 1.1 RFC1305 (NTP) ETSI TS X509 RFC 3881 IHE-BPPC IHE-XCPD IHE-XCA IHE-XDR IHE-CT IHE-ATNA Identification ServiceepSOS Business Service Dispensation Service Security and Infrastructure services Consent Service Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 4 IHE- XCPD IHE- XCA IHE- XDR Extensions Profile 4 IHE- BPPC Profile 4 IHE- ATNA Profile 4 IHE- CT Extensions OASIS ebRIM 3.0 OASIS ebRS 3.0 HL7 V3 PA DSTU IHE-XSPA XACLM HL7 V3 Datatypes OASIS ebMS 3.0 OASIS ebRS 3.0 OASIS ebRIM 3.0 HL7 CDA R2 NTP V3 SNTP V4 TLS 1.2 Syslog RFC 3881 WSI SBP 1.1 Profile 2 Profile 2 IHE-XUA IHE-XCF... Profile 1 IHE- (XUA)/ XSPA Profile 2 IHE- XCF OASIS ebRIM 3.0 OASIS ebRS 3.0 Profile 1 IHE- (XUA)/ XSPA SAML SAML (v2) XACML (v2) TSL/NSL TSP CEN activities IEEE … …
04/10/2015 Approach for first study objective Define the eHealth European Interoperability Framework (EIF) 1 1 Top Down Bottom Up eHealth EIF (Generic) EIF 5 MS eHealth frameworks/specifications epSOS Specification
04/10/2015 CAMSS Category Overview CategoryDescription Applicability A formal specification should be usable and easy implementable in different products to be relevant for adoption by public administrations. This category addresses the definition of functional scope and area of application, the possible reusability in other areas, the possible alternative specifications, the compatibility and dependency on other specifications or technologies. Maturity A formal specification should in itself be mature enough for adoption by public administrations. This category addresses the development status, the quality, guidelines and stability of the formal specification. Openness A formal specification should be sufficiently open and available to be relevant for adoption by public administrations. This category addresses the openness of the standardisation organisation and decision-making process, and the openness of the documentation and accessibility of the formal specification. Intellectual property rights A formal specification should be licensed on (F)RAND terms or even on a royalty-free basis in a way that allows implementation in different products. This category addresses the availability of the documentation on the IPR and the licences for the implementation of the formal specification. Market support A formal specification should have sufficient market acceptance and support in order to be adopted by public administrations. This category addresses the proven and operational implementations of the formal specification, the market share and demand for the products, and the support from users and communities. PotentialA formal specification should have sufficient and positive future consequences, evolution and impact for being adopted by public administrations. This category addresses the consequences and impact of using or adopting the formal specification, the advantages and risks, the maintenance and possible future developments.
04/10/2015 Basic Cross Sector Services Proposal eDelivery eSafe Company Dossier Citizen ID Company ID eSignature Privacy Transport Infrastructure eDoc Containers eID legal entities Visible Digital Signatures Syndication, eDirectories
04/10/2015 As of March 12, 2012, CZ, FR is in operational mode ES, AT, IT live on April 13 th. DK, GR live before end May. SE, SK are done testing Legal and Organisational steps remain Another 5 Countries are testing epSOS Profiles in Bern Connectathon end May epSOS Current status and facts concerning pilot operations
04/10/2015 Pilots approved by the PSB
04/10/2015 Pilot sites – some examples epSOS Point of Care Database
04/10/2015 Sustainability epSOS Countries
04/10/2015 Migrate Current Solution as it is based on a mix of Open Source and Closed Source Components –The closed source based on Standards will now be migrated to Open Source –An epSOS Open Source and Vendor Community is being built on Consolidate and scale up piloted epSOS services Extend and refine functionalities of the two core services Assess the use of the epSOS patient summary service in the context of the European emergency (112) service Patients Access to information Comparatively assess the interoperability approaches of epSOS services with those in other regions of the world epSOS Next Steps
04/10/2015 base from Mikael Erlandsson Oh so you are also implementing eHealth? DK, CZ, FR, ES, GR, AT, IT SE, DE, SL
04/10/2015 Cooperation is Key AT, BE, CZ, CH, DK, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HU, IT, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SK, SL,TR, UK
project short name & title of presentation (change with menu "bottom line") 20 Thank you for your attention!