SYMPOSIUM ON “SHARING BEST ELECTORAL PRACTICES” AT BHUBANESWAR (ODISHA) ON 10/01/2011 Presentation On “Management Of Electoral Roll And Challenges Involving It” By Md. Ghulam Ali Ansari, IAS District Magistrate, Bankura, West Bengal
2 Electoral Roll is the reflection of Indian citizen having their basic democratic right provided by the Constitution of India.Electoral Roll is the reflection of Indian citizen having their basic democratic right provided by the Constitution of India. For free and fair election and thereby for better democracy of our country, an accurate and error free ER is the most important pre-requisite.For free and fair election and thereby for better democracy of our country, an accurate and error free ER is the most important pre-requisite. Introduction
3 3 most significant changes taken place over the recent past in respect of ER Computerized Data Base Linking the Rolls with Photo Identity Cards Concept of Photo ER
4 Management Of Electoral Roll
5 Growing emphasis on periodic Health Check up of ER Recently paradigm shift has been taken place in terms of Health Check up of ER periodically by analysing ER from different dimensions ( Format 1 to 8 ) and take necessary corrective measures to make the ER more meaningful and more reflective and representative of different strata of electors. Format 1 to 8 has made it possible to make comparative study of ER in terms of electors- Population Ratio, Gender Ratio, Registered Voters- Eligible Voters ratio, Age Cohort, Non-EPIC coverage, EPIC coverage, change over previous roll, etc.
6 Management Of Electoral Roll Management Of Electoral Roll – Continued. Through comparative study it is possible to make the ER more healthy by taking remedial steps to increase no. of registration of eligible voters, to mobilize female for registration, to mobilize particular eligible age group, till not registered for registration, to mobilize electors for 100% EPIC coverage. The study has also enable to assess whether ER correspond to the change in population and if no, remedial measure to be taken up to make ER more representative of people.
7 Disposal of Form-6 by AERO / Adl. AERO should be of best quality, otherwise there will be very chance of registration of ineligible voters, deprivation of eligible voters and duplication of voters. Each and every disposal should be done with reasoned order in quasi-judicial manner. Before disposal ERO / Adl. AERO should verify whether form has been filled up properly and completely ( especially, part–IV of form-6 ). Focus of Quality Disposal of Form-6
8 Need for Quality Training of DOs & BLOs DOs and BLOs are two important machineries ( functioning at grass root level and closest to the voters ) for cleansing of ER.DOs and BLOs are two important machineries ( functioning at grass root level and closest to the voters ) for cleansing of ER. DO should check properly whether the forms are filled up properly and completely and supported by required documents in time of receiving forms.DO should check properly whether the forms are filled up properly and completely and supported by required documents in time of receiving forms. BLOs are to function round the year on different aspect for preparation of clean ER.BLOs are to function round the year on different aspect for preparation of clean ER.
9 Need for Quality Training of DOs & BLOs - Continued BLOs’ duties include creating awareness among voters regarding revision programme, EPIC programme, requisite documents to be submitted with different forms, distribution and collection of different forms, collection of information of dead, shifted and duplicate voters for suo-motu deletion u/s 21A of Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 after following due procedure and enquiry of different applications before disposal, etc. Convergence of functions of DO and BLO is necessary. Therefore quality training of DOs and BLOs is needed.
10 Need for Instant Disposal of Complaint Complaints received from different ends should be disposed off promptly after due enquiry. Intimation should be given to the complainant. Necessary changes have to be incorporated in the ER after following due procedure.
Management Of Electoral Roll – Bankura Experience
12 Brief Profile of Bankura District Total Population as per census, 2001: Total Population as per census, 2001: Total Population, 2011 ( Projected ): Total Population, 2011 ( Projected ): Total electors as per final Roll w.r.t as qualifying date, published on : Total electors as per final Roll w.r.t as qualifying date, published on : Sex Ratio as per final Roll w.r.t as qualifying date, published on : 921.Sex Ratio as per final Roll w.r.t as qualifying date, published on : 921.
13 Brief Profile of Bankura District – Contd. Total no. of Sub-Division : 3.Total no. of Sub-Division : 3. Total no. of Block : 22.Total no. of Block : 22. Total no. AC : 12.Total no. AC : 12. Total no. PS : 2385.Total no. PS : 2385.
14 Population & Electors as per Final Roll as on
15 Male & Female Electors ( % ) as per Final Roll as on
16 Sex Ratio – Comparative Study Steps taken : Special drive was given during last two SRER, 2010 & 2011 back to back for enrolment of eligible left out female voters ( especially, married women ) through 1.meeting with all political parties, 2.door to door campaigning by BLOs and SHGs at grass root level.
17 Electors to Population Ratio – Comparative Study Steps taken : Special drive was given during last two SRER, 2010 & 2011 back to back for enrolment of eligible left out voters 1.through meeting with all political parties, 2.door to door campaigning by BLOs at grass root level
Yrs. Voters to Population Ratio–Comparative Study Steps taken :Steps taken : Special drive was given during last two SRER, 2010 & 2011 back to back for enrolment of newly eligible voters through 1.meeting with all political parties, youth organizations, students unions and subsequently mobilization by them, 2.door to door campaigning by BLOs at grass root level and 3.provisioning drop boxes for submission of form-6 at different colleges
19 EPIC Coverage ( % ) As Per Final ER, 2011 Fresh voters and left out voters have been targeted under EPIC Programme from 6 th Jan. to 12 th Jan, 2011 and the coverage is expected to increase significantly after the EPIC Programme is over. Efforts has been taken to raise the level to 100% by covering left out electors through door to door photography programme.
