The GSA Leasing Process
The Two Golden Rules for GSA Leases: Don't contact GSA! Don't contact the lessor! DO Contact your RPMD (GSA) realty specialist! RPMD is the point of contact in the leasing process with GSA.
The Basic Steps of the Leasing Process: 1. Determine the requirements 2. Draft the Solicitation For Offer (SFO) 3. Conduct the market survey 4. Issue the SFO 5. Evaluations and negotiations 6. Best and final offer 7. Final evaluation 8. Award 9. Buildout 10. Occupancy
1. Determine the Requirements: Contact RPMD with your requirements Use the space request questionnaire Be as detailed as possible Provide the accounting data and signature of certifying official committing availability of funds RPMD submits formal space request to GSA
2. The Solicitation for Offer (SFO): Mandatory for all lease acquisitions Contains all clauses that will be in the resulting lease Is released to all offerors at the same time and contains: general space requirements general building requirements services, utilities, and maintenance special requirements safety and fire prevention requirements
3. The Market Survey: Identify locations that will meet government minimum requirements Every building is judged in the same manner, using the same criteria One market survey form is completed for each building inspected You participate in the market survey with GSA
4. Issuance of the SFO: Make adjustments to the SFO upon completion of the market survey Release the SFO to the offerors
5. Evaluations and Negotiations: Evaluation of proposal is based on analysis of price and technical factors: –Technical evaluation determines if offer meets minimum requirements –Price evaluation focuses on analysis of comparative rents or reviews each element in the offeror's cost estimate
6. Request for Best and Final Offer: Negotiations between lessor and lessee are closed by establishing a date and time for closing of negotiations and requesting best and final offer in writing No negotiations are to be conducted after the closing date and receipt of the best and final offer
7. Final Evaluation of Best and Final Offer: Final proposal revisions: all offerors may modify their proposals All revised proposals received must be evaluated The most responsive offer that represents the best value to the Government is chosen
8. Award: Lease awards can be made: –by presentation of the lease to the successful offeror or, –by letter and then transmittal of the lease document The lease is a contract between GSA and the lessor
9. Buildout: Buildout costs are amortized in the rent Construction schedule is established Layouts and drawings are approved by RPMD and sent to GSA and lessor GSA follows the construction progress Final inspection (punchlist) Acceptance of space by GSA
10. Occupancy: Occupancy of the space generates Client Billing Record (CBR) Final Occupancy Agreement (OA) is issued: the client concurs, RPMD or CAO and GSA sign Installation of furniture and office equipment You move in!
The RWA: The Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA) is used by clients to pay GSA for any above-standard alterations and services Three types: Non-Recurring (N) Recurring (R) Miscellaneous (F)
The RWA: (Cont'd) The client pays GSA - GSA pays the lessor RPMD processes your RWAs: contact your RPMD realty specialist for assistance RWA demonstration
The Rent Bill: GSA Rent Bills are processed through CBS on a monthly basis. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rent, please contact the RPMD GSA Rent Program Manager, Sheryl Thomasson at or via at
Questions? For your GSA lease concerns/questions, contact the RPMD Regional Chiefs –Dave Garton Western Region –Nancy King Eastern Region