Project AGORA – Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region Project AGORA – Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region Project partner 2nd meeting: Time: June 14-17, 2006 Venue: SPA un konference hotel Jurmala Working language: EN Programme: June 14: seminar “On Impact A and Spatial Planning for Tourism” June 15: open for public: - project progress and achievements - rural tourism, farm toruism, ecotourism, European rural tourism – trends and perspectives Information:
Projec AGORA – improvement of RT criteria ( ) Sustainability criteria included in RT quality scheme: Maintain RT resources (nature, clean environment, healthy food, rural ambience) Maintain individual character of RT, prevent from becoming a mass tourism product Target: long-term competitiveness
Sustainability and RT marketing Leading to ecolables: (if all the sustainability criteria met) The Green Certificate European Centre for Eco and Agro tourism The message of RT criteria: Environment friendly Nature friendly Healthy Traditionally Latvian RT business can apply for:
The Green Certificate – how to apply 1.Application to the office of LC (application form and GC criteria requirements in or or from the office of LC) 2. Inspection visit, Decision by the Certification Commission, Awarding the Green Certificate
Sustainability criteria, affecting the category of quality 1.Environment friendly behaviour code exposed for guests in the house. 2.Locally produced foods offered to guests. 3.Environment and health friendly materials used in building. 4.The buildings are in harmony with the local landscape and local architectural traditions. 5.Disposable tableware not used. 6.Waste management according to the local regulations. 7.Cooperation with local producers of food, souvenirs, etc. 8.Self-assessment of environmental impact, improvement of environment protection measures. See the criteria requirements
RT Quality Scheme “Butterfly” Inspection request and the description of the quality categories found in : Or in the Association’s office (Riga, Kuģu 11, tel )