20 Bankura Experience – Contd. DOs and BLOs were trained extensively by the EROs and AEROs to ensure quality work. DOs and BLOs were trained extensively by the EROs and AEROs to ensure quality work. One Booth – One BLO formula has been implemented strictly. One Booth – One BLO formula has been implemented strictly. Efforts have been taken to ensure 100 % local BLOs. Efforts have been taken to ensure 100 % local BLOs.
21 Bankura Experience – Contd. To reduce the pressure on hearing, the applicants having linkages established and submitting all requisite documents were not called for hearing. For proper disposal, all applications ( called for hearing ) were verified and enquired into by the BLOs before hearing. To reduce the pressure on hearing, the applicants having linkages established and submitting all requisite documents were not called for hearing. For proper disposal, all applications ( called for hearing ) were verified and enquired into by the BLOs before hearing. Hearing, disposal and preparation of manuscript were done in phased and time bound manner to match the time schedule provided by the ECI. Hearing, disposal and preparation of manuscript were done in phased and time bound manner to match the time schedule provided by the ECI. All the Officers starting from the DM, ADMs, SDOs, other EROs, AEROs and Adl. AEROs were on constant visit to the booths to monitor day to day affairs of revision work. All the Officers starting from the DM, ADMs, SDOs, other EROs, AEROs and Adl. AEROs were on constant visit to the booths to monitor day to day affairs of revision work.
22 Bankura Experience – Contd. All the applicants submitting applications during SRER, 2011, have been intimated regarding fate of the disposal by ERO along with grounds of rejection so that All the applicants submitting applications during SRER, 2011, have been intimated regarding fate of the disposal by ERO along with grounds of rejection so that 1. any applicant being aggrieved may get the opportunity of making appeal against ERO’s order to the Appellate Authority as per provision of Rule 23 of the RER, 1960 and 1. he may again submit application during continuous updation to be started from 5 th Jan., 2011.
23 Suo-motu Deletion u/s 21A of Registration Of Electors Rules, 1960 Cleansing of ER heavily depends on deletion of ineligible voters by ERO u/s 21A of Registration Of electors rules, Cleansing of ER heavily depends on deletion of ineligible voters by ERO u/s 21A of Registration Of electors rules, In Bankura District, a total of number of electors who were dead, shifted and repeated was deleted suo-motu leading to total deletion of voters including the same through Form-7 during Pre-Revision, SRER, 2010 & SRER, 2011 back to back within last six months’ period. In Bankura District, a total of number of electors who were dead, shifted and repeated was deleted suo-motu leading to total deletion of voters including the same through Form-7 during Pre-Revision, SRER, 2010 & SRER, 2011 back to back within last six months’ period.
24 Total deletions – Category Wise Break Up
25 Suo-motu Deletion u/s 21A of Registration Of Electors Rules, 1960 – contd. Sources for Suo-motu deletion Dead list from Death Registrar (GP Prodhan / Mun. Chairman) Dead, Shifted, Repeated list from BLO-BLA meeting Complaints received from different ends Dead, Shifted, Repeated list received from BLO Duplicate list generated by De-duplication software Non-EPIC / Non-Image List
26 Disposal By ERO / AERO in quasi- judicial manner List displayed in offices of ERO/AERO inviting objection Enquiry done by BLO Hearing notice issued to the voters Suo-motu Deletion u/s 21A of Registration Of Electors Rules, 1960 – contd.
27 Challenges Involving Management Of Electoral Roll
28 The time for disposal is shorter. This phase includes Hearing of applications Disposal of applications Preparation of manuscript
29 Some ground level problems are : –Absence of members of a family due to migration for earning resulting non-registration of voters to the full potential and below 100% EPIC coverage. –Registration of genuine persons due to lack of mandatory documents. For instance, persons above 25 yrs. of age and having no proof of age, persons having no proof of linkage, citizenship or residence, married women having no proof of marriage, especially in rural areas. This creates constant tension among the political parties. –Deletions of voters due to transfer applying in form-6 - since addresses of all EROs are not known, deletion list sometimes could not be sent to the concerned ERO ( especially in case of other state ) in time.
Challenges – Bankura Experience
31 Challenges in Bankura District LWE activities in 3 ACs of South Bankura involving 4 Blocks & 418 PSs Shortage of man power Non-availability of 100 % local BLO Absence of large no. of potential electors during revision period due to migration for earning
32 Steps taken Police patrolling so that the DOs can sit in the booths to distribute and receive forms BLOs also have gone door to door to distribute and receive forms Special drive through BLOs has been taken up in inaccessible remote areas
33 Challenges – Contd. It has been observed that no. of eligible electors remain absent from their villages for a period of time, especially during the revision period due to migration for earning. Some of them come to their village during major occasions like Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Eid. Special care for enrolment of such eligible electors may be taken up by provisioning distribution and receiving form – 6 to and from them during this occasions.
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