DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Network Indicators and Success Stories John Butson OPET-CU
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Network Indicators The purpose of NIs The purpose of NIs Where we are today Where we are today Problems encountered Problems encountered Updating NIs Updating NIs Enhancing Performance Enhancing Performance
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU The Purpose of NIs Manage resources effectively Manage resources effectively Monitor progress against targets Monitor progress against targets Focus on Performance Focus on Performance Demonstrate impact on market Demonstrate impact on market Refine programme & approach Refine programme & approach
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Where we are Today Defined NIsOct 98 Defined NIsOct 98 Implemented for ReportsNov 98/Jan 99 Implemented for ReportsNov 98/Jan 99 Review & updateJuly 99 Review & updateJuly 99 Confirm & clarifySep 99 Confirm & clarifySep 99 Definitive valuesNov 99/Jan 00 Definitive valuesNov 99/Jan 00
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Characteristics of NIs Standardised set of indicators Standardised set of indicators Cover Input, Output & Performance Cover Input, Output & Performance Applied/reported at Activity level Applied/reported at Activity level Chosen to facilitate monitoring Chosen to facilitate monitoring Integral part of OPET/FEMOPET work Integral part of OPET/FEMOPET work
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Characteristics of NIs Clearly defined to avoid ambiguity Clearly defined to avoid ambiguity Unique to avoid double-counting Unique to avoid double-counting Can apply to several Tasks/Activities Can apply to several Tasks/Activities Can relate to whole Work Programme Can relate to whole Work Programme Can relate to management/operation Can relate to management/operation
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Input NIs A1ExpenditureFrom Part B Forms A2TimeOPET staff only B1STE ResourcesCU will provide B2OPET CollaboratorsWhat to count B3Non-OPET PartnersWhat to count
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Output NIs C1-3 Request received : Not key NIs D1OPET Events : Identify in Reports and specify that OPET was organiser * D2Other Events : identify in Reports and identify organiser (not OPET) * * Critical NI : information MUST be provided
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Output NIs E1Documents prepared/translated : Not agendas, programmes, flyers etc (not OPET Interim Reports !) * E2Documents disseminated : not invitations, questionnaires etc E3Articles, press releases : not to be included in E1 *
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Output NIs F1Total records held on contacts database: mainly target markets F2Dateabase records accessed/used F3Meetings held/attended : avoid double- counting (events, organisations reached) F4Organisations reached : substantive contacts only (e.g. not just invitations)
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Output NIs G1Studies/strategies/plans prepared : may be prepared by OPET or by client with OPET advice/assistance, generally strategic covering several opportunities (projects/sites) * G2Energy audits/feasibility studies carried out : by OPET or client, generally project or site specific *
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Performance NIs GENERALLY NOT WELL USED/REPORTED H1-2 Technology matches identified : include (successful) partner searches here * H3-4 Proposals advised on/submitted : 3rd party proposals for EC programmes only *
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Problems : Performance NIs H5Investment opportunities : individual RUE, RES or FF projects (sites) * H6Potential investment : capital cost of identified projects H7Potential cost savings : from identified projects (can use payback to derive) H8-9 Energy savings/contribution : care with units (use MWh/y if possible, avoid %) *
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Updating NIs OPET-CU has reviewed & updated all NIs OPET-CU has reviewed & updated all NIs OPETs must confirm validity and answer outstanding queries : do this at AGM ! OPETs must confirm validity and answer outstanding queries : do this at AGM ! Then use NIs effectively in Final Reports Then use NIs effectively in Final Reports Seek advice from OPET-CU if necessary Seek advice from OPET-CU if necessary Try to focus more on Performance Try to focus more on Performance
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Focusing on Performance WHYDefine impact of OPET & Network WHENNow : data needed for Final Report HOWUse existing information sources Use 3rd parties to generate data Follow up Tasks already completed
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Focusing on Performance Examples : Use plans (G1) to identify project/ investment opportunities (H5) Use plans (G1) to identify project/ investment opportunities (H5) Use audits/studies (G2) to identify potential energy savings/contribution (H8) Use audits/studies (G2) to identify potential energy savings/contribution (H8) Follow-up events (D1/D2) to identify technology matches (H1/H2) Follow-up events (D1/D2) to identify technology matches (H1/H2)
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Success Stories Role of Success Stories Role of Success Stories Types of Success Story Types of Success Story Information Needed Information Needed Links to Network Indicators Links to Network Indicators What to do Now What to do Now
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Role of Success Stories Key part of OPET Network Book Key part of OPET Network Book Demonstrate impact of Network Demonstrate impact of Network Identify & promote innovative approaches Identify & promote innovative approaches Promote OPETs & FEMOPETs involved Promote OPETs & FEMOPETs involved IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Types of Success Story Full case-study description (1-2 pages) Full case-study description (1-2 pages) Short mini case-study (half page) Short mini case-study (half page) Statement of endorsement by client etc Statement of endorsement by client etc Other suggestions welcome ! Other suggestions welcome ! FLEXIBLE APPROACH & PRESENTATION, BUT FOCUS ON MARKET APPROACH NOT TECHNOLOGY USED
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Information Needed OPET, Task, Time, Field, Technology OPET, Task, Time, Field, Technology Title, Target Market, Objectives Title, Target Market, Objectives Transnationality, Output & Follow-Up Transnationality, Output & Follow-Up Impact on the Market & Verification Impact on the Market & Verification USE PRO-FORMA PROVIDED BY OPET-CU COMPLETE WHERE POSSIBLE & RETURN
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Links with NIs Essential to demonstrate impact on the target market Essential to demonstrate impact on the target market Performance NIs are the most appropriate and simplest way to do this Performance NIs are the most appropriate and simplest way to do this Output NIs alone are not enough, but they may still be relevant Output NIs alone are not enough, but they may still be relevant NIs used in Case Studies must be verifiable NIs used in Case Studies must be verifiable
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU What to do Now NIsValidate list of NIs prepared by CU Focus on generating Performance Use NIs effectively in Final Reports SSsComplete pro-forma & return to CU Update NIs for SS activities Provide additional info. when asked
DG XIII/D: Innovation DG XVII: Energy JOULE-THERMIE OPET Annual General Meeting - Mariehamn 1999John Butson, OPET-CU Network Indicators and Success Stories John Butson OPET-CU