Jeff’s slides
Kitchener Transportation Master Plan Define and prioritize a transportation network that is supportive of all modes of travel –Cycling –Walking –Transit –Goods movement –Transportation Demand Management –Supportive of Regional initiatives
TDM Plan Long Term Parking Strategy Parking Enterprise Pedestrian Charter RTMP Transportation Master Plan Transportation Master Plan ? Land Use & Planning Policies Cycling Master Plan
Regional Transportation Master Plan The purpose of the RTMP is to establish a multi-modal system of integrated transportation infrastructure and policies that build upon and support the Rapid Transit System and the land use objectives in the ROP. Transit network plan and priorities Active transportation – walking & cycling Transportation Demand Management Intelligent transportation system improvements Inter-Regional transit service integration Road network plan and priorities Policy support Parking Congestions management
Cycling Master Plan Approved in principle Sept 7, 2010 Combination of cycling network, policies, practices and programs 159 km of cycling facilities Key objectives: –Attract new cyclists –Strengthen cycling policies –Create a bikeway network –Increase bicycle parking –Expand programs to support cycling –Increase funding for bicycle facilities –Create a sustainable culture of cycling development
Pedestrian Charter To create an urban environment in all parts of the city that encourages and supports walking Based on the principles of: –Accessibility –Equity –Health and well being –Environmental sustainability –Personal and community safety –Community cohesion and vitality
Transportation Demand Management TDM is a wide range of policies, programs, services and products that affect whether, why, when where and how people travel TDM programs and strategies are meant to encourage greater use of sustainable modes of transportation and trip decision making that reduces, combines or shortens vehicle trips. Goals: –Reduce the demand for parking in downtown Kitchener by encourage travel by other modes –Reduce the use of single occupancy vehicle travel –Support active and sustainable modes of transportation
Cory’s slides
Parking Organizational Review Business Case
Parking Organizational Review Business Case
2003 Council Direction That parking should operate as an enterprise providing a return on investment That the City should continue in the parking business to ensure control That parking subsidies should be considered an economic development tool and be accounted for accordingly
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Business case reviewed 3 options Do Nothing Alternative Parking Enterprise Alternative Parking Authority Alternative
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Business Model Criteria: Develop a user pay system that doesn’t impact the tax base Provide an annual dividend to the City Be supportive of urban intensification and redevelopment Incorporate and be supportive of TDM principles Position the City to maintain existing parking infrastructure and expand when warranted
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Financial Criteria Enterprise dividends to the City will result in a minimal or no levy impact to the tax base Enterprise dividend to the City will be consistent and will be adjusted for inflation annually All future parking related capital expenditures will be the responsibility of the enterprise The enterprise will not budget for a deficit in any year of operation
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Alternative 1 – Do Nothing Major capital programs impact capital budget Not supportive of cycling and TDM initiatives Inconsistent with Council resolution
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Alternative 2 – Parking Enterprise All parking functions consolidated Self fund all operating, maintenance and capital programs Revenue & investment decisions linked City retains full ownership and control Pays yearly dividend Funds Cycling Master Plan and TDM More effective use as an economic development tool Complies with Council resolution
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Alternative 3 – Parking Authority All parking functions consolidated Self fund all operating, maintenance and capital programs Revenue & investment decisions linked Pays yearly dividend Complies with Council resolution City loses direct control of parking operations Business model may conflict with Council policies
Parking Organizational Review Business Case
Benefits of implementing a Parking Enterprise Shifts the onus for the operation and development of parking from the tax base to the parking user Positions the City to develop any future parking in partnership with the private sector Provides consistent dividend to City Removes capital budget impact and fluctuations Parking rate increases fund the Cycling Master Plan and TDM initiatives Provides best integration with other transportation initiatives Supports reurbanization – allows for removal of surface parking lots for more intense development Business model will only allow the development of warranted and fully funded parking expansion Supports higher densities in the core where modal split is greatest
Parking Organizational Review Business Case Recommendations: That a Parking Enterprise be approved in principle as outlined in the attached business case, subject to final 2011 budget approval; That monthly parking rate increases of 10% annually between 2011 and 2014 inclusive be incorporated into the annual budget; That a net tax levy increase of 0.51% in 2011 be referred to the 2011 budget review;
Parking Organizational Review Business Case That the following key principles of a Parking Enterprise be adopted; –That all assets and liabilities associated with the expansion, maintenance, operation, ownership and potential sale of the City’s parking facilities become those of the Parking Enterprise; –That an opening surplus of $1,070,000 in 2011 be funded from the City’s Capital Budget in order to complete scheduled structural repairs in the Duke & Ontario Garage; –That an annual dividend in the amount of $1,750,000, plus annual inflationary increases, be paid to the City from the Parking Enterprise;
Parking Organizational Review Business Case –That the Parking Enterprise annually retain all surplus funds in the appropriate reserve accounts in order to fund all future operating, capital improvement and expansion costs related to the municipal parking operation; –That one (1) Parking Manager position (full-time), one (1) Transportation Demand Management Coordinator position (full-time) and one (1) Transportation Planning Project Manager position (full-time) be approved; and further, –That annual funding for the implementation of the Cycling Master Plan in the amount of $200,000 and Transportation Demand Management initiatives in the amount of $200,000, as may be approved by Council, be funded from the Parking Enterprise