Answer® by Steelcase
Answer Answer supports the 6 key aspects of a High Performance Workplace... Balancing Privacy Making Work Visible Managing Connections Supporting Diverse Work Styles Offering Inspiring Spaces Managing Facilities Strategically with the following features:
15 Answer ways to differentiate
1 Answer non-dedicated frames Saves you $$$$ – The post and beam construction of the Answer frame allows you to change the height and width of the panel using the existing kit of parts vs. buying a whole new panel. Saves you $$$$ – Minimizes parts that go into inventory and the warehouse space and costs required to house it. Maximum Planning Flexibility – You can reconfigure a panel to make it whatever size you need it to be. More Environmentally Friendly – Product is already separated for recycling (in fact it already utilizes recycled steel with no VOCs and can be specified with environmentally friendly fabric).
2 Answer one panel does it all Saves you $$$$ – No need to specify or inventory different panels for different needs. Answer’s one panel can be segmented or monolithic; powered or non-powered (power is also retrofittable anywhere); non-dedicated height configuration and stackable; used with on or off-module planning. Saves you $$$ – Reduces the number of panel standards required to support the various applications that can be found in the workplace. It reduces your costs to administer and manage your inventory when fewer “dedicated panels” are required. Increases your planning flexibility because you don’t have to worry about keeping track of what “special” panels are where. Every panel has the maximum flexibility available.
universal 2-sided power available every 12” vertically Answer 3 universal 2-sided power available every 12” vertically Saves you $$$ – Minimizes inventory costs because the same power kit is used in every location within the panel. Increases planning flexibility – Access power at the base, at desk height, at standing height or even inside an overhead binder bin – you decide – and it doesn’t cost any more.
architectural grade modular power Answer 4 architectural grade modular power Saves you $$$ and time – With the modular connection, there is no need for an electrician to connect power during a reconfiguration. No additional overtime charges while they wait for stations to be set up or torn down. A furniture installer can make the connection during the installation! And best of all, the same modular power component can be run under a raised floor, through building walls, over a drop ceiling and into your furniture. Power planning flexibility – Modular power gives you the opportunity to do zone power distribution to ease installation and planning time.
72” W panels and storage as standard Answer 5 72” W panels and storage as standard Saves you $$$ – Fewer parts means less cost. One 72” w panel or overhead storage unit can take the place of two 36” w units or a 48” w and 24” w combined.
color blocking with no dedicated skins Answer ribbed glass slatskin whiteboard fabric perforated passthru flat steel panel top 6 color blocking with no dedicated skins Design Flexibility – The non-dedicated skins allow you to provide a variety of different looks that will address every design application you plan to utilize – all using the same platform. The ability for color blocking provides more visual interest to the panel than the traditional segmenting. Saves you $$$$ – It allows you to reuse existing inventory in different applications. Simply by moving skins from one frame to the next you can change the entire look of your workspace.
frames shipped unassembled & unskinned Answer 7 frames shipped unassembled & unskinned Saves you time and $$$$ – Some panel systems are shipped with the skins on, but need to have them removed on site to be able to connect the panels together, as well as install any power and cable. We ship ours knocked down to speed up the staging process and reduce the waiting time for the cable installers. The open post and beam also speed up the installation of the cable into the system because the cable installer has complete access to the lay in cable trays and termination points. Saves you $$$ – Because the Answer product breaks down to the kit of parts, the unassembled product can be stored on pallets for easy warehousing..
8 Answer quicklock mechanism Minimizes disruption during installation – Because the quick lock mechanism won’t ever be missing parts (since there is no hardware), it will never slow down an installation and cause undue delays. We also use a special “quiet” tool to minimize the sound disruption if people are working nearby. Saves you $$$ and time – The quick lock mechanism is an integral part of the panel support. Since there is no hardware, installation time is reduced and you never have to worry about ordering missing hardware in the future.
Answer 9 4-in-1 design Flexibility & Consistency in Design – Answer was designed to be a 3 in 1 system; freestanding, panel mounted or a combination of both. Now, by adding casters and making it mobile, it’s a 4 in 1 system. Saves you $$$ – Minimizing your cost of ownership, because not only is Answer a 4-in-1 system, but it was also designed to integrate into the Pathways portfolio of products for future applications.
consolidation point kit Answer 1 consolidation point kit A Consolidation Point kit can be accommodated inside an Answer panel to provide easy-to-access connection points for data/voice networks. The power and communication capabilities of the panel are unimpaired. Consolidation Point kits are designed to hold data/voice cabling and network hardware, such as punch down blocks and 19” patch panels. Saves you $$$$ – Consolidation Point kits allow for future cabling flexibility by eliminating the need for computer closets (saving you Real Estate $$$) without having to replace products to address future cabling needs. Consolidation Point kits can typically accommodate up to 72 connections and are available with a removable locking door for data security.
Answer 1 stackability Saves you $$$$ – Allows maximum privacy flexibility. Easily change panel heights without the need to take panels out of their cluster. Stackers are available in heights of 12 and 24 inches. Two stackers can be used on a base panel, up to an overall maximum stacked height of 90”. The first stacker is load bearing. Stacking junctions are versatile and easy to use. Skins on the base panel do not need to be removed to install a stacking junction in most cases. All existing base panels can accept a stacking junction which maximizes the flexibility of the Answer panel.
1 2 Answer off-modularity Flexibility– Answer provides the ability to attach other Answer panels off-mod using SAME height panels or DIFFERENT height panels, allowing for maximum panel planning flexibility. Answer allows the Universal Curved Front Bin to be hung up to 12” off-mod to the left or right of the supporting panel. Saves you $$$$ - Answer’s off-mod capabilities save money by providing greater planning flexibility.
upmounting capability Answer 3 1 upmounting capability Saves you $$$ Increased privacy and storage. Every panel has the ability of accepting an up-mounted bin so you can address the increased need for privacy quickly and easily. Improved access to information. Support increased needs for active and anticipated storage without the disruption of having to add a high panel to support a bin or shelf. Support different workstyles using the same kit of parts. Up-mounting allows you to put overhead storage on any panel to support how and where the user wants to work. Reduce initial and ongoing cost of ownership. By up-mounting storage, you can specify lower height panels throughout the workspace, saving money over the price of taller panels, and reducing the number of different size panels to inventory.
4 1 Answer wood on panel trim, storage fronts and worksurfaces Design Flexibility - Beautiful wood veneer is available for the most discriminating office on our Answer panel trims, worksurfaces and storage fronts. Saves you $$$ - No need to worry about the proper consistency of wood on your products. Steelcase carefully selects veneer and solid wood for consistent color and grain structure. Veneers are flat cut and are matched for proper balance and consistency. Two finish selections are available on our Answer wood products. The open-pore finish is a medium gloss finish that leaves the wood texture visible to the eye. Our full-fill finish is a medium-gloss finish available on our wood worksurfaces that completely fills the grain texture, yet allows the grain pattern to be seen.
5 1 Answer Answer as part of a platform Steelcase is committed to its introduction of new products using a UNIVERSAL platform that was designed to work with Answer components, expanding your functional and aesthetic options without having to invest in special hardware to use them. Saves you $$$ - Why not “Future Proof” your investment? Answer shares a common architectural dimension and visual language with a broad NEW portfolio of Steelcase products. For example, buy basic Answer panels today, knowing that as needs change, Answer can be integrated with our beautiful Post and Beam space division products or our new 4” thick architectural Pathways Technology Wall, the most flexible and technology enabled panel available today.
Answer bid specification information Frame Thickness Frame type Open Core Heights Widths Top caps,end trims, base trims Top caps and end trims Connector 90 and 120 degree planning Recycled steel w/ no VOC’s 3” Non-dedicated Yes 30-42-54-66-78 18-24-30-36-42-48-60-72 Steel Wood Integrated cam lock Skins Removable Replaceable Reconfigurable Reusable Monolithic Segmented Tackable/Acoustical Environmentally friendly fabrics Yes
Answer bid specification information Technology Std top cap lay-in Std base lay-in Cabling within frame Power avail at base Power avail at belt Power avail other locations Power feeds use receptacle openings Same power kit can be used anywhere Architectural grade power Wiring schematics offered Shared or separate neutral power schematics Off-Modularity Panels Overhead Storage Stackability Stackers available Glass Fabric Perforated Steel Load bearing Interferes with top cap cabling Stack/de-stack using: Yes Every 12” No 3 12” and 24” Vertical Uprights Stackers Privacy Screens
systems: questions to ask Other manufacturers’ systems: questions to ask