Ward Sabha & Gram Sabha strengthening initiative Modules & Processes MIS report of ongoing field testing Prerna Development Foundation.


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Presentation transcript:

Ward Sabha & Gram Sabha strengthening initiative Modules & Processes MIS report of ongoing field testing Prerna Development Foundation

Background – 1/2 Gram Sabha, the only stable institution, has power to prepare their developmental plans, select beneficiaries and do social audits. Can Ward Sabha or Gram Sabha take their own initiatives and be self-functioning? Can Ward Sabha or Gram Sabha ensure quality in service delivery?… These are some of the thoughts as starting points for the initiative Ward Sabha & Gram Sabha strengthening presented here. Standard size of about hh, makes Ward Sabha suitable to be foundation of village level democracy. Villagers elect one Ward level representative. Presenting here : Modules & Processes Built on experiences of testing modules underway in 2 Panchayats (Ghangh in Patna and Sanda Panchayat in Nalanda district (2012) & module development in 1 Panchayat (period )

Background – 2/2 status of gram sabha & why this intervention is required Gram Sabha when happens it becomes maai-baap sabha where Mukhiya jee listen to complaints or demands of poor and he/she reples taking base of government benefits that is available to a particular target group of people. Complaints related to personal benefits of govt. schemes (like Vridha pension, BPL, Indira Awaas) mostly unnecessary, dominate discussion of the Gram Sabha. Gram Sabha is government scheme centric & other than government given agenda or govt. given benefits there is nothing available for discussion. Quality service (public or pvt.) delivery never part of Gram Sabha discussion. It is observed that rather than the Gram Sabha, the informal gathering at a game of cards, at a game of dice, tea stalls in the evening turns out to be a more useful forum for political and local issue discussion. Team felt that only small hand holding support is needed to make Gram Sabha meaningful and effective forum. Starting point is Ward Sabha being smaller and well defined boundary of ward. Source : Interaction with villagers and elected representatives in projects implemented by team members in recent years.

Content Outcome MIS report of module testing activities Ward Sabha & Gram Sabha modules & processes Monitoring & follow up modules & processes Basic facilities for ward sabha Field intervention strategy Capacity building modules Large scale impact plans : thoughts Direct benefits to villagers : Field testing experiences

Expected Outcome Systematic Ward Sabha and Gram Sabha. Ward Sabha also takes their own initiatives. Ward Sabha sets standards for their ward Every resident contributes either in cash or kind or labor. Local direct control over quality of services, scheme targeting, micro planning and prioritisation. No targeted beneficiaries denied benefits of schemes Screening of complaints locally.

MIS report of Ward Sabha module testing Jan-Apr 2012 Module testing is done in 2 Panchayats in the last 5 months in Ghangh and Sanda Panchayats with total 26 wards. No. of ward sabha meetings varies from 2 to 4 per ward during this period. In one Panchayat there is stability in attendance in Ward Sabha and in other Panchayat attendance is reduced a little bit. Attendance is dependent on factors like response from services, local leadership, facilitator’s activity, agriculture engagement, local needs, etc.

MIS : Interventions to strengthen Ward Sabha (15 May 2012) Total Wards Notice board Chawk 10 packet For notice board Duster For notice board Newsp aper Small box 3 Regist ers School monitoring activity taken Notice board in use Mgnregs demand registration is made Activities and interventions mentioned in table above are undertaken in last two months period during April-May 2012 period. These are basic requirements to function Ward Sabha in an meaningful manner. Currently monitoring tools in two sector ie Elementary school and Mgnregs demand registration is being introduced. With time we will introduce monitoring tools in other service area also. There are total 26 Ward Sabha in two intervention Gram Panchayats.

Module details

Modules and processes Ward Sabha Meeting Agenda and decisions recording form Source of agenda Ward Sabha schedule Organising systematic Gram and Ward Sabha 12 month’s monthly agenda Ward sabha volunteers Cash contribution by villagers Complaint recording and follow up Reading out Govt. schemes in WS Monitoring modules Monitoring method by GP Follow up of monitoring Service wise monitoring tools Letter from Mukhiya Basic facilities for ward sabha Information flow for Ward Sabha Public notice board News paper Ward Sabha office Contact of service officials Joint coordination meeting in gp Library in Panchayat Tax collection from Panchayats Gram Sabha Mitra

Agenda and decisions recording form okMZ lHkk ds fy,,tsUMk izi= iapk;r dk ukexk¡o dk uke okMZ la[;k cSBd dk uke LFkkufrfFk,oa le;cSBd esa mifLFkr iq:"k efgyk----- dqy Ø e la0,tsUMk],oa rF; ds lkFk,tsUMk dh oLrqfLFkfr ppkZ gqvk\ ugha bl,tsUMk ij fu.kZ; % d- okMZ lHkk D;k djsxh [k- okMZ lHkk ds }kjk p;fur O;fDr D;k djsaxs x- eqf[k;k D;k djsaxs ?k- vU; D;k djsaxs p- vU; fu.kZ; fu.Zk; ij fdrus yksxksa us lgefr fn;kA fu.Zk; ij fdrus yksxksa us vlgefr fn;kA

A Agenda form filled in a Ward Sabha

Source of Agenda okMZ lHkk okfl;ksa ds,tsaMk dks tek djus ds fy, okMZ lHkk esa pqus x, okMZ oklh ds }kjk tek fd;k x;k,tsaMkA okMZ lHkk esa ppkZ ds le; okMZ Lrjh; ;k iapk;r Lrjh; lq>k, x, eqn~nsA eqf[k;k,oa iapk;r dk;Zdkfj.kh dh vksj ls izLrkfor eqn~ns- vke lwpuk iV~V ij xzkeokfl;ksa ds }kjk izLrkfor eqn~ns- ljdkj dh vksj ls fodkl,oa dY;k.k dk;ZØeksa ij izLrkfor eqn~ns-,DV esa izLrkfor eqn~ns xk¡o okfl;ksa dk vkfFkZd] lkekxzh ;k Je ls ;ksxnku iqjLdkj ds fy, izLrko

12 month’s monthly agenda for Ward Sabha fo"k; okMZ lHkk,tsUMk tuojh12 tuojhjk"Vªh; ;qok fnol ckfydk mRFkku] f'k{kk] LokLF;,oa Lokcyacu 26 tuojhx.krU= fnol 15 tuojhlsuk fnol 23 tuojhns'kizse fnol 24 tuojhjk"Vªh; ckfydk fnol 30 tuojh 'kghn fnol Qjojh28 Qjojhjk"Vªh; foKku fnol efgyk f'kk{kk] LokLF;,oa l'kfDrdj.k ekpZ8 ekpZvUrjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol is; ty vkiwrhZ] o`{kk jksi.k,oa LoPN okrkoj.k 21 ekpZfo'o ou fnol 22 ekpZvUrjkZ"Vªh; ty fnol vizSy7 vizSyfo'o LokLF; fnol LokLF; lsok,a,oa iapk;r ds iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk dk l'kfDrdj.k 22 vizSyi`Foh fnol 24 vizSyiapk;rh jkt fnol ebZ1 ebZetnqj fnol eujsxk dfeZ;ksa dk dke dh ekax,oa ppkZ ekr`Ro LokLF;,oa vU; tjwjh ckrsa 8 ebZvUrjkZ"Vªh; jsMØkWl fnol ebZ dk nwljk jfookjekrk fnol 31 ebZrEckdw fu"ks/k fnol twu5 twuvUrjkZ"Vªh; i;kZoj.k fnol u'kk ds fojwn?k vkokt o`{kkjksi.k 14 twujDr nku fnol twuZ dk nwljk jfookjfirk fnol tqykbZ11 tqykbZvUrjkZ"Vªh; tula[;k fnol tula[;k fu;a=.k vxLr15 vxLrLorU=rk fnol Lora=rk fnol eukuk iapk;r dks l'kDr cukus ij ppkZ 3 vxLrfo'o fe=rk fnol 20 vxLrln~Hkkouk fnol 29 vxLrjk"Vªh; [ksy fnol flrEcj8 flrEcjfo'o lk{kjrk fnol lHkh cPPkksa dks i<uk] fy[kuk,oa lk/kkj.k xf.kr djus vkuk pkfg, lHkh O;Ld lk{kj fo"k; ;kstuk fuekZ.k [kk| lqj{kk,oa tu forj.k iz.kkyh vDVwcj2 vDVwcjxk¡/kh t;Urh 10 vDVwcjjk"Vªh; Mkd fnol 16 vDVwcjvUrjkZ"Vªh; [kk| fnol 24 vDVwcjla;qDr jk"Vªla?k fnol uoEcj14 uoEcjcky fnol cPpksa dh fo|ky; ls f'k{kk,oa cky fnol fnlEcj1 fnlEcjvUrjkZ"Vªh;,M~l fnol d`"kh ij fo'ks"k ppkZ 10 fnlEcjekuokf/kdkj fnol 18 fnlEcjvYila[;d vf/kdkj fnol 23 fnlEcjfdlku fnol

Organising systematic Gram and Ward Sabha okMZ esa igyh ckj okMZ lHkk dk,tsUMk okMZ lHkk esa ppkZ dk fo"k; okMZ lHkk ds fy,,tsaMk cukus dh izfdz;k okMZ lHkk dh cSBd cqykus dh izfØ;k okMZ lHkk dk lapkyu izfØ;k okMZ lHkk le; lkj.kh okMZ lHkk esa D;k ugha gksuk pkfg, xzke lHkk esa okMZ lHkk ds fu.kZ; ij ppkZ gksuk vxj vko';drk gS

Schedule of a Ward Sabha meeting ifjp;] xhr,oa Lokxr okMZ lHkk LFky ij cSuj lHkk 'kq: gksus ls igys yxk nsuk gSA lHkk dh 'kq:vkr xhr ds }kjk 'kq: fd;k tk,xkA vxj okMZ lnL; ugha vkrs gS rks muds txg ij v/;{k dk pquko okMZ lHkk ds }kjk fd;k tk,A izkFkZuk ds ckn v/;{k ds }kjk nks feuV dk ifjp;A vius okMZ ds fdlh Hkh lnL; us okMZ ds fy, fo”ks"k dk;Z fd;k gS mldks okMZ lHkk ls /kU;ckn nsukA okMZ lHkk le; lkj.kh dks i<+dj lqukuk] xzke lHkk fe= ds }kjk Lo;alsod dk pquko okMZ lHkk ds }kjk ikap Lo;a lsoh dk pquko fd;k tk,xkA mu pkjksa Lo;a lsoh dk dke okMZ lHkk esa vyx&vyx gksxkA ftruh ckj okMZ lHkk gksxk lHkh okMZ lHkk esa Lo;a lsoh dk pquko gksxkA igyk Lo;a lsoh mifLFkr iqfLrdk ij tks Hkh okMZ lHkk esa vkrs gSa mudk gLrk{kj djk,xsaA ¼8 ls 10 d{kk esa i<+ jgs cPps gks ldrs gSaA½ nwljk Lo;a lsoh okMZ lHkk esa,tsaMk ij fy, x, fu.kZ; dks fy[ksaxsa vkSj ml fu.kZ; ij okMZ lHkk esa vk, yksxksa dk gLrk{kj djk,xsaA ¼8 ls 10 esa i<+ jgs cPps gks ldrs gSaA½ rhljk vkSj pkSFkk Lo;a lsoh lHkk esa 'kkfUr cuk, j[kus ds fy, yksxksa ls vfiy djsaxsA ¼cqtqxZ gks ldrs gSa½ vxys eghus dh okMZ lHkk ds fy, ?kj ?kj tkdj,tsUMk fy[kdj dkSu yk,xk] mldk pquko okMZ lHkk ds }kjk djukA,tsaMk ij ppkZ okMZ lHkk esa,tsaMk ij Øeokj ppkZ okMZ lHkk esa fdlh Hkh,tsaMk ij fy, x, fu.kZ; dks Lo;a lsoh ds }kjk rqjar fy[k fn;k tk,A fdrus yksxksa us leFkZu fn;k] fdrus yksxksa us leFkZu ugha fn;k mldh la[;k fy[ksaA okMZ lHkk ds,ts.Ms ds fu.kZ; ij okMZ lHkk es avk, lnL;ksa dk gLrk{kj djukA vxj okMZ lHkk esa,ts.Mk lekIr gksus ds mijkar le; 'ks"k gS rks okMZ lnL; oSuj ds vuqlkj 'kq: ls ppkZ djukA vxj okMZ lHkk esa dksbZ,ts.Mk NwV tkrk gS rks mls vxys okMZ lHkk esa j[kk tk,A iapk;r esa dk;kZafor lHkh ;kstukvksa dks xzke lHkk fe= }kjk i<dj lquk;k tk,xkA okMZ lHkk cqykus dh izfdz;k dks xzke lHkk fe= ds }kjk i<+dj lqukuk okMZ lHkk ds lnL;ksa dks vkfFkZd ;k vU; ;ksxnku ds fy, okMZ lHkk esa izLrko dks xzke lHkk fe= ds }kjk i<+dj lqukuk,oa ;ksxnku ysukA /kU;okn Kkiu v/;{k ds /kU;ckn mn~?kks"k ds ckn okMZ lHkk dk lekiuA

okMZ lHkk dh vk;kstu dh frFkh,oa v/;{krk fu;fer okMZlHkk & okMZ lHkk izfrekg,d r; frfFk dks vo'; gksxkA blds fy, okMZ ds fdlh fuoklh ij fuHkZjrk ugha gksxhA blds vfrfjDr ;fn fdlh vU; frFkh ;k le; dks dksbZ rhu lnL; okMZ lHkk dh cSBd dh ekax CykSdcksMZ ij fy[kdj ;k lkns dkxt ij fy[kdj fpidk nsrs gsS,oa ;fn ml cSBd esa de ls de 20 lnL; fgLlk ys ysrs gSa,oa ml cSBd esa okMZ esa fuokl djus okys dksbZ Hkh lnL; dks fgLlk ysus dh NqV gksxh] rks og okMZ lHkk ds :i esa ekU;rk fey tk,xhA cSBd dh lwpuk fyf[kr :i esa CySdcksMZ ij nh tk,xh,oa lkFk esa lkns dkxt ij cSBd dh ekax djus okys lHkh lnL;ksa dk gLrk{kj gksuk pkfg,A bl cSBd ds fu.kZ; dh lwpuk fu;fer okMZ lHkk dks nh tk,xhA bl fu.kZ; dh lwpuk fu;fer okMZ lHkk esa gksus ij gh fu.kZ; ekU; gksxhA fu;fer okMZ lHkk esa bldh lgefr feyuk vko';d gksxk vU;Fkk fu.kZ; ekU; ugh gksxkA mifLFkr gksus ij okMZ lnL; gh fu;fer ;k fdlh vU; okMZ lHkk dh v/;{krk djsaxsA ;fn okMZ lnL; fdlh okMZ lHkk esa fgLlk ugha ysrs gSa] rks vius esa ls fdlh,d O;fDr dks ml lHkk ds fy, v/;{k pqudj dkjZokbZ djsaxs,oa,ts.Mk fy[kus] lHkk esa gYyk 'kkar djus vius lHkk ds,ts.Mk fy[kus ds fy, lnL;ksa dks euksfur djsaxsA lwpuk izkIr gksus ij,oa miyC/k gksus ij xzke lHkk fe= Hkh bl okMZ lHkk esa fgLlk ysaxsA

izfØ;k % f'kdk;rksa dks ntZ djkuk f'kdk;r izi= f'kdk;r dh izd`fr izfØ;k % f”kdk;r dk lek/kku f”kdk;r,oa leL;k dks vkxs ysdj tkusokys yksx Complaints registering process and its follow up Øe la0 frfFk f'kdk;r dk dksM f'kdk;rdÙkkZ,oa ifjokj ds eqf[k;k dk uke f'kdk;rdÙkkZ fdl okMZ,oa xk¡o ls lEcfU/kr gSSa\ f'kdk;r f'kdk;rdÙkkZ dk Bs dk fu'kku f'kdk;r dh Js.kh,oa fdlds fy, gS vkSj fdl foHkkx ds fy, gS f'kdk;r dh fooj.kh frfFk vU; lfgr f'kdk; r ds lek/kk u dh frfFk 1

Cash contributions to Ward Sabha by villagers for its functioning okMZ lHkk,oa xzke lHkk dk lapkyu xzke okfl;ksa dk igy gksxkA uk fd fdlh laLFkk fo'ks"k dk igy gksxkA okMZ lHkk,oa xzke lHkk fujarj pyrk jgsxkA xzkeoklh lkoZtfud lsokvksa dk vf/kdre ykHk ysaxsA xzkeoklh lkoZtfud vko';drkvksa dks feytqy dj iqjk dj fy;k djssaxsA iapk;r ds fuoklh ds }kjk vkfFkZd lg;ksx izfr ekg fdruk gksuk pkfg, vkSj dkSu fuoklh fdruk lg;ksx djsaxsA lg;ksx jkf'k [kpZ djus fdl en esa gksxkA lg;ksx jkf'kA counting djus dh fof/kA lky Hkj ds fy, okMZ lHkk,oa xzke lHkk lapkyu ds fy, ctV dk izLrkoA

Monitoring & follow up processes

Ongoing info based monitoring process for Gram and Ward Sabha (Basic goals and principle) d½ lsoknkrkvksa dks vkus okyh dfBukb;ksa dh igpku djukA bu dfBukb;ksa dks nwj djus esa ;fn xzkeokfl;ksa dk lg;ksx laHko gS rks mu lg;ksx laHkkoukvksa dks tkuukA [k½ lsok nkrk dh lsok dk ykHk dks fyf[kr #i es fy[kukA lsok dk ykHk ekud ykHk esa varj dks lsok nkrk dks crkuk,oa lsok ls fyf[kr #e esa tkuuk fd bl varj dks fdrus fnuksa esa ikV fn;k tk,xk,oa blds fy, muds ikl D;k ;kstuk gSA Xk½ lsok nkrk dfeZ;ksa dks muds laLFkk ¼ljdkjh,oa xSj ljdkjh½ ls lg;ksx,oa lalk/ku le; ij miyC/k djk;k tkrk gSA bls ekywe dj muds laLFkk ls ppkZ dj lalk/ku le; ij miyC/k djkus esa enn djukA

Ongoing info based monitoring process for Gram and Ward Sabha (example : Basic Reading & Arithmetic) ASSESSMENT BY WARD SABHA (Ward Sabha no. ) ELEMENTRY SCHOOL CHILDREN TESTING BASIC READING AND ARITHEMATIC Compiled report Head Master Information Village Name : Panchayat name : District Name : NameSchool Name :Block Name : Phone no. Date(s) of test : Month of test : Test giver (ward sabha representatives name & sign) : Standard 2 to 8 test compilation report : Std (2 to 8) No. of childre n given test No. of children with highest level of learning in Language No. of children with highest level of learning in Math Story Para Word Letter Nothing Division Subtraction Number Recognition /11-99 Number Recognition /1-9 Nothing Std-2 Std-3 Partnering and technical support from Pratham & ASER Center

eujsxk varxZr dke dh ekax] dke dh miyC/krk,oa Hkqxrku dh ekWfuVfjax,oa QkWyksvi eujsxk,d dkuwu gS ftlds varxZr Hkkjr dk lafo/kku lHkh ifjokjksa dks de ls de 100 fnuksa dk jkstxkj nsus dh xkjaVh nsrh gS clrsZ fd ifjokj dk O;Ld lnL; vdq'ky etnwjh djus dh ekWax djrs gSaA tkWcdkMZ /kkfj;ksa dk fuoa/ku] dke dh ekax dks ysuk,oa frFkh lfgr izkfIr jlhn nsuk] dke nsuk],oa lle; etnwjh dk Hkqxrku djuk eujsxk varxZr ljdkj dh ftEesokjh gSA eujsxk lacaf/kr dk;ksZa esa xzke okfl;ksa dks lg;ksx djus,oa mi;qDr ekeyksa dh ekWfuVfjax djus ds fy, okMZ vius fuokfl;ksa esa ls 4 lnL;ksa dks euksfur djsaxsA dke dh ekWx & eujsxk ;kstuk esa etnwjksa ds }kjk ih vkj,l ;k ih vks ls dke dh ekax djuk gksrk gSA ;fn os dke dh ekax fdlh dkj.k ls ih vkj,l ;k ih vks ls ugha dj ikrs gSa rks os dkj.k crkrs gq, okMZ lHkk esa dke dh ekWx djsaxsA,sls ifjfLFk;ksa esa euksfur lnL; dkj.k dh ppkZ djrs gq, dke dh ekax dk fuoa/ku djsaxs,oa lnL;ksa dks izkfIr jlhn nsaxsA bl fMekaM dks eqf[k;k ds ek/;e ls ;k fl/ks ia jks ls dks izkfIr jlhn ysus ds ckn lkSi nsaxsA dke dk bUrtkj & okMZ ds }kjk euksfur lnL; izR;sd lIrkg,d fnu dke dh ekax djus okys O;fDr;ksa ls ppkZ dj,d fjiksVZ ladfyr djsaxs fd mUgs dke fn;k x;k gS ;k ughaA ;fn mUgs dke dh ekax ds 15 fnuksa ds ckn Hkh dke ugha fn;k x;k gS rks,d i= ih vks dks fy[ksaxs fd mu etnwjksa dks csjkstxkjh HkRrk fn;k tk,A dke dh ekax ds 15 fnuksa ds ckn Hkh ds }kjk dke u “kq: djus dh fLFkfr es & eqf[k;k ;k okMZ lnL; ;k okMZ ds }kjk euksfur lnL; iw.kZ fooj.kh ds lkFk DPC ds ikl Qksu ij ckr dj okLrfod fLFkr ls voxr djk;sxsa vkSj fLFkfr esa cnyko ds fy, 2 fnu rd bUrtkj djsxsaA DPC ds }kjk dksbZ izfrfØ;k & eqf[k;k ds }kjk DM dks ysVj ds ek/;e~ ls okLrfod fLFkfr ls voxr djk,xsa vkSj ml ysVj dh izfr PO ds ikl HkstsxsA DPC dks i= ds ckn dksbZ izfrfØ;k ugha vkrh gS rks & i= ds ek/;e ls eq[;ea=h dks okLrfod fLFkfr ls voxr djk,xsa vkSj ml ysVj dh izfr eujsxk foHkkx ds ikl HkstsxsA bu lHkh iz;klksa ds lQy ugha gksus ij ftyk dksVZ esa vthZ fn;k tk,xkA

Basic facilities for ward sabha

Continuous information availability for ward sabha & notice board uksfVl cksMZ izR;sd okMZ esa uksfVl cksMZ ds fy, LVslujh,d lekpkj i= izR;sd okMZ esa ;kstuk dh tkudkjh dh fdrkc okMZ dk;kZy; esa okMZ eas ljdkjh lqfo/kk fyLV lacf/kr lsod dk uke eksckbZy uEcj 2 iqLrdky;,d xzke iapk;r esa

Ward office and their functioning 150 to 200 households staying nearby should have a common office. These households elect one Ward Member. This office will be run by the elected ward member. This office primarily have one box and space for ward member to sit and any other thing as decided by office head ie ward member or Ward Sabha.

Minimum facilities for a Gram Sabha dk;Z {ks=dk;Z,oa mÌs”;vko”;d lqfo/kk lqfo/kk dk mi;ksx dSls gksxk\ 8.1. xzke lHkk dk vk;kstu iapk;r ds yxHkx 4000 yksxksa ds lewg dks lEcks/ku djuk Sound System Mike ( 2 dh la[;k esa½ Generator Diseal ¼fujarj Lrj ij½ Technician (Maintenance dh lqfo/kk½ lapkyu ds fy, Technician xzke lHkk dk Agenda note rS;kj djuk Note Book eqf[k;k,oa okMZ lHkk ds }kjk,tsUMk ladfyr djuk bldk leUo;u ds fy, O;fDr iapk;r lfpo xzkelHkk fe= xzke lHkk esa ppkZ dk Minutes rS;kj djuk Minute Book Minute Book fy[kus okyk,d O;fDr iapk;r eqf[k;k dk xzkelHkk fe= 8.2 okMZ dk;kZy;,oa okMZ lHkk dh cSBd,oa lapkyu okMZ dk;kZy; dh laLFkk dks fyf[kr :Ik esa j[kuk okMZ lHkk dk Minute,oa Agenda note Note Book Minute Book,oa Agenda Note fy[kus okys,d O;fDr xzkelHkk fe=,oa okMZ Lrjh; xzkelHkk fe=

Gram Sabha Mitra and their work iapk;r esa izFke ckj dk;Z esa iapk;r ds fofHkUu ?kVdksa,oa O;fDr;ksa ds lkFk ifjp;- fujarj leUo;u xzke lHkk O;ofLFkr djus esa enn djuk- okMZ lHkk djkus esa enn djuk- okMZ dk;kZy; xBu,oa dk;Z djus esa enn xzkeh.k ukxfjd ds f”kdk;r dks fy[kus,oa mlds fu"iknu esa enn xzkeh.kksa dh vko”;drkvksa dh igpku esa enn o ;kstuk fuekZ.k esa enn djuk- iapk;r esa fodkl dk;ZØe ykxw djus esa enn djuk- rdfudh laLFkk ds lkFk loao;u dj mls xzke lHkk dks miyC/k djkus esa enn djuk lwpuk laxzg.k izsj.kk MsHyiesaV Qkm.Msalu ds lkFk leUo;u

Field intervention strategy 2 Gram Sabha Mitra for 2 Panchayats. role of Gram Sabha Mitra is only of facilitator and they do none of the direct works. Formal Agenda by ward sabha and systematic Ward Sabha Gram Sabha organisation Sabha Decisions are time bound in 4 parts – what Sabha will do, what members will do, Mukhiya will do, order or request for service providers Ward / gram sabha members track decisions Facilitation of basic facilities for Gram Sabha (basic is notice board and stationary) Participation of SHGs and volunteers help Panchayat library facilitation Training to Elected representatives and orientation to service providers (govt. as well as non govt.) Informing Block, District and state officials Formal MoU between Gram Panchayat and Prerna

Capacity Building Modules

Training to Ward member and Mukhiya on Ward Sabha Orientation to Service provider Gram Panchayat staff & non govt. service providers Orientation of state or district level officials Sharing with senior level officials

Training topics for Ward Members and Mukhiya : Conducting Ward Sabha and Gram Sabha okMZ lHkk esa v/;{krk djuk 2 feuV dk ifjp; 1 feuV dk /kU;okn Eqknnk,oa eqnnk ij fu.kZ; izR;sd,tsUMk dks i<+dj lqukuk Lo;a lsod dk pquko ppkZ ds fu.kZ; ds vkns’k dks Lo;alsod ls fy[kokuk okMZ lHkk ds lHkh fuoklh D;k dke djsaxsA fu.kZ; dks ysdj dkSu dgk¡ tk,xk okMZ lHkk ls iwNuk vxyh ckj okMZ lHkk esa,tsUMk D;k gksxk ml,tsUMs dks dkSu laxzg djsaxs blij okMZ lHkk tkudkjh ysukA fuj{kj lnL;ksa dks fdl izdkj viuk dk;Z djuk pkfg,A okMZ lHkk ds fiNys okMZ lHkk ds,tsUMs ij D;k dkjokbZ gqbZ i<+dj okMZ esa vHkh rd D;k dke gqvk gS vkSj vkxs D;k dke gksxk bldh tkudkjh nsuk okMZ lHkk esa 'kksj&ljkck gksrk gS rks mldks 'kkUr djuk ;k p;fur lnL; ds }kjk ds }kjk 'kkUr djokuk xzke lHkk D;k gksrk gS,oa xzke lHkk okMZ lHkk ds lkFk dSls lacaf/kr gSA efgyk okMZ lnL; dks fdl izdkj ds izf'k{k.k dh vko’;drk gSA

okMZ lHkk dh vko”;drk D;ksa \ xzke lHkk,oa okMZ lHkk vk;kstu dh izfØ;k xzke lHkk,oa okMZ lHkk ds fy,,ts.Mk fuekZ.k % izfØ;k,oa vko”;drk ljdkj dh ;kstuk,a xSj ljdkjh lsok,a ekSfuVfjax lsok ls lacaf/kr dkuqu dqN mnkgj.k lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e % tkudkjh,oa mi;ksx f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e% tkudkjh,oa mi;ksx lsok dk vf/kdkj% tkudkjh,oa mi;ksx etnwjksa dk vf/kdkj % tkudkjh,oa mi;ksx Training topics for Ward Members and Mukhiya : Concept Ward Sabha

Orientation to Service provider Gram Panchayat staff & non govt. service providers sr. no. Key activity Duratio n (Min.) 1 Welcome by Panchayat sachiv10 2 Address by all Block level officials30 3 Address by Mukhiya15 4 Training 1 : Ward Sabha/Gram Sabha functioning60 5 Training 2 : Role of service providers60 6 Training 3 : Routine monitoring by gram sabha60 7 Open discussion 60 Closer 15 Schedule and module for training. Key purpose of organising the orientation Introduce the Ward Sabha intervention Bring both the key stakeholders on one platform Remove an element of threat Induce confidence level between both the stakeholders Pass message both Ward Sabha/villagers and service provider staff need to contribute their parts

Orientation of state or district level officials sr. no. Key activity Duratio n (Min.) 1 Session 1 : Presentation of Modules10 2 Session 2 : Presentation of Real benefits recorded10 3 Session 3 : Open discussion or we put questions for discussion30 4 How to scale up – recording challenges they see30 Closer 1 Schedule and module for training. Key purpose of Orientation of state or district level officials Introduce the Ward Sabha intervention Open window for larger scale implementation Sensatisation towards its possible to engage larger population on regular basis without much extra efforts Get inputs on usability of project implementation Issue letters and policy statements from state

Sharing with senior officials : continuous communication Communication with officials is one of the tools to sensitise them and bring them closer to Ward Sabha. For us this is a mode of providing them training. Letter contains real examples along with intervention methods and what can be done at state level to facilitate gram sabha and ward sabha

Sharing with officials Meet officials along with benefitted ward member or resident or Mukhiya. Share real examples and key concept notes. Discuss case assuming possibilities of implementation in their geographical area Discuss hurdles or design issues. We get that as an inputs for further design improvements Get their inputs and try to engage in their processes. Help to issue instructions to participate in Ward Sabha meetings. Request for training orientations to larger project implementers.

Large scale impact plans : thoughts

Partnering with District administration and state govt. Providing technical support Sending postcard to all Ward members and Mukhiya Opening help line and training line Funding donation/contributions from non resident villagers Reaching potential donors

Field testing experiences Activities and Support in last 2 years

Key events Before Oct 2009 : Idea formulation and selection of Panchayat for testing of modules. Oct 2009 : Balaurdih Panchayat selected and formal introduction is done. First gram sabha was organised with the assistance of Prerna. March 2010 : First draft of module is prepared. Ward Sabha is included in the module with advise from our advisor team. June 2010 : Gram Sabha activities are discontinued Nov 2010 : Book fair exihibition Jan 2011 : Gram Sabha activities restarted with modified modules but discontinued. November 2011 : Gram Sabha activities in Balaurdih again started bu discontinued and paused December 2011 : Two Panchayats for pilot testing slected work shifted in these panchayats. Formal MoU with one Panchayat is signed Other Panchayat to included in Feb 2012

Gram/ward Sabha organised Total 64 Ward Sabhas conducted Total 4 Gram Sabhas conducted 18 Gram Sabha mitra months of activities Total about 80 days of tools development and related activities. (Tools development period (Balaurdih Panchayat ) : 4 times Gram Sabha was organised. All the Ward Sabha was organised 1 to 4 times tools piloting progress : Ghangh Panchayat : All ward sabha 1 -2 times organised Dec-Jan 2012.)

Pictures of Ward Sabha where we are doing pilot testing In these pictures, all the activities are undertaken by either Ward Sabha elected Member or volunteers or a member of Ward Sabha. Gram Sabha mitra is silent and only present there to assist when there is a need.

Direct Benefits

Direct benefits okMZ lHkk ls ykHk xzke iapk;r jkt] l.Mk] iz[k.M& bLykeiqj] ftyk& ukyUnk okMZ ua0 3 esa jktho dqekj] firk e/ks'k] fjrk nsoh] 'kf'k dqekj okMZ lHkk esa dks vkaxuckM+h dsUnz la0& 13 ds izfr f'kdk;r fd;k fd vkaxuckM+h lsfodk nqykjh nsoh u gh le; ij dsUnz dks [kksyrh gSa vkSj u gh iks"kkgkj forj.k djrh gSaA okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k fd okMZ lnL; tkdj nqykjh nsoh ls ckr djsaA vc vkaxuckM+h dsUnz 13 lsfodk ¼nqykjh nsoh½ fu;fer le; ls dsUnz ij vkrs gSa],oa iks"kkgkj Hkh vPNk ls forj.k djrs gSaA ds okMZ lHkk esa mfeZyk nsoh ds }kjk ;g f'kdk;r fd;k x;k fd,-,u-,e us izlo djkus ds fy, gels 150 :0 fy;kA okMZ lHkk us ;g fu.kZ; fy;k fd okMZ lnL; vkSj mfeZyk nsoh izkFkfed LokLF; dsUnz blykeiqj ds izHkkjh ls dy tkdj f'dk; djsaxsa vkSj,-,u-,e dk Dyk'k izHkkjh ds }kjk fy;k x;k,oa nqckjk f'kdk;r vkus ij ukSdjh ls ckgj gksus dk psrkouh Hkh fn;k x;kA

dks okMZ ua0 12 dh okMZ lHkk esa ls eqds'k us f'kdk;r fd, fd fMyj ukFkwu pkS/kjh de ek=k esa rsy ns jgs gSaA okMZ lHkk us eqds'k dqekj dks vkns'k fn;k fd,l-Mh- vks- dks Qksu djksA eqds'k dqekj ds }kjk,l-Mh-vks dks Qksu fd;k x;k m/kj ls dksbZ tokc ugha feyus ds dkj.k okMZ lHkk us eqds'k dqekj dks Mh-,e- lkgc dks Qksu djus ds fy, dgkA Mh-,e lkgc ds vksn'kkuqlkj fMyj uFkquh pkS?kjh us lHkh xzkeh.kksa dks 250 fyVj rsy fQj ls iqjs xkao dks forj.k fd;kA okMZ lHkk esa fodk'k dqekj 7oka oxZ ds firk ds }kjk f'kdk;r gqvk fd esjs csVs dks v{kj dk Hkh igpku ugha gSA okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k fd cPps dks lHkk esa cqykdj tkap fd;k tk,aA cPps dk tk¡p gqvk okLro esa cPpk v{kj ugha igpku ldkA okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; ;g fy;k fd jkeJ; jfonkl th tks csjkstxkj gSa fo|ky; le; ds ckn vfrfjDr f'k{kk ns jgs gSa] cPpk muds ikl i<+us tk,sxkA cPps esa dkQh lq/kkj gSA ua0 okMZ dh okMZ lHkk esa jktfd'kksj 'kekZ us ;g eqn~nk mBk;k fd gekjs okMZ esa voS/k 'kjkc dk dkjksckj gks jgk gS yksx fidj xkfy;ka Hkh nsrs gSaA okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k fd vxj okMZ esa 'kjkc fcdsxh rks cspus vkSj ihus okys ds eqag ij dkfy[k iksr dj xkao esa ?kqek,sxsaA vc 'kjkc cspuk fcydqy can gS vkSj u gh dksbZ 'kjkc fidj xkfy;ka cdrk gSA

okMZ ua0 3 esa dks okMZ lHkk gqvk] okMZ lnL; ds }kjk,sts.Mk mBk fd jktdh; cqfu;knh fo|ky; l.Mk esa ?kaVh ugha yxrh gSA ftlds dkj.k cPpksa dks irk ugha jgrk gS fd vxyh ?kaVh esa fdl fo"k; dh i<+kbZ gksxhA blds fy, okMZ lHkk ds lHkh yksxksa us fu.kZ; fy;k fd pydj f'k{kd izHkkjh vf[kys'k izlkn ls ckr fd;k tk,] f'k{kd us crk,a fd f'k{kd dk vkHkko gS blfy, ?kaVh ugha yxrh gSA fQj Hkh dy ls ?kaVh fujarj yxsxkA vc jktdh; cqfu;knh fo|ky; l.Mk esa jkst fnu ?kaVh yxrh gSA okMZ ua0 1 esa dks okMZ lHkk esa v:.k ikloku dk dguk Fkk fd esjk yM+dk foV~Vw dqekj oxZ 2 esa i<+rk gS ysfdu viuk uke Hkh ugha fy[k ikrk gSA blds ckn okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k fd okMZ ds lHkh yksx vius cPpksa ds lkFk de ls de 1&1 ?kaVk cSBsxsaA vc foV~Vw dqekj vad igpkuus yxk gSA viuk uke Hkh fy[k ysrk gSA vc v:.k ikloku fu;fer cPps ds lkFk le; nsrs gSaA xzke eksckjd iqj ds fo|ky; ifjlj esa uoy ikloku HkSal cka/krs gSaA okMZ lHkk esa fl;k'kj.k jkmr us f'kdk;r fd;kA uoy th dks okMZ lHkk ds }kjk le>k;k x;kA vc uoy th fo|ky; esa HkSal ugha cka/krs gSaA

okMZ ua0 6 esa dks okMZ lHkk us r; fd;k fd pkikdy pUns'oj ikloku ds ?kj ds mÙkj,oa iwjc xM+k;k tk;] izlknh xq: th dk dguk Fkk fd blds igys okys eqf[k;k eu&ejth ls pkikdy dk LFkku p;u djrs FksA igyh ckj okMZ lHkk ds }kjk LFkku p;u fd;k x;k gSA jktdh; cqfu;knh fo|ky; esa i<+us okyh Nk=k usgk dqekjh 7 oka oxZ] us okMZ ua dk okMZ lHkk esa f'kdk;r fd;k fd ge yksx dks Ldwy esa [ksy&dwn lkexzh ugha feyrh gS] f'k{kd v[kys'k izlkn th us cky lkaln dk pquko fd;s,oa tYn ls tYn lkexzh miyC?k djkus dk vk'oklu fn;sA okMZ ua0 7 esa dks lHkk ds ckn mRØfer e0 fo0 xqM+: esa cPpksa dh 'kS{kf.kd n{krk dk tkap fd;k x;kA iqNus ij f'kf{kdk lqeu dqekjh th crk,a dh izFkeckj cPpksa dk tkap gqvk gSA vkt ls igys,e-vks-,e,oa okf"kZd vuqnku dk tkakp gksrk FkkA okMZ ua0 7 esa dks okMZ lHkk gqvkA lqfuy eka>h uked O;fDr f'kdk;r fd;k fd gekjs cPpk dk uke fo|ky; esa ugha gS,d fnu fo|ky; x;k rks ns[kk fd esjs csVk ls f'kf{kdk 'kkSpky; lkQ djok jgs gSaA okMZ lnL; f'kdk;r i= fy[ks,oa dks gh ch-bZ-vks- ds ikl igqapk,A okMZ lnL; 15 fnu dk le; fy, fd vxj dk;Zokgh ugha gqvk rks eS dksVZ esa eqdnek nk;j d:axkA izkFkfed fo|ky; eksghmÌhu uxj dk ds'k gSA okMZ lHkk ds fu.kZ; ds }kjk esa lqfuy eka>h ds iq= dk uke izkFkfed fo|ky; e[knqeiqj esa fy[kk x;k gSA

okMZ ua0 2 esa dks izFke ckj okMZ lHkk esa r; fd;k x;k fd pkikdy xM+kus dk LFkku vtwZu lko ds ikl xyh ds mÙkj gksuk pkfg,A vkt ls igys dHkh okMZ lHkk esa LFkku p;u ugha fd;k x;k Fkk],slk dguk Fkk okMZ lHkk esa mifLFkr O;fDr;ksa dkA okMZ ua0 3 ds fuoklh jfo dqekj pUnzoa'kh dk vukt okyk dwiu fMyj o`tuUnu izlkn 1 T;knk ys fy, FksA okMZ lHkk esa ekSf[kd f'kdk;r fd;k] gaxkek Hkh gqvk ysfdu rqjUr fMyj dh iRuh dwiu ykdj jfo dqekj ds mij Qsad fn;k] vc o`tuUnu izlkn dk tuforj.k iz.kkyh dsUnz [kqyrk Hkh ugha] 'kk;n can gks x;k gSA ?kVuk gS dkA okMZ ua0 11&12 ds cPps mnwZ izk0 fo0 gsjFkw esa i<+rs gSaA ogka dk O;oLFkk Fkk fd 1 ls 5 rd lHkh cPPks,d gh d{kk esa cSBrs Fks ysfdu dks fo|ky; eqY;kadu ds fy, p;fur O;fDr Qsdw jkeLo:i th x;s vkSj vyx&vyx dejs esa cSBkus ds fy, cksysA vc 3 dejksa esa 1 ls 5 rd dh i<+kbZ gksrh gSA

okMZ ua0 11 ls jkgwy dqekj dh okMZ lHkk esa f”kdk;r fd;s mnwZ izk0 fo0 gsjFkw esa Vh-,y-,e,oa i<+kbZ O;oLFkk Bhd ugh gSAokMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k dh bldh f”kdk;r blh le; jkgwy dqekj ch-bZ-vks lkgc ls Qksu ls djsa]A ch-bZ-vks lkgc cksys fd dy f'kdk;r nqj tks tk,xkA vc izR;sd d{kk esa Vh-,y-,e Vaxk gqvk gSA okMZ ua0 9 esa dks okMZ lHkk esa x.ks'k dqekj,oa Jh fuokl dqekj us f”kdk;r fd;s izkFkfed fo|ky; e[knqeiqj esa cPps e/;ku Hkkstu ds fy, Fkkyh ?kj ls ykrs gS vkSj fo|ky; esa x;s fo|ky; esa Vh-,y-,e ugh Vkxk tkrk gSA okMZ lHkk ds fu.kZ; ij x.ks'k dqekj,oa Jh fuokl dqekj fo|ky; tkdj ogk ds izHkkjh ls ckr fd;s vc e/;ku Hkkstu ds le; cPps ?kj ls Fkkyh ugh ykrsA Vh-,y-,e ij izHkkjh us nks fnu dk le; ekxk

xzke iapk;r& ?kka?k okMZ oklh ds }kjk crk;k x;k okMZ lHkk ls ykHk okMZ la[;k 1] izkFkfed fo|ky; ?kka?k Mhg esa igys nks&rhu f'k{kd vkrs Fks ysfdu vc pkjksa f'k{kd cjkcj jgrs gS vkSj e|kUu Hkkstu Hkh jgus ij curk gSA okMZ la[;k 1 1- eksgu dqekj] iIiq pkS?kjh] eukst lkguh] fojph ikloku] ds dFkukvuqlkj igys,slk ugh gksrk FkkA A okMZ la[;k ]2 vkaxuckM+h dsUnz ?kka?k Mhg esa gSaA igys cjkcj ugha [kksyrh Fkh ysfdu vc cjkcj [kqyrk gS vkSj iks"kkgkj,d ;k <+kbZ eghuk ls ugha curk gSA okMZ la[;k 2 ikoZrh nsoh] y{ehuh nsoh] Hkksyk ikloku] fons'kh eksph ds vuqlkj igys,slk ugh gksrk FkkA A okMZ la[;k 1]2 LokLF;& ?kka?k Mhg esa okMZ la[;k 1]2]3 esa lIrkg esa,d ckj fVdkdj.k ds fy,,-,u-,e,oa vk'kk ?kqedj lHkh fVdk/kkjh dks cksykrs gSa dqN nok ds t:jr iM+k rks miLokLF; ds ?kka?k ljS;k tkuk iM+rk gSA okMZ la[;k 1]2 lquSuk nsoh] jkenso lkguh] /kuyky feL=h] csch nsoh ds vuqlkj igys,slk ugh gksrk FkkA

okMZ ua0 3]4 e/; fo|ky; dsoy foxgk esa u;k f'k{kd dh cgkyh gqbZ vkSj e|kUu Hkkstu jgus ij jkst curk gSA vkSj f'k{kd le; ls tkrs&vkrs gSaA f'k{kk igys ls csgrj yx jgk gSA jkenso lkguh] /kuyky feL=h ds vuqlkj igys,slk ugh gksrk FkkA okMZ ua0 3]4,-,u-,e,oa vk'kk dk;ZdÙkkZ lIrkg esa,d fnu ?kwedj lHkh fVdk/kkjh dks cksykrh gS vkSj nok dqN feyrk gS rks mlds fy, ?kka?k ljS;k tkuk iM+rk gSA Qksfyd,lhM foVkfeu dh xksyh;k nsrh gSA ftudks [kkus dk bPNk gksrk gS rks os yksx ysdj [kkrs gSaA fot;ohj izlkn] ftrsUnz dqekj]] jkts'k jke] eerk nsoh ds vuqlkj igys,slk ugh gksrk FkkA xzke dsoy foxgk ?kka?k esa okMZ la[;k 3 dk dks okMZ lHkk esa fot; izlkn us f'kdk;r fd;k fd vkaxuckM+h lsfodk feuk flUgk >qBks 40 cPpksa dk gktjh cukrh gSA okMZ lHkk us ;g fu.kZ; fy;k fd vkaxuckM+h pydj lsfodk ehuk flUgk ls ckr fd;k tk,A vc vkaxuckM+h esa 40 cPps mifLFkr jgrs gS vkSj iks"kkgkj Hkh jsxqyj pyrk gSA

fnukad dks okMZ la[;k 9 esa okMZ lHkk fd;k x;k ml lHkk ds }kjk jktks ikloku us ;g eqn~nk mBk;k fd izk0 fo0 ednqek esa 'kkSpky; esa rkyk yxk gqvk jgrk vkSj le; ij fo|ky; dk Hkh rkyk ugha [kqyrk gSA okMZ lHkk us fu.kZ; fy;k fd f'kf{kdk lksuh dqekjh ls pydj ckr fd;k tk;,oa le>k;k tk;A vc izkFkfed fo|ky; izfrfnu le; ij [kqyrk gS,oa 'kkSpky; dk rkyk Hkh le; ls [kqyk jgrk gSA dks okMZ la[;k 9 ds okMZ lHkk esa jktdqekjh nsoh] ehuk nsoh us ;g eqn~nk mBk;k fd geyksx dks jk”ku] fdjklu rsy fMyj fojsUnz izlkn ukiuk ls ukidj nsrs gSaA okMZ lHkk us ;g fu.kZ; fy;s fd eqf[k;k th ls f'kdk;r fd;k tk;A eqf[k;k th ¼vuqi pkS/kjh½ us Mhyj dks psrkouh fn;s dh vki vius dke esa lq/kkj ugha yk;s rks vkidh ykb'ksUl jn~ dh tk;sxhA vc Mhyj fojsUnz th lHkh yksx dks mfpr ek=k esa jk'ku fdjklu rkSydj forj.k djus yxsA fnukad okMZ lHkk 5 esa okMZ lnL; f'kotru ds }kjk ;g eqn~nk mBk;k fd mRØfer izk0 fo0 esa f'k{kd ';ke fd'kksj th] lqfuy th,oa izseyrk flUgk ;s yksx u rks Ldwy le; ls [kksyrs gS vkSj ugha gh cPpksa dks i<+krs gSaA vkSj dHkh&dHkh fcuk vodk'k ds Ldwy cUn dj nsrs gSaA dksbZ f'k{kd ugha vkrs gSaA okMZ lHkk us ;g fu.kZ; fy;k fd okMZ lnL; ds }kjk bldh lwpuk eqf[k;k th ds ikl Hkstk tk;A eqf[k;k th us rRdky nks f'k{kd ';ke flUgk vkSj izseyrk dk osru jksd fn;k x;kA

okMZ lHkk ds fu.kZ; dk f'k{kd ij izHkko iwoZ dh fLFkfr iwoZ esa dHkh fdlh f'dk;r ij iapk;r ds }kjk dkjZokbZ ugha dh xbZA fo|ky; le; ls ugha [kqyrk FkkA lHkh f”k{kd fo|ky; ugha vkrs FksA fcuk fdlh vodk”k ;k iwoZ lwpuk ds fo|ky; cUn dj fn;k tkrk FkkA cnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr fo|ky; ds 2 f”k{kd dk osru Hkqxrku jksd fn;k x;kA fo|ky; le; ij [kqyus yxk rFkk lHkh f”k{kd fo|ky; vkus yxsA

okMZ lHkk }kjk fo|ky; Hkze.k dk izHkko iwoZ dh fLFkfr fo|ky; le; ls ugha [kqyrk FkkA lHkh f”k{kd le; ij fo|ky; ugha vkrs FksA fo|ky; esa cPpksa ds mi;ksx ds fy, miyC/k lkexzh dks cPpksa ds chp ugha ckaVk tkrk FkkA fo|ky; esa cPpksa ds mi;ksx ds fy, cus 'kkSpky; dk rkyk cUn jgrk FkkA cnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr fo|ky; le; ij [kqyus yxkA lHkh f”k{kd le; ij fo|ky; vkus yxsA Vh-,y-,e fo|ky; ifjlj esa Vkaxk tkus yxkA fo|ky; esa cus 'kkSpky; dk mi;ksx cPps djus yxsA

fo|ky; esa cus 'kkSpky; dk mi;ksx ij okMZ lHkk }kjk fo|ky; Hkze.k dk izHkko iwoZ dh fLFkfr & can rkyk cnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr & [kqyk rkyk

okMZ lHkk }kjk fo|ky; Hkze.k fnukad dks xzke ednqe ds okMZ ua0 9 esa okMZ lHkk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa 19 iq:"k vkSj 48 eghykvksa us Hkkx fy;k A lcls igys f’k{kk dk,tsUMk FkkA mlij okMZ lHkk ds yksxksa dk dguk Fkk fd fo|ky; le; ij ugha [kqyrk gSA vkSj Vhpj dks le; ij ugha vkrs gS blij ppkZ fd;k x;k vkSj okMZ lHkk us ;g fu.kZ; fy;k dk lHkh yksx py dj f’k{kd ls fo|ky; esa feyk tk,,oa ogk¡ dh okLrqfLFkrh dks ns[kk tk,A lHkh yksx fo|ky; dh vksj izLFkku fd;sA ogk¡ tkdj okMZ lHkk us Vhpj ls ckr dh vkSj ogk¡ dh okLrqfLFkfr ds ckjs esa tkudkjh fy;k okMZ lHkk us Vhpj dks ogk fd fo|ky; izfrfnu le; ij [kqyuk pkfg,,oa ljdkj ds }kjk tks Hkh lkexzh mi;ksx ds fy, nh xbZ gS muds fo/kkFkhZ;ksa ds fy, mi;ksx fd;k tk;s blds lkFk okMZ lHkk ds lHkh yksx lHkk LFky ij pys vk;s vkSj lHkh yksx dh lgerh ls ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd nks yksx fo|ky; [kqyus ls 15 feuV igys fo|ky; tk,sxs vkSj ogk¡ dh fLFkfr nwj ls ns[ksaxs fo|ky; le; ij [kqyrk gS fd ughaA lqcg esa okMZ lHkk }kjk euksfur O;fDr ogk¡ x;s vkSj muds dgus ds vuqlkj fo|ky; esa vk;k lq/kkj igys ds lykbM esa fn;k x;k gSA

okMZ lHkk ds izLrko ij iapk;r }kjk f'k{kd ds fo#n~/k dkjZokbZ okMZ 5 esa fnukad dks vk;ksft okMZ lHkk esa lHkk esa,d iq:"k us f’k{kk ds mij dqN dgus ds fy, lHkk v/;{k ls btktr ekaxs lHkk v/;{k dk btktr feyus ds ckn mUgksaus dgka fd izkFkfed fo|ky; esa rhu f’k{kd gSa mudk uke& ';ke fd’kksj th] lquhy th,oa izse yrk flUgk ;s yksx u rks Ldwy le; ij [kqyrs gS u gh cPps dks i<krs gS dHkh&dHkh fcuk vodk’k ds Ldwy Hkh cUn dj nsrs gSa tSls vkt Ldwy esa dksbZ Hkh f’k{kd ugha vk;k gS tks Hkh cPpk i<+us x;k gS og ogk¡ ij [ksy jgk gSA tks geus ns[kk vki yksxksa ds lkeus dg fn;k vkxs vki yksxksa dh ethZA v/;{k ds }kjk dgk¡ x;k fd bl eqn~ns ij vki yksxksa dk D;k jk; gSA lHkk esa mifLFkr lHkh yksxksa us dgk bldh lwpuk eqf[k;k ds ikl okMZ lnL; ds ek/;e ls igq¡pk;k tk,] uk tkus ;g lwpuk fdlh nwljs ds ek/;e ls eqf[k;k th ds ikl igq¡p x;k vkSj rRijrk fn[kkrs gq, lquhy th,oa izseyrk dk osru jksd fn;kA bl izfrfØ;k ij izsj.kk MsoyiesaV Qkm.Ms’ku ds xzke lHkk fe= us eqf[k;k th ls iwNk x;k fd nks f’k{kd dks osru jksd fn;k x;k gS],d f’k{kd dks osru D;ksa NksM+ fn;k x;k gSA eqf[k;kth dk tokc Fkk fd tks fo|ky; ds izHkkjh gS og ges’kk ljdkjh dke ls b/kj&m/kj ?kwers jgrs gSaA

okMZ lHkk }kjk PDS ij ppkZ,oa fu.kZ; dk izHkko iwoZ dh fLFkfr fdjk’ku 2-5 yhVj feyrk Fkk jk’ku yksxksa dks rlyk & vekud bdkbZ ls uki dj nsrs gS cnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr jk’ku ekud rjktw ls rkSy dj feyus yxk fdjk’ku 2-75 yhVj feyus yxk

jk'ku ekud rjktw ls rkSy dj feyus yxk iwoZ dh fLFkfrcnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr

PDS starts weighting foodgrains fnukad okMZ 9 esa okMZ lHkk dk vk;kstu gqvkA ml lHkk esa,d O;fDr ds }kjk eqn~nk mBk;k x;k fd tuforj.k iz.kkyh ds nqdkunkj jk’ku yksxksa dks rlyk ls uki dj nsrs gS vkSj fdjk’ku ftruk nsuk gS geyksxksa dks mruk ugha feyrk gS flQZ geyksxksa dks 2-5 yhVj fdjk’ku feyrk gS vkSj jk’ku lMk gqvk feyrk gS mudh ckr dks /;ku ls lquus ds ckn v/;{k ds }kjk dgk x;k fd D;k mudh ckr lgh gS blij okMZ lHkk esa mifLFkr lHkh yksxksa us mudh ckr dk leFkZu fd;k] v/;{k us dgk fd blij okMZ lHkk dk D;k fu.kZ; gS lHkk ds yksxksa us ;g fu.kZ; fy;k fd bldh lwpuk okMZ lHkk ds eqf[k;k ls djsaxs ysfdr okMZ lHkk esa gq, fu.kZ; dks fdlh us tuforj.k nqdkunkj ds ikl lans’k igq¡pk fn;kA blij ;g izfØ;k gqvk fd vxys fnu ls yksxksa dks jk’ku] rkSy dj feyus yxk] fdjklu ftruk feyuk pkfg, mruk feyus yxkA blds mijkar,d fnu tc xzke lHkk fe= okMZ u0 14 es lHkk es Hkkx ysus ds oklrs tk jgs Fks rks jkLrs esa mudh eqykdkr tuforj.k iz.kkyh ds nqdkunkj ls gqbZ nqdkunkj us dgk¡ dh jk’ku&fdjklu ge lgh eki&rkSy dj nsaxs ysfdu tks jk’ku lM+k gqvk mij ls ljk gvk vkrk gS crkb ge mldk D;k djsaA xzke lHkk fe= ds }kjk dgka x;k fd bldh f’kdk;r vkt 26 tuojh dh xzke lHkk esa dj ldrs gSaA

Ward Sabha visits Aanganwadi fnukad dks dsoy foxgk okMZ lHkk esa,d iq:"k ds }kjk dgk x;k fd gekjs ;gka vkaxuokMh dsUnz esa cSBus ds O;oLFkk vkt 15 cPps dh gS vkSj ogka ij 10 gh cPps vkrs gS vkSj lsfodk 40 cPpksa dh gktjh yxk nsrh gS vkSj iks’kkgkj dk iSlk [kk tkrh gSA v/;{k ds }kjk& bl,tsUMk ij geyksx D;k djsaxsA lc dh lger ls ;g r; gqvk fd lHkh yksx vkaxuckMh dsUnz dk Hkze.k dj okLrqfLFkfr dk irk djsa rc mlds ckn D;k djuk gS lkspk tk,sxkA lHkk es vk;s lHkh yksx vkaxuokMh Hkze.k ds fy, x;sA ogka ij ns[kk x;k fd,d Hkh cPpk ekStwn ugha gS D;ksafd 1 ct x;k Fkk ogka ij,d feV~Vh dk pwYgk Fkk ftlij iks’kkgj cukdj cPpksa dks fn;k tkrk gS mles jk[k ekStwn Fkk ysfdu cgqr gh iqjkuk Fkk lHkk ds dqN yksxksa us lsfodk ls ckr fd;k fd ;gk¡ ij 10 ls 15 cPps cSB ldrs gSa ckdh cPps dgk¡ cSBrs gS lsfodk us dgk¡ fd ge cPpksa dks ckgj Hkh cSBkrs gS bl rjg lHkk ds v/;{k us dgk¡ fd vki dks ljdkj dh rjQ ls tks Hkh lkeku forj.k ds fy, feyrk gS mldk lgh :i ls forj.k djsa vkSj cPpksa dks cSBus ds fy, O;oLFkk fd;k tk;sA

Resources attracted We are fortunate to get regular advise from some of the world renowned activists and policy advisors. We are hopeful that we will continue getting their advice. Dr. Rukmini Banerji (Director, Pratham and ASER Center) Smt. Gayathri B. Kalia (Policy advisor, consultant to the World Bank) Shri Sanjay Kumar (state team leader, Pratham, Bihar) Shri. Satish Ranjan Sinha (Senior Deputy Collector, Govt. of Bihar)

Financial support Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd in terms of man power, office space, office facilities and logistics Individual donation


Annexure : Videos & photos of key observations on Gram Sabha Gram/Ward Sabha module in book form [in a separate word file] Development and public service list in a Gram Panchayat Our understanding of Gram Sabha

Learning for Prerna team : Videos & photos of key observations on Gram Sabha 1) Gram Sabha is complain Sabha & method of Mukhiya complain 1 at gram sabha part 1 of 3 complain 2 at gram sabha part 2 of 3 complain SOLUTION at gram sabha part 3 of 3 2) Concept of Panchayat Sachivalaya in Panchayat Panchayat sachiwalya PRAHLADPUR 1 Panchayat sachiwalya PRAHLADPUR 2 Panchayat sachiwalya PRAHLADPUR 3 3) A successful Gram Sabha on October 02, 2011 coordinated by Rural Development Department Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna ADDITION DELETION Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna ADDITION DELETION 2nd Oct 2011 venue music and children time Interview Ex Mukhiaya cum Mukhiya pati 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna Interview Ex Mukhiaya cum Mukhiya pati 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna 4. Photos & Docs View photosView photos and scan docs of Ghangh GP 2011 View photosView photos of Oct Mgnregs Dariyapur View photosView photos and scan docs of Balaurdih GP October 02, 2011 contd... Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna part 1 of 3 Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna part 2 of 3 Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna part 3 of 3

Our understanding of Gram Sabha

Our understanding of Gram Sabha part 1 or 2 Gram Sabha is not organized regularly. Participants expect Mukhiya to answer all the queries and expect the Mukhiya to ensure that all individual centric welfare scheme’s benefit reach to them. Gram Sabha when happens it becomes maai-baap sabha where Mukhiya jee listen to complaints or demands of poor and he reply taking base of government benefits that is available to a particular target group of people. Complaints related to personal benefits of govt. schemes (like Vridha pension, BPL, Indira Awaas) mostly unnecessary, dominate discussion of the Gram Sabha. Unconvincing answers lead to noise in Gram Sabha leading to unproductive Gram Sabha. Unstructured Gram Sabha leads to no collective decisions.

Gram Sabha is government scheme centric other than government given agenda or govt. given benefits there is nothing available for discussion. Contrary to the objective, the Gram Sabha turns out to be mere formalities for implementation of Govt. Schemes i.e. govt. centric instead of villagers centric which never inculcate empowerment of villagers. Quality service (public or pvt.) delivery never becomes part of Gram Sabha discussion. It is observed that rather than the Gram Sabha, the informal gathering at a game of cards, at a game of dice, tea stalls in the evening turns out to be a more useful forum for political and local issue discussion including implementation of the government schemes, non govt. initiatives, villagers own initiatives, local politics, and relationship with neighboring gram Panchayats, global issues etc. Our understanding of Gram Sabha part 2 or 2

xzke lHkk ls yksxksa dh vis{kk,a &,d vuqHko xzke iapk;r CykSj Mhg esa 2 vDVwcj] 2009 dks iapk;r Hkou esa vk;ksftr xzke lHkk ds fy, eqf[k;k th ds }kjk cSBd ds iwoZ (,d lIrkg iwoZ ) igyh ckj cSBd dk,ts.Mk fyf[kr :i esa r; dj fd;k x;k],oa xkWo esa xzke lHkk ds lnL;ksa ds Hkkx ysus ds fy, O;ofLFkr #i ls izpkj izlkj fd;k A,d cM+s dejs esa cts lHkk dh dk;Zokgh vkjaHk gksus ds le; yxHkx 200 yksx mifLFkr FksA lHkk esa,ts.Mk ij ppkZ u dj yksx O;fDrxr ekaxksa o`)k&fo/kok&fodykaXrk isa”ku] bfUnjk vkokl] BPL esa uke ij gh dsfUnzr jgs tcfd dqN yksxksa ds }kjk lkoZtfud f”kdk;rsa tSls LokLF; midsUnz ugha [kqyuk] f”k{kd dh vuqifLFkfr,oa e/;kUu Hkkstu esa xM+cM+h Hkh dh xbZA yksxksa ds lq>ko ij lHkk eSnku esa djuk fuf”pr fd;k x;k ijarq yksxksa ds O;ofLFkr ugha gksus ds pyrs lHkk lekIr ?kksf’kr dh xbZA bl nkSjku yksxksa us NksVs&NksVs lewgksa esa eqf[k;k th dks ?ksjdj viuh leL;k,¡ lqukbZA ekaxksa ij gjlaHko enn dk vk”oklu,oa f“kdk;rksa ij eqf[k;k th us dgk fd bls fyf[kr :i esa nas rHkh mfpr dkjZokbZ gks ldsxkA bl izdkj lHkk yxHkx 4 ?kaVs pykA iM+ksl ds 3 iapk;rksa esa tkus ij ;g tkudkjh feyh fd dgha Hkh xzke lHkk dk vk;kstu okLrfod :i esa ugha fd;k x;kA lHkk esa Hkkx ysus vk;s yksxksa ds chp flQZ feBkbZ;ksa dk forj.k fd;k x;kA yksxksa ds iwNus ij eqf[k;k th us iapk;r lfpo ds ugha vkus dk dkj.k crk;kA 2 vDVwcj 2009 dh bl xzke lHkk esa bldh rS;kjh,oa lapkyu esa izsj.kk Vhe }kjk lfdz; Hkkx ysus ls cgqr dqN lh[kus ds fy, feykA

xzke lHkk ij izsj.kk ds izFke 15 fnu ds dk;ksZa dk izHkko iwoZ dh fLFkfr xzke lHkk gqbZ ;kfu fd yksx vk, vkSj ppkZ gqbZ xzke lHkk dh cSBd dk,tsUMk cSBd ds iwoZ ugha rS;kj fd;k tkrk A xzke lHkk dh cSBd dh lwpuk iapk;r ds lHkh yksxksa rd ugha igq¡prk A lHkh yksx viuk gLrk{kj ugha djrs A xzke lHkk dh dk;Zokgh O;ofLFkr :i esa ugha gksrh A tSls &cSBdj dk;Zokgh esa Hkkx ugha ysuk] ckjh&ckjh ls viuh ckr ugha j[kuk] fo"k; ls gVdj ppkZ djuk] dk;Zokgh dk iw.kZ fooj.k ugha j[kuk xzke lHkk,tsUMk ij ppkZ ds foijhr O;fDrxr leL;kvksa,oa f”kdk;rksa gh j[kh tkrhA ;g xzke lHkk u gksdj,d f”kdk;r lHkk izrhr gksrkA cnyko ds ckn dh fLFkfr xzke lHkk ds yksx tek ughs gksrs tSlk fd 3 utnhd ds iapk;r esa ik;k x;k xzke lHkk dh cSBd dk fyf[kr,tsUMk cSBd ds iwoZ rS;kj fd;k x;kA xzke lHkk dh cSBd ds fy, izpkj&izlkj fd;k x;kA cSBd esa mifLFkr lHkh yksx viuk gLrk{kj djus yxsA eqf[k;k }kjk dgk x;k fd yksx viuh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f”kdk;r fyf[kr esa nsaA visf{kr cnyko tks Hkh vkuk pkfg, xzke lHkk,tsUMk esa “kkfey fo’k; ij ppkZ gksuh pkfg, Fkk A T;knkrj O;fDrxr leL;kvksa,oa f”kdk;rksa fuiVkjk xkze lHkk ls igys gks tk,A

Process of one of the Oct MGNREGS gram sabha matches with the modules that we pilot. So we are very hopeful of practicality of the modules we propose. Link Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna ADDITION DELETION Interview Ex Mukhiaya cum Mukhiya pati 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna pictures of that gram sabha Gram Sabha 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna ADDITION DELETION Interview Ex Mukhiaya cum Mukhiya pati 2nd Oct 2011 Dariyapur Patna

Gram Sabha and Ward Sabha strengthening and current focus of our democratic country. Prime Minister stress four areas where government find direct role in development process. Two context is directly linked to Gram Sabha and Ward Sabha strengthening. (Extract from PM’s Address to 56 th NDC.) First, Government must provide a policy environment in which the creative spirit of our farmers and entrepreneurs is given full support and encouragement. Fourth, government must ensure that every citizen must have access to essential public services of acceptable quality in health, education, skill development, provision of safe drinking water and sanitation. Without such services effective inclusion is simply not possible. the end