DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 page 1 John Bensted-Smith Director Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Joint Research Centre Smart Specialisation: The role of the JRC and the services of the S 3 Platform
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 S 3 In order to assist regions and Member States to develop, implement and review regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation: S 3 Platform JRC – IPTSEstablished at the JRC – IPTS in Seville. mid-2012Launched in June Fully operational by mid Steering TeamOverseen by a Steering Team with European Commission officials from various DGs. Mirror GroupStakeholder advice provided through a Mirror Group chaired by C. Saublens (EURADA). The S 3 Platform
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Main activities S 3 Main activities of the S 3 Platform in 2012 Update draft GuideUpdate draft Guide to Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) SeminarsSeminars Outreach events Workshops-peer discussions TrainingTraining Assessment of RIS3Assessment of RIS3 WebsiteWebsite analytical toolsDevelopment of analytical tools The S 3 Platform: activities
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Update draft Guide to Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) Current draft of the Guide to be reviewed in 2012 taking into account amongst others: feedback from regional stakeholders. relevant OECD work on e.g. indicators, governance. Input from the Mirror Group. JRC work on instruments to support RIS3. RIS3 Guide
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Seminars Outreach events Transnational seminars to provide information on RIS3, present the work of the S3 Platform and outline the guide with its different steps. To be organised in close cooperation with local institutions and DG REGIO GU. ~4 macro-regional events: e.g. Danube (late 2/12), RUPs (6/12), Baltics, Atlantic Arc. ~2-3 events in less favoured regions. Workshops where regions discuss with peers Peer discussions of RIS3 strategies in the light of the S3 Guide and the proposed conditionalities. Scope of written conclusions on regions discussed to be agreed with regions. Open only to registered regions. First workshop in Seville: 31January ~5 workshops will be organised in 2012 according to demand. Seminars with regions
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Training: Developing a RIS3 Target populationTarget population: Mix of experts and policy makers (20-30 in total per session). ~2-4 sessions in Policy makers from regions registered in the S3 Platform will be given priority. OutcomeOutcome: Trained experts who could be contracted by regions wishing assistance in developing a RIS3. Trained policy makers who would be better equipped to develop a RIS3 in their regions. Training
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Support DG REGIO Geographical Units In the context of informal negotiations of partnership contracts and operational programmes: Preliminary assessment by JRC of whether draft RIS3 from MS/regions meet ex-ante conditions preliminary assessments per month as of February/March Template of JRC assessment to be developed closely with REGIO. Use 31/1/2012 seminar to gain experience. Consultation with Mirror Group, Steering Team, etc. Assessment of RIS3
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Development of analytical tools Build on RIS3 related work by JRC in recent years: «The question of R&D specialisation» «Is networking a substitute or a complement to regional innovation capacity?» Better understanding of dynamics of industrial structures: Developing EU-27 regional economic model RHOMOLO. Identify/develop suitable input/output indicators (building on the Guide and related, on-going OECD project). RHOMOLOFurther develop RHOMOLO to support assessment of RIS3. Assess how key policy instruments can support RIS3 (e.g. fiscal incentives). Analytical tools
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Website ( ) Activities of the S³ Platform Latest publications in the area and links to EC resources and activities Publicity for forthcoming events How to join the S³ Platform List of registered regions highlighting additions end of JanuaryNew website will be launched by the end of January: fresh Look, same features as above; possibility to register and have access to S3 tools (e.g. repository of case studies) The new S 3 platform website S 3 Platform Website
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December As per Dec 2011, we have 17 registered regions (and more in process): Andalucía (ES) Castilla y León (ES) Centre (FR) Cornwall (UK) Friesland (NL) Jihomoravský (CZ) Kent (UK) Navarra (ES) Nord - Pas de Calais (FR) Oberösterreich (AT) País Vasco (ES) Piemonte (IT) Västra Götaland (SE) Vest (RO) Vlaanderen (BE) Wallonie (BE) Weser-Ems (DE) Registered regions
DG REGIO Staff Training The Smart Specialisation Conditionality – Brussels, 14 December 2011 Alessandro Rainoldi John Edwards Carlo Gianelle Ignacio González Vázquez Inger Midtkandal Ruslan Rakhmatullin Pavla Zizalova 3 under recruitment The S 3 platform team Knowledge for Growth Unit – S 3 Platform Action team