1 Developing a Federation David Pannell & Tim Reed May 2013
2 Welcome to Suffolk
3 Who we are? 40 practice Federation covering 360,000 patients in East Suffolk – not for profit Started April 2013 – long process of discussion Practices stay independent Designed to overcome the weaknesses of the cottage industry structure Mix of rural/dispensing & urban – mean practice size 9,000 – 1 single hander
4 Objectives 1.Maintain the independent contractor model - build on strengths and develop 2.Help practices address local issues e.g. workload & recruitment 3.Ensure primary care can compete for contracts
5 Our business model Provide patient services e.g. ultrasound etc – generate a surplus Use management infrastructure to provide services to practices Bidding on behalf of practices Reducing costs GP development programme Commercial research offering Recruitment package Retain local feel for members e.g. locality groups
6 Five issues 1.Getting quick decisions – can we compete with the integrated model? 2.What if a practice does not deliver? 3.Extracting cash savings e.g. from back office centralisation 4.Financing the significant start-up costs 5.Need for scale v desire for localness