Recycling; As a term, the recycling As a term, the recycling is a gain back period is a gain back period with different methods with different methods of a manufacturing of a manufacturing process for using and decomposing the recycling materials as the basic materials which are mulfunction. process for using and decomposing the recycling materials as the basic materials which are mulfunction.
The amount of required basic materials will decrease by the joining the recycling materials into the recycling loop or into the remanufacturing process. In this manner to cause a damage to the nature or the natural balance of the earth will be less with the parallel increment of the human population.
However, using the recycled materials as a basic materials in remanufacturing process support us a huge amount of energy conservation.
For example; to product of a new to product of a new aluminum sheet or aluminum sheet or aluminum bar from the aluminum bar from the recyclable aluminum recyclable aluminum gain us 35 % energy gain us 35 % energy conservation. conservation.
Using garbage materials as a basic material in recycling loop is very important to prevent the environmental pollution.
Using the old papers in Using the old papers in recycling loop gain us recycling loop gain us prevent the air pollution prevent the air pollution between between 74% through 94%. 74% through 94%.
To use water in a recycle process can reduce the water pollution 35% and reduce the usage of the water 45%.
For example; when we gain back one ton of paper ; we can save on using of; 2110 lt. fuel-oil, 190 lt. gasoline 4210 kwh electrical energy and most importantly we can save 17 trees.
The History of Recycling The first reason of the recycling processes is the source recycling processes is the source troubles during the world war two. troubles during the world war two. States of main or powerful countries had been started recycling countries had been started recycling campaigns along the world war two. campaigns along the world war two.
Especially in the USA the people were stimulated to collect metal and fiber materials. This subject was accepted an honouring behaviour within patriotism in the USA. At the same time some of the countries for example Japan continued to source protection programs after the world war two. Natural sources of these countries were restricted.
General Recyclable Materials Glass Paper Aluminium Plastic Batteries Motor oil Accumulators Concrete and pavement materials pavement materials Organic waste Electronic waste Iron based materials
The Methods of Recycling Remnant materials are categorized for recycling process, 1) Bottle
2) Weak Made Plastic 3) Strong Made Plastic
4) Carton Paper
5) Different Types Of Conserve Cans
6) Paper 6) Paper
7) Polystyrene
8) Glass 8) Glass
9) Batteries
10) Metals
11) Organics
12) Tetra pak
14) Fabrics 13-Fabric
14) Toilet paper
Recycling methods are changeable for all different materials For example; Paper: First of all paper is separated to its fibers to prepare the paper mad. If needed foreign materials are removed.
Plastic: Fort he first plastic remnant materials are decomposed to its types. After recyclable plastic materials decomposed to its types they are destroyed and break down into very small dimensions with the breakdown machines. Plastic: For the first plastic remnant materials are decomposed to its types. And then they are destroyed and break down into very small dimensions with the breakdown machines.
Glass: Used glass materials ( Bottle, jar, cups ) are collected in the collection boxes and these used materials are separated according to their colours and they are sent to recycle plants. Glass is separated from the its foreign materials. At that plant glass is breakdown and added to the basic glass composition and spilled into the oven. After some processes glass can be used again. For example glass can be used concrete additive and pavement additive.
We have to be more careful. We have to be more careful.
This is our world. This is our world. And we must save our environment. And we must save our environment.
Thanks. Thanks